27 research outputs found


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    Knowledge Discovery in Database and Data Mining use techniques derived from machine learning, visualization and statistics to investigate real world data. Their aim is to discover patterns within the data which are new, statistically valid, interesting and understandable. In recent years, there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data. Lying hidden in all this data is potentially useful information that is rarely made explicit or taken advantage. New tools based both on clever applications of established algorithms and on new methodologies, empower us to do entirely new things. In this context, data mining has arisen as an important research area that helps to reveal the hidden interesting information from the rawdatacollected. The project demonstrates how data mining can address the need of business intelligence in the process of decision making. An analysis on the field of data mining is done to show how data mining can help in business such as marketing, credit card approval. The project's objective is identifying the available data mining algorithms in data classification and applying new data mining algorithm to perform classification tasks. The proposed algorithm is a hybrid system which applied fuzzy logic and artificial neural network, which applies fuzzy logic inference to generate a set of fuzzy weighted production rules and applies artificial neural network to train the weights of fuzzy weighted rules for better classification results. Theresult of this system using the iris dataset and credit card approval dataset to evaluate the proposed algorithm's accuracy, interpretability. The project has achieved the target objectives; it can gain high accuracy for data classification task, generate rules which can help to interpret the output results, reduce the training processing. But the proposed algorithm still require high computation, the processing time will be long if the dataset is huge. However the proposed algorithm offers a promising approach to building intelligent systems


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    Knowledge Discovery in Database and Data Mining use techniques derived from machine learning, visualization and statistics to investigate real world data. Their aim is to discover patterns within the data which are new, statistically valid, interesting and understandable. In recent years, there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data. Lying hidden in all this data is potentially useful information that is rarely made explicit or taken advantage. New tools based both on clever applications of established algorithms and on new methodologies, empower us to do entirely new things. In this context, data mining has arisen as an important research area that helps to reveal the hidden interesting information from the rawdatacollected. The project demonstrates how data mining can address the need of business intelligence in the process of decision making. An analysis on the field of data mining is done to show how data mining can help in business such as marketing, credit card approval. The project's objective is identifying the available data mining algorithms in data classification and applying new data mining algorithm to perform classification tasks. The proposed algorithm is a hybrid system which applied fuzzy logic and artificial neural network, which applies fuzzy logic inference to generate a set of fuzzy weighted production rules and applies artificial neural network to train the weights of fuzzy weighted rules for better classification results. Theresult of this system using the iris dataset and credit card approval dataset to evaluate the proposed algorithm's accuracy, interpretability. The project has achieved the target objectives; it can gain high accuracy for data classification task, generate rules which can help to interpret the output results, reduce the training processing. But the proposed algorithm still require high computation, the processing time will be long if the dataset is huge. However the proposed algorithm offers a promising approach to building intelligent systems

    An AND-OR Fuzzy Neural Network

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    Fuzzy Membrane Computing: Theory and Applications

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    Fuzzy membrane computing is a newly developed and promising research direction in the area of membrane computing that aims at exploring the complex in- teraction between membrane computing and fuzzy theory. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of theoretical developments and various applications of fuzzy membrane computing, and sketches future research lines. The theoretical develop- ments are reviewed from the aspects of uncertainty processing in P systems, fuzzifica- tion of P systems and fuzzy knowledge representation and reasoning. The applications of fuzzy membrane computing are mainly focused on fuzzy knowledge representation and fault diagnosis. An overview of different types of fuzzy P systems, differences between spiking neural P systems and fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems and newly obtained results on these P systems are presented

    A Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot with the Fuzzy PD Control Method

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    A two-wheeled self-balancing robot with a fuzzy PD control method is described and analyzed as an example of a high-order, multiple-variable, nonlinear, strong-coupling, and unstable system. Based on a system structure model, a kinetic equation is constructed using Newtonian dynamics and mechanics. After a number of simulation experiments, we get the best , , and state-feedback matrices. Then a fuzzy PD controller is designed for which the position and speed of the robot are inputs and for which the angle and angle rate of the robot are controlled by a PD controller. Finally, this paper describes a real-time control platform for the two-wheeled self-balancing robot that controls the robot effectively, after some parameter debugging. The result indicates that the fuzzy PD control algorithm can successfully achieve self-balanced control of the two-wheeled robot and prevent the robot from falling

    Data mining using intelligent systems : an optimized weighted fuzzy decision tree approach

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    Data mining can be said to have the aim to analyze the observational datasets to find relationships and to present the data in ways that are both understandable and useful. In this thesis, some existing intelligent systems techniques such as Self-Organizing Map, Fuzzy C-means and decision tree are used to analyze several datasets. The techniques are used to provide flexible information processing capability for handling real-life situations. This thesis is concerned with the design, implementation, testing and application of these techniques to those datasets. The thesis also introduces a hybrid intelligent systems technique: Optimized Weighted Fuzzy Decision Tree (OWFDT) with the aim of improving Fuzzy Decision Trees (FDT) and solving practical problems. This thesis first proposes an optimized weighted fuzzy decision tree, incorporating the introduction of Fuzzy C-Means to fuzzify the input instances but keeping the expected labels crisp. This leads to a different output layer activation function and weight connection in the neural network (NN) structure obtained by mapping the FDT to the NN. A momentum term was also introduced into the learning process to train the weight connections to avoid oscillation or divergence. A new reasoning mechanism has been also proposed to combine the constructed tree with those weights which had been optimized in the learning process. This thesis also makes a comparison between the OWFDT and two benchmark algorithms, Fuzzy ID3 and weighted FDT. SIx datasets ranging from material science to medical and civil engineering were introduced as case study applications. These datasets involve classification of composite material failure mechanism, classification of electrocorticography (ECoG)/Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, eye bacteria prediction and wave overtopping prediction. Different intelligent systems techniques were used to cluster the patterns and predict the classes although OWFDT was used to design classifiers for all the datasets. In the material dataset, Self-Organizing Map and Fuzzy C-Means were used to cluster the acoustic event signals and classify those events to different failure mechanism, after the classification, OWFDT was introduced to design a classifier in an attempt to classify acoustic event signals. For the eye bacteria dataset, we use the bagging technique to improve the classification accuracy of Multilayer Perceptrons and Decision Trees. Bootstrap aggregating (bagging) to Decision Tree also helped to select those most important sensors (features) so that the dimension of the data could be reduced. Those features which were most important were used to grow the OWFDT and the curse of dimensionality problem could be solved using this approach. The last dataset, which is concerned with wave overtopping, was used to benchmark OWFDT with some other Intelligent Systems techniques, such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN), Genetic Neural Mathematical Method (GNMM) and Fuzzy ARTMAP. Through analyzing these datasets using these Intelligent Systems Techniques, it has been shown that patterns and classes can be found or can be classified through combining those techniques together. OWFDT has also demonstrated its efficiency and effectiveness as compared with a conventional fuzzy Decision Tree and weighted fuzzy Decision Tree

    The Monotonicity And Sub-Additivity Properties Of Fuzzy Inference Systems And Their Applications

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    The Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is a popular computing paradigm for undertaking modelling, control, and decision-making problems. In this thesis, the focus of investigation is on two theoretical properties of an FIS model, i.e., the monotonicity and sub-additivity properties. These properties are defined, and their applicability to tackling real-world problems is discussed. This research contributes to formulating a systematic procedure that is based on a mathematical foundation (i.e., the sufficient conditions) to develop monotonicity-preserving FIS models. A method to improve the sub-additivity property is also proposed

    Learning fuzzy rules and approximate reasoning in fuzzy neural networks and hybrid system

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    Abstract The paper considers both knowledge acquisition and knowledge interpretation tasks as tightly connected and continuously interacting processes in a contemporary knowledge engineering system. Fuzzy rules are used here as a framework for knowledge representation. An algorithm REFuNN for fuzzy rules extraction from adaptive fuzzy neural networks (FuNN) is proposed. A case study of Iris classification is chosen to illustrate the algorithm. Interpretation of fuzzy rules is possible by using fuzzy neural networks or by using standard fuzzy inference methods. Both approaches are compared in the paper based on the case example. A hybrid environment FuzzyCOPE which facilitates neural network simulation, fuzzy rules extraction from fuzzy neural networks and fuzzy rules interpretation by using different methods for approximate reasoning is briefly described

    Intervention in the social population space of Cultural Algorithm

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    Cultural Algorithms (CA) offers a better way to simulate social and culture driven agents by introducing the notion of culture into the artificial population. When it comes to mimic intelligent social beings such as humans, the search for a better fit or global optima becomes multi dimensional because of the complexity produced by the relevant system parameters and intricate social behaviour. In this research an extended CA framework has been presented. The architecture provides extensions to the basic CA framework. The major extensions include the mechanism of influencing selected individuals into the population space by means of existing social network and consequently alter the cultural belief favourably. Another extension of the framework was done in the population space by introducing the concept of social network. The agents in the population are put into one (or more) network through which they can communicate and propagate knowledge. Identification and exploitation of such network is necessary sinceit may lead to a quicker shift of the cultural norm