3,357 research outputs found

    A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for ROS using Ontological Semantics

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    This paper presents a novel ontology-driven software engineering approach for the development of industrial robotics control software. It introduces the ReApp architecture that synthesizes model-driven engineering with semantic technologies to facilitate the development and reuse of ROS-based components and applications. In ReApp, we show how different ontological classification systems for hardware, software, and capabilities help developers in discovering suitable software components for their tasks and in applying them correctly. The proposed model-driven tooling enables developers to work at higher abstraction levels and fosters automatic code generation. It is underpinned by ontologies to minimize discontinuities in the development workflow, with an integrated development environment presenting a seamless interface to the user. First results show the viability and synergy of the selected approach when searching for or developing software with reuse in mind.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2015 (arXiv:1601.00877), Stefan Zander, Georg Heppner, Georg Neugschwandtner, Ramez Awad, Marc Essinger and Nadia Ahmed: A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for ROS using Ontological Semantic

    The experiment in living

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    This article engages with debates about widening participation in social research by examining a specific form of public action and knowledge, namely experiments in sustainable living. I propose that these experiments may be approached as forms of social research, and as such offer special opportunities for social research to insert itself into wider societal research arrangements. The article develops the notion of the multifarious instrument which highlights that genres of public action may be put to divergent purposes which may not always be distinguished. I argue that may turn living experiments into critical sites of research, where sociologists may confront and challenge prevailing narrow formattings of the purpose of everyday experiments. I explore this claim further through two case studies: an analysis of sustainable living blogs, and an artistic experiment called Spiral Drawing Sunrise

    Dealing with abstraction: Case study generalisation as a method for eliciting design patterns

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    Developing a pattern language is a non-trivial problem. A critical requirement is a method to support pattern writers with abstraction, so as they can produce generalised patterns. In this paper, we address this issue by developing a structured process of generalisation. It is important that this process is initiated through engaging participants in identifying initial patterns, i.e. directly dealing with the 'cold-start' problem. We have found that short case study descriptions provide a productive 'way into' the process for participants. We reflect on a 1-year interdisciplinary pan-European research project involving the development of almost 30 cases and over 150 patterns. We provide example cases, detailing the process by which their associated patterns emerged. This was based on a foundation for generalisation from cases with common attributes. We discuss the merits of this approach and its implications for pattern development

    Robot Consciousness: Physics and Metaphysics Here and Abroad

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    Interest has been renewed in the study of consciousness, both theoretical and applied, following developments in 20th and early 21st-century logic, metamathematics, computer science, and the brain sciences. In this evolving narrative, I explore several theoretical questions about the types of artificial intelligence and offer several conjectures about how they affect possible future developments in this exceptionally transformative field of research. I also address the practical significance of the advances in artificial intelligence in view of the cautions issued by prominent scientists, politicians, and ethicists about the possible dangers of such sufficiently advanced general intelligence, including by implication the search for extraterrestrial intelligence

    Standardizing an ontology for ethically aligned robotic and autonomous systems

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    Domain-specific ontologies support system design and can establish a framework for fulfilling user-level, safety, or ethical requirements. The IEEE 7007–2021 Ontological Standard for ethically driven robotics and automation systems is the first industry standard to introduce a structure of ontologies concerning robot ethics and related fields, such as data privacy, transparency, responsibility, and accountability, offering a systems science approach to support the ethically aligned design of complex cyber–physical systems (CPSs) and robots particularly. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the main ontological commitments composing the foundation of the standard, the rationale behind their development, together with use cases of applications. Future directions for ethically aligned robotics and artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems along IEEE 7007–2021 are outlined, taking into account the exponentially growing fields of service and medical robotics

    An Ontology-Based Expert System for the Systematic Design of Humanoid Robots

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    Die Entwicklung humanoider Roboter ist eine zeitaufwendige, komplexe und herausfordernde Aufgabe. Daher stellt diese Thesis einen neuen, systematischen Ansatz vor, der es erlaubt, Expertenwissen zum Entwurf humanoider Roboter zu konservieren, um damit zukünftige Entwicklungen zu unterstützen. Der Ansatz kann in drei aufeinanderfolgende Schritte unterteilt werden. Im ersten Schritt wird Wissen zum Entwurf humanoider Roboter durch die Entwicklung von Roboterkomponenten und die Analyse verwandter Arbeiten gewonnen. Dieses Wissen wird im zweiten Schritt formalisiert und in Form einer ontologischen Wissensbasis gespeichert. Im letzten Schritt wird diese Wissensbasis von einem Expertensystem verwendet, um Lösungsvorschläge zum Entwurf von Roboterkomponenten auf Grundlage von Benutzeranforderungen zu generieren. Der Ansatz wird anhand von Fallstudien zu Komponenten des humanoiden Roboters ARMAR-6 evaluiert: Sensor-Aktor-Controller-Einheiten für Robotergelenke und Roboterhände

    Representation of research hypotheses

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    BACKGROUND: Hypotheses are now being automatically produced on an industrial scale by computers in biology, e.g. the annotation of a genome is essentially a large set of hypotheses generated by sequence similarity programs; and robot scientists enable the full automation of a scientific investigation, including generation and testing of research hypotheses. RESULTS: This paper proposes a logically defined way for recording automatically generated hypotheses in machine amenable way. The proposed formalism allows the description of complete hypotheses sets as specified input and output for scientific investigations. The formalism supports the decomposition of research hypotheses into more specialised hypotheses if that is required by an application. Hypotheses are represented in an operational way – it is possible to design an experiment to test them. The explicit formal description of research hypotheses promotes the explicit formal description of the results and conclusions of an investigation. The paper also proposes a framework for automated hypotheses generation. We demonstrate how the key components of the proposed framework are implemented in the Robot Scientist “Adam”. CONCLUSIONS: A formal representation of automatically generated research hypotheses can help to improve the way humans produce, record, and validate research hypotheses. AVAILABILITY: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/cs/research/cb/projects/robotscientist/results

    Exploiting Deep Semantics and Compositionality of Natural Language for Human-Robot-Interaction

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    We develop a natural language interface for human robot interaction that implements reasoning about deep semantics in natural language. To realize the required deep analysis, we employ methods from cognitive linguistics, namely the modular and compositional framework of Embodied Construction Grammar (ECG) [Feldman, 2009]. Using ECG, robots are able to solve fine-grained reference resolution problems and other issues related to deep semantics and compositionality of natural language. This also includes verbal interaction with humans to clarify commands and queries that are too ambiguous to be executed safely. We implement our NLU framework as a ROS package and present proof-of-concept scenarios with different robots, as well as a survey on the state of the art