11 research outputs found

    Unrequited: Asymmetry in Interorganizational Trust

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    Many studies of interorganizational relationships assume that trust between organizations is symmetric. In this essay, we explore the origins of this assumption and examine relevant quantitative and qualitative evidence from the literatures on strategy, marketing, supply chain management, and information systems. We conclude that no systematic evidence currently exists to support the assumption that interorganizational trust is typically symmetric. We explore how the possibility of asymmetry complicates interpretation of previous research on the effects of interorganizational trust. We encourage further research to identify conditions under which symmetry is likely, and offer a variety of strategies that scholars may use to deal with potential asymmetry

    Unrequited: Asymmetry in Interorganizational Trust

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    Many studies of interorganizational relationships assume that trust between organizations is symmetric. In this essay, we explore the origins of this assumption and examine relevant quantitative and qualitative evidence from the literatures on strategy, marketing, supply chain management, and information systems. We conclude that no systematic evidence currently exists to support the assumption that interorganizational trust is typically symmetric. We explore how the possibility of asymmetry complicates interpretation of previous research on the effects of interorganizational trust. We encourage further research to identify conditions under which symmetry is likely, and offer a variety of strategies that scholars may use to deal with potential asymmetry

    Actors' awareness of network governance in child welfare and healthcare service networks

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    To ensure that families with social and behavioral health problems get the support they need, organizations collaborate in child service networks. These networks are generally lead-organization governed. It is assumed that network members have relatively accurate information about the governance mode. However, discrepancies between the formally administered and perceived governance mode could raise legitimacy questions and lead to conflicts, and ultimately affect network effectiveness. Therefore, we investigated to what extent such discrepancies exist and how they might be explained. Hereby, the focus was on the concepts level of trust, interaction, and strength of relationship with the lead organization in the network. A comparative case study was conducted of three inter-organizational networks of child services in different-sized municipalities in the Netherlands in 2018 and 2019. A multiple generalized linear mixed model analysis was used. We found that only a minority of the network members had an accurate perception of the governance mode. This awareness did improve over time. The level of interaction and relationship strength with the lead organization were independently associated with an accurate perception of the governance mode. Trust of a network member in the network, however, had no significant association. These insights underline the necessity to consider network information accuracy as an important variable for understanding network behavior and as crucial for the effective delivery of child services

    Optimization of dynamic product offerings on online marketplaces: A network theory perspective

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    The fierce competition amongst brands on online marketplaces makes the optimization of offerings within this context a significant challenge. To address this challenge, we draw upon network theory and model the degree of competition through consumers’ consideration sets. We use a large empiricaldataset from one of the biggest online marketplaces to explore the dynamic relationship between network position and the degree of competition, and we depict the redistribution of market share of related offerings after adjusting their array. In doing so, we provide a theoretical reference on when and how brands should optimize their product offerings on online marketplaces. We further demonstrate that intra-brand cannibalization relations have a significantly greater impact on the degree of competition compared to inter-brand ones, while intra-brand cannibalization relations represent the main reason for fluctuations in the degree of competition. Hence, contrary to existing theoreticalinsights and practical intuitions, our findings demonstrate that brands should minimize the number and heterogeneity of their offerings within a market segment to increase their sales on online marketplaces

    What do they know?: The antecedents of information accuracy differentials in interorganizational networks

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    A growing body of network studies argues that firms purposefully act based on the network structure and their relative position in it. In this paper, we assess the validity of one of the core assumptions underpinning these arguments: that managers have accurate information about the structure of the network in which their organizations are embedded. We extend theory on interorganizational networks by developing novel hypotheses regarding the antecedents of differences in this network information accuracy between organizations. We test these hypotheses by drawing on a unique data set of two whole networks in the healthcare industry in the Netherlands in which both the “objective” network structure and the organizational perceptions of that structure are assessed. The empirical analyses revealed considerable differences among organizations in terms of the accuracy of their network information, especially with regard to accuracy about different parts of the network. A key finding is that the network position of the focal and the assessed organizations is essential for explaining information accuracy differentials. From these findings, we discuss which network strategies are viable strategic options for which organizations and derive implications for future network theory and research

    The logic behind a cohesive youth care system:Understanding the design, integration and dynamics of complex child service networks

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    A cohesive youth care system that organizes integrated care for children and families in need of help depends largely on the effective collaboration between a wide range of organizations with diverse expertise and resources within child service networks. Organizations in these networks operate across several sectors, such as mental healthcare, education, childcare and nursery, specialized youth care and community services. To date, however, there is little insight into the construction and evolution of complex child service networks.This thesis describes one of the few longitudinal comparative whole network studies in the field of child and youth services, specifically looking at network design, integration and dynamics. A comparative case study approach and social network analysis were used to examine three interorganizational networks, consisting of 65 to 135 organizations from various sectors in the Dutch youth care system. In 2018 and 2019, the data were collected through a mixed-method approach using semi-structured interviews with the network managers and an online questionnaire fielded among the representatives of the network members.The findings offer a promising basis for a cohesive delivery system. The child service networks consist of the desired range of organizations with diverse expertise and resources and the network organizations are connected as a whole; their relationships are often strong and based on the required key processes; and at least some of the expected core organizations have a key network position. However, this thesis also identifies five serious flaws in the Dutch youth care system. Beside the network-level tension between the required strong relationships for integrated care and the limited resources to maintain those relations, the child service networks have to deal with actors’ inaccurate perceptions of network governance, segmented information exchange structures, the lack of linking-pin positions for gatekeepers, and major internal dynamics that jeopardize a successful delivery of youth care. To work towards a more sustainable youth care system that ensures a comprehensive, tailor-made and seamless service delivery to children and families in need, municipal governments should invest extra attention, time and resources to achieve the desired selective integration. They should actively manage the interplay of interorganizational relationships within child service networks. In order to satisfy these network-level demands, municipal governments should develop network-level coordination skills and task-specific competencies. A learning system as promised in the renewed Child and Youth Act should be facilitated as well, which requires a continuous evaluation of and reflection on the logic behind a cohesive youth care system and the permanent monitoring of network-level outcomes. _Een goed functionerend jeugdzorgsysteem is van groot belang. Dat vraagt om sector-overstijgend werken en een passend hulpaanbod. In de praktijk betekent dit dat vele organisaties - van preventie tot zeer specialistische zorg - lokaal in een netwerk samenwerken om kinderen en gezinnen tijdig passende hulp en ondersteuning te kunnen bieden, aangestuurd door de gemeente als verantwoordelijke voor het jeugdbeleid. Om dat goed te kunnen doen, is het streven al jaren: meer samenhang, betere samenwerking en goede aansluiting op hulpvragen. Toch is er maar weinig bekend over hoe organisaties in het jeugddomein zich ook echt in netwerken organiseren, ordenen en manifesteren. Het verkrijgen van een dieper inzicht in deze netwerklogica is het doel van dit proefschrift.Het onderzoek is één van de weinige longitudinale vergelijkende netwerkstudies op het gebied van jeugdzorg waarbij specifiek gekeken is naar het ontwerp, de samenhang en de ontwikkeling van complexe jeugdhulpnetwerken. Daarvoor werden in gemeenten van verschillende grootte drie jeugdhulpnetwerken onderzocht en vergeleken. Die bestonden uit 65 tot 135 organisaties in diverse sectoren zoals geestelijke gezondheidszorg, onderwijs, kinderopvang, veiligheid, specialistische jeugdzorg en welzijnswerk. In 2018 en 2019 werden daartoe de managers van deze netwerken geïnterviewd en vertegenwoordigers van de organisaties kregen een online vragenlijst voorgelegd.De bevindingen in dit proefschrift laten zien dat er al een veelbelovende basis is voor een samenhangend jeugdzorgsysteem. De jeugdhulpnetwerken bestaan uit genoeg verschillende soorten organisaties die met elkaar verbonden zijn; hun relaties zijn meestal sterk en gebaseerd op de taken die nodig zijn: het delen van kennis en overdragen van cliënten; en kernorganisaties zoals Centra voor Jeugd en Gezin hebben een centrale positie in het netwerk, doordat zij met veel andere organisaties verbonden zijn in het netwerk. Er zijn echter ook belangrijke tekortkomingen. Zo vraagt integrale jeugdzorg om sterke relaties tussen veel organisaties, terwijl daar niet altijd tijd, energie en middelen voor zijn; is het voor organisaties onduidelijk hoe het netwerk wordt aangestuurd; zijn er aparte kennisstromen met inhoudelijke of bestuurlijke informatie, wat kan leiden tot onvoldoende aansluiting van hulpvraag en -aanbod; missen cruciale toegangsorganisaties bij het verwijzen van cliënten een centrale positie in het netwerk en komt de samenhang van het hulp- en ondersteuningsaanbod in gevaar omdat veel sterke relaties tussen organisaties binnen een jaar wegvallen.Om te komen tot een jeugdzorgsysteem waarin sprake is van meer samenhang, betere samenwerking en goede aansluiting op hulpvragen, zouden gemeenten moeten investeren in het formuleren en uitvoeren van een selectieve integratiestrategie. Daarbij geldt: wie met elkaar moet samenwerken, doet dat - en wie dat niet hoeft, doet dat vooral ook niet. Het is belangrijk dat er een sterke (informatie)verbinding is tussen inhoud, beleid en bestuur en dat netwerkcoördinatievaardigheden en taakspecifieke competenties van gemeenten versterkt worden. Ook aandacht voor een lerend systeem is cruciaal. Dat kan door continu te evalueren en reflecteren op de logica van een samenhangend jeugdzorgsysteem en permanente monitoring van de resultaten van het netwerk

    Coopetition as an emerging organisational strategy for supply chain resilience: an exploratory study of the UKCS oil and gas sector.

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    Coopetition, a form of inter-organisational relationship that combines competitive and collaborative theories, has gained the interests of academics and practitioners of inter-organisational studies. However, despite numerous extensive coopetition reviews, several questions remain unanswered - especially with regards to the formation of the strategy. Although studies have acknowledged that coopetition can occur unintentionally, particularly among organisations in pre-existing collaborative relationships, it remains unclear how or if the nature of formation affects the performance or outcome of the coopetitive relationship. It is therefore necesssary for continued research efforts into the study of coopetition as an emergent strategy. This research addresses issues in coopetition studies with the specific aim of uncovering the relationship between the formation of coopetition alliances and its performance. The study argues that antecedents for successful intentional coopetition may not apply in coopetition that emerges unintentionally. Using the UK Oil and Gas Industry as a case study, this research investigates some of the factors that can improve the performance of emergent coopetition, such as its management, form of governance and the role of dedicated alliance functions. The study compares the antecedents for successful deliberate coopetition with the performance of unintentional coopetition. Drawing upon research from inter-organisational studies and interviews of oil and gas industry experts, this study proposes some hypotheses and a conceptual model relating to the interactions of the governance structure, control mechanisms, and management on the performance of both intentional and unintentional coopetition. Additionally, it investigates the role of supply chain flexibility on coopetition performance. The structural equation model is tested using empirical data obtained through web-based questionnaires from 380 supply chain professionals in the oil and gas industry. The results of this study confirm that the management technique and control mechanisms have a significant effect on the outcome of both intentional and unintentional coopetition. In contrast, the flexibility of the supply chain has little impact on the performance of the alliance. The study contributes to inter-organisational studies by demonstrating that the presence of a dedicated alliance function and contractual agreements are critical antecedents in the formation of a coopetitive alliance, including emergent coopetition. The study also highlights its limitations and recommends areas for further research