367 research outputs found

    Quantifying coincidence in non-uniform time series with mutual graph approximation : speech and ECG examples

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    Compressive sensing and arbitrary sampling are techniques of data volume reduction challenging the Shannon sampling theorem and expected to provide efficient storage while preserving original information. Irregularity of sampling is either a result of intentional optimization of a sampling grid or stems from sporadic occurrence or intermittent observability of a phenomenon. Quantitative comparison of irregular patterns similarity is usually preceded by a projection to a regular sampling space. In this paper, we study methods for direct comparison of time series in their original non-uniform grids. We also propose a linear graph to be a representation of the non-uniform signal and apply the Mutual Graph Approximation (MGA) method as a metric to infer the degree of similarity of the considered patterns. The MGA was implemented together with four state-of-the-art methods and tested with example speech signals and electrocardiograms projected to bandwidth-related and random sampling grids. Our results show that the performance of the proposed MGA method is comparable to most accurate (correlation of 0.964 vs. Frechet: 0.962 and Kleinberg: 0.934 for speech signals) and to less computationally expensive state-of-the-art distance metrics (both MGA and Hausdorf: O(L1_{1} + L2_{2})). Moreover, direct comparison of non-uniform signals can be equivalent to cross-correlation of resampled signals (correlation of 0.964 vs. resampled: 0.960 for speech signals, and 0.956 vs. 0.966 for electrocardiograms) in applications as signal classification in both accuracy and computational complexity. Finally, the bandwidth-based resampling model plays a substantial role; usage of random grid is the primary cause of inaccuracy (correlation of 0.960 vs. for random sampling grid: 0.900 for speech signals, and 0.966 vs. 0.878, respectively, for electrocardiograms). These figures indicate that the proposed MGA method can be used as a simple yet effective tool for scoring similarity of signals directly in non-uniform sampling grids

    Driven particle in a random landscape: disorder correlator, avalanche distribution and extreme value statistics of records

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    We review how the renormalized force correlator Delta(u), the function computed in the functional RG field theory, can be measured directly in numerics and experiments on the dynamics of elastic manifolds in presence of pinning disorder. We show how this function can be computed analytically for a particle dragged through a 1-dimensional random-force landscape. The limit of small velocity allows to access the critical behavior at the depinning transition. For uncorrelated forces one finds three universality classes, corresponding to the three extreme value statistics, Gumbel, Weibull, and Frechet. For each class we obtain analytically the universal function Delta(u), the corrections to the critical force, and the joint probability distribution of avalanche sizes s and waiting times w. We find P(s)=P(w) for all three cases. All results are checked numerically. For a Brownian force landscape, known as the ABBM model, avalanche distributions and Delta(u) can be computed for any velocity. For 2-dimensional disorder, we perform large-scale numerical simulations to calculate the renormalized force correlator tensor Delta_{ij}(u), and to extract the anisotropic scaling exponents zeta_x > zeta_y. We also show how the Middleton theorem is violated. Our results are relevant for the record statistics of random sequences with linear trends, as encountered e.g. in some models of global warming. We give the joint distribution of the time s between two successive records and their difference in value w.Comment: 41 pages, 35 figure

    Unbiased diffeomorphic atlas construction for computational anatomy

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    pre-printConstruction of population atlases is a key issue in medical image analysis, and particularly in brain mapping. Large sets of images are mapped into a common coordinate system to study intra-population variability and inter-population differences, to provide voxel-wise mapping of functional sites, and help tissue and object segmentation via registration of anatomical labels. Common techniques often include the choice of a template image, which inherently introduces a bias. This paper describes a new method for unbiased construction of atlases in the large deformation diffeomorphic setting. A child neuroimaging autism study serves as a driving application. There is lack of normative data that explains average brain shape and variability at this early stage of development. We present work in progress toward constructing an unbiased MRI atlas of two year of children and the building of a probabilistic atlas of anatomical structures, here the caudate nucleus. Further, we demonstrate the segmentation of new subjects via atlas mapping. Validation of the methodology is performed by comparing the deformed probabilistic atlas with existing manual segmentations

    Compressive Wave Computation

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    This paper considers large-scale simulations of wave propagation phenomena. We argue that it is possible to accurately compute a wavefield by decomposing it onto a largely incomplete set of eigenfunctions of the Helmholtz operator, chosen at random, and that this provides a natural way of parallelizing wave simulations for memory-intensive applications. This paper shows that L1-Helmholtz recovery makes sense for wave computation, and identifies a regime in which it is provably effective: the one-dimensional wave equation with coefficients of small bounded variation. Under suitable assumptions we show that the number of eigenfunctions needed to evolve a sparse wavefield defined on N points, accurately with very high probability, is bounded by C log(N) log(log(N)), where C is related to the desired accuracy and can be made to grow at a much slower rate than N when the solution is sparse. The PDE estimates that underlie this result are new to the authors' knowledge and may be of independent mathematical interest; they include an L1 estimate for the wave equation, an estimate of extension of eigenfunctions, and a bound for eigenvalue gaps in Sturm-Liouville problems. Numerical examples are presented in one spatial dimension and show that as few as 10 percents of all eigenfunctions can suffice for accurate results. Finally, we argue that the compressive viewpoint suggests a competitive parallel algorithm for an adjoint-state inversion method in reflection seismology.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figure

    Statistical methods for certain large, complex data challenges

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    Big data concerns large-volume, complex, growing data sets, and it provides us opportunities as well as challenges. This thesis focuses on statistical methods for several specific large, complex data challenges - each involving representation of data with complex format, utilization of complicated information, and/or intensive computational cost. The first problem we work on is hypothesis testing for multilayer network data, motivated by an example in computational biology. We show how to represent the complex structure of a multilayer network as a single data point within the space of supra-Laplacians and then develop a central limit theorem and hypothesis testing theories for multilayer networks in that space. We develop both global and local testing strategies for mean comparison and investigate sample size requirements. The methods were applied to the motivating computational biology example and compared with the classic Gene Set Enrichment Analysis(GSEA). More biological insights are found in this comparison. The second problem is the source detection problem in epidemiology, which is one of the most important issues for control of epidemics. Ideally, we want to locate the sources based on all history data. However, this is often infeasible, because the history data is complex, high-dimensional and cannot be fully observed. Epidemiologists have recognized the crucial role of human mobility as an important proxy to a complete history, but little in the literature to date uses this information for source detection. We recast the source detection problem as identifying a relevant mixture component in a multivariate Gaussian mixture model. Human mobility within a stochastic PDE model is used to calibrate the parameters. The capability of our method is demonstrated in the context of the 2000-2002 cholera outbreak in the KwaZulu-Natal province. The third problem is about multivariate time series imputation, which is a classic problem in statistics. To address the common problem of low signal-to-noise ratio in high-dimensional multivariate time series, we propose models based on state-space models which provide more precise inference of missing values by clustering multivariate time series components in a nonparametric way. The models are suitable for large-scale time series due to their efficient parameter estimation.2019-05-15T00:00:00


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    thesisBranched wiring networks are interconnections of wires that provide for the connection of dc and RF (Radio Frequency) components in an aircraft or other type of apparatus or structure. If by age or by mechanical means the wiring network develops a wiring fault such as bare wire, it can cause fire or other types of emergencies which may cause the loss of life and or property. A Steepest Descent Method is applied to the determination of the topology of a network of branched wires from the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) response of the network. Inversion theory is used to derive the equations necessary for the Steepest Descent Method. Functional Spaces are explained, and the properties of the Hilbert Space are used in the minimization of the Misfit Functional. A computer algorithm is written taking into account all a priori information so as to speed the process of finding the wire topology map. The method works reasonably well if the data are perfect (no noise). With the addition of noise the algorithm needs to be modified. Noise causes the impedance values to spread, making the determination of characteristic impedance more problematic