3 research outputs found

    Interacting with microseismic visualizations

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    Microseismic visualization systems present complex 3D data of small seismic events within oil reservoirs to allow experts to explore and interact with that data. Yet existing systems suffer several problems: 3D spatial navigation and orientation is difficult, and selecting 3D data is challenging due to the problems of occlusion and lack of depth perception. Our work mitigates these problems by applying both proxemic interactions and a spatial input device to simplify how experts navigate through the visualization, and a painting metaphor to simplify how they select that information.N

    Convergência de games e realidade virtual para treinamento de manutenção em redes de energia em linha viva

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Klaus de GeusCoorienntador: Prof. Dr.Sérgio ScheerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Exatas e Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia. Defesa: Curitiba, 2011Bibliografia: fls. 116-135Área de concentração: Mecanica computacionalResumo: T_ecnicas de manuten_c~ao em linha viva s~ao aquelas desempenhadas em redes de distribui _c~ao de energia sem que haja interrup_c~ao no servi_co. Essa pr_atica evita custos e transtornos, por_em _e considerada de alto risco. Assim, a efetividade de treinamento pr_evio _e de grande import^ancia e, portanto, constantes esfor_cos v^em sendo feitos no sentido de buscar recursos que possam melhorar a reten_c~ao de conhecimento e a qualidade da informa_c~ao a ser adquirida. Neste sentido, novas tecnologias tais como aquelas utilizadas nos modernos videogames e em sistemas de Realidade Virtual podem proporcionar experi^encias pr_aticas que outros mecanismos de aprendizado di_cilmente contemplariam, adicionando vantagens relacionadas a seguran_ca e custo. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de treinamento de atividades em linha viva, baseado nas tecnologias de Games e Realidade Virtual. Aspectos relativos ao desenvolvimento de uma solu_c~ao abrangente, contemplando todos os dispositivos de hardware para visualiza_c~ao e intera_c~ao, al_em do conjunto de sistemas de software utilizados, s~ao discutidos com foco em quest~oes tais como custo, facilidade de acesso e manuten_c~ao, tend^encias de mercado, facilidade de uso, aprendizado e durabilidade do equipamento. A pesquisa que fundamenta a proposta da plataforma _nal fornece um levantamento de caracter__sticas e limita_c~oes que at_e o presente momento t^em posto empecilhos ao uso mais amplo e abrangente de sistemas baseados em Games e Realidade Virtual para treinamento de atividades cr__ticas. Aspectos chave relacionados a usabilidade, ergonomia, design instrucional e interface de sistema, al_em do comportamento humano e do sistema cognitivo, entre outros, s~ao identi_cados e tratados. O desenvolvimento proporcionou como resultado pr_atico o prot_otipo de uma plataforma para treinamento de atividades em linha viva, a qual utiliza dispositivos como o Nintendo Wii RemoteR e televisores estereosc_opicos para prover um novo modelo de intera _c~ao e visualiza_c~ao focado na aplica_c~ao contemplada. Um cen_ario completo, incluindo modelos geom_etricos precisos, foram criados e integrados ao prot_otipo, o qual permite a simula_c~ao completa de uma atividade recorrente de manuten_c~ao em linha viva. Funcionalidades foram implementadas incluindo o comportamento f__sico dos objetos da cena, um modelo de navega_c~ao e visualiza_c~ao, e um modelo de sele_c~ao e manipula_c~ao de objetos virtuais. Esses dois modelos complementam-se em um mecanismo de intera_c~ao com o ambiente virtual inspirado em conceitos da computa_c~ao ub__qua e interfaces tang__veis. Uma proposta de avalia_c~ao preliminar do sistema desenvolvido _e apresentada juntamente com os resultados obtidos em sua aplica_c~ao a pro_ssionais da _area. Por _m, as contribui_c~oes cient___cas focadas no aprendizado mediante tecnologias de Games e Realidade Virtual s~ao discutidas.Abstract: Live line maintenance techniques live line are those performed in power distribution networks without the need for service interruption. This practice avoids costs and inconveniences, but is considered a high risk activity. Thus, the e_ectiveness of prior training is of great importance and, therefore, constant e_orts have been made to _nd mechanisms that can improve knowledge retention and the quality of information to be acquired. In this respect, new technologies such as those used in modern video games and virtual reality systems can provide practical experiences that other learning mechanisms hardly account for, adding advantages related to safety and cost. This work presents the development of a training system for live line activities, based on the paradigms of Games and Virtual Reality. Aspects related to the development of a comprehensive, which accounts for all hardware devices used for visualization and interaction, as well as all software systems used, are discussed. focusing on issues such as cost, ease of access and maintenance, market trends, ease of use, learning and durability. The research that supports the proposal of the _nal platform provides an overview of characteristics and limitations that until now have put obstacles to a wider and more comprehensive use of systems based on Games and Virtual Reality for training on critical activities. Key aspects related to usability, ergonomics, instructional design and system interface, as well as human behaviour and cognitive system, among others, are identi_ed and treated. The development of this work has provided, as practical result, a prototype of a training platform for live line activities, which uses devices such as Nintendo Wii Remote R and stereoscopic television sets to provide a new model of interaction and visualization focused on the application. Geometric models were created and integrated into the prototype, which allows full simulation of a recurring activity in live line maintenance. Features have been implemented including the physical behaviour of objects in the scene, a model for navigation and viewing, and a model for selection and manipulation of virtual objects. These two models complement each other, making up an interaction mechanism inspired on concepts of ubiquitous computing and tangible interfaces. A proposal for a preliminary evaluation procedure for the developed system is presented together with results obtained after its application to end users. Finally, the scienti_c contributions focused on technology-based learning through Games and Virtual Reality are discussed

    Whale Tank Virtual Reality

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    Whale Tank Virtual Reality is a novel technique for collocated collaboration in virtual reality. It provides a simple solution for head-coupled virtual reality technology allowing more than one user at a time to observe a 3D scene from a correct perspective. Whale Tank VR employs natural interaction using a large touch screen display. It provides each user with a personal viewport into the virtual scene that may be joined and shared with other users’ viewports in certain circumstances of collaboration. We conducted an experiment to study the influence of head coupling on users’ awareness-and-recall of collocated coworker’s actions. The study employed a simulated collaborative situation under several levels of task difficulty. The results revealed no statistically significant difference in awareness-and-recall performance with or without the presence of head coupling. This suggests that in situations where head coupling is employed, there is no degradation in users' awareness of collocated activity. There are a number of benefits to Whale Tank VR. The head coupling is advantageous because it allows a user to experience the sense of a third dimension and to observe difficult-to-see objects without requiring additional navigation other than natural head movement. The multiple viewports available in our Whale Tank VR technique enable collocated collaboration by seamlessly adjusting the head-coupled perspectives in each viewport according to the proximity of the collaborators to ensure a consistent display at all times.Science, Faculty ofComputer Science, Department ofGraduat