1,312 research outputs found

    A scattering of orders

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    A linear ordering is scattered if it does not contain a copy of the rationals. Hausdorff characterised the class of scattered linear orderings as the least family of linear orderings that includes the class B \mathcal B of well-orderings and reversed well-orderings, and is closed under lexicographic sums with index set in B \mathcal B. More generally, we say that a partial ordering is κ \kappa -scattered if it does not contain a copy of any κ \kappa -dense linear ordering. We prove analogues of Hausdorff's result for κ \kappa -scattered linear orderings, and for κ \kappa -scattered partial orderings satisfying the finite antichain condition. We also study the Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered partial orderings, where Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa is the saturated linear ordering of cardinality κ \kappa , and a partial ordering is Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered when it embeds no copy of Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa . We classify the Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered partial orderings with the finite antichain condition relative to the Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered linear orderings. We show that in general the property of being a Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered linear ordering is not absolute, and argue that this makes a classification theorem for such orderings hard to achieve without extra set-theoretic assumptions

    On Ordinal Invariants in Well Quasi Orders and Finite Antichain Orders

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    We investigate the ordinal invariants height, length, and width of well quasi orders (WQO), with particular emphasis on width, an invariant of interest for the larger class of orders with finite antichain condition (FAC). We show that the width in the class of FAC orders is completely determined by the width in the class of WQOs, in the sense that if we know how to calculate the width of any WQO then we have a procedure to calculate the width of any given FAC order. We show how the width of WQO orders obtained via some classical constructions can sometimes be computed in a compositional way. In particular, this allows proving that every ordinal can be obtained as the width of some WQO poset. One of the difficult questions is to give a complete formula for the width of Cartesian products of WQOs. Even the width of the product of two ordinals is only known through a complex recursive formula. Although we have not given a complete answer to this question we have advanced the state of knowledge by considering some more complex special cases and in particular by calculating the width of certain products containing three factors. In the course of writing the paper we have discovered that some of the relevant literature was written on cross-purposes and some of the notions re-discovered several times. Therefore we also use the occasion to give a unified presentation of the known results

    Decidability of well quasi-order and atomicity for equivalence relations under embedding orderings

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    We consider the posets of equivalence relations on finite sets under the standard embedding ordering and under the consecutive embedding ordering. In the latter case, the relations are also assumed to have an underlying linear order, which governs consecutive embeddings. For each poset we ask the well quasi-order and atomicity decidability questions: Given finitely many equivalence relations ρ1,...,ρk, is the downward closed set Av(ρ1,...,ρk) consisting of all equivalence relations which do not contain any of ρ1,...,ρk (a) well-quasi-ordered, meaning that it contains no infinite antichains? and (b) atomic, meaning that it is not a union of two proper downward closed subsets, or, equivalently, that it satisfies the joint embedding property?Peer reviewe

    Decidability of well quasi-order and atomicity for equivalence relations under embedding orderings

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    We consider the posets of equivalence relations on finite sets under the standard embedding ordering and under the consecutive embedding ordering. In the latter case, the relations are also assumed to have an underlying linear order, which governs consecutive embeddings. For each poset we ask the well quasi-order and atomicity decidability questions: Given finitely many equivalence relations ρ1,,ρk\rho_1,\dots,\rho_k, is the downward closed set Av(ρ1,,ρk)(\rho_1,\dots,\rho_k) consisting of all equivalence relations which do not contain any of ρ1,,ρk\rho_1,\dots,\rho_k: (a) well-quasi-ordered, meaning that it contains no infinite antichains? and (b) atomic, meaning that it is not a union of two proper downward closed subsets, or, equivalently, that it satisfies the joint embedding property

    A Few Notes on Formal Balls

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    Using the notion of formal ball, we present a few new results in the theory of quasi-metric spaces. With no specific order: every continuous Yoneda-complete quasi-metric space is sober and convergence Choquet-complete hence Baire in its dd-Scott topology; for standard quasi-metric spaces, algebraicity is equivalent to having enough center points; on a standard quasi-metric space, every lower semicontinuous Rˉ+\bar{\mathbb{R}}_+-valued function is the supremum of a chain of Lipschitz Yoneda-continuous maps; the continuous Yoneda-complete quasi-metric spaces are exactly the retracts of algebraic Yoneda-complete quasi-metric spaces; every continuous Yoneda-complete quasi-metric space has a so-called quasi-ideal model, generalizing a construction due to K. Martin. The point is that all those results reduce to domain-theoretic constructions on posets of formal balls