363 research outputs found

    On Lipschitz properties of generated aggregation functions

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    This article discusses Lipschitz properties of generated aggregation functions. Such generated functions include triangular norms and conorms, quasi-arithmetic means, uninorms, nullnorms and continuous generated functions with a neutral element. The Lipschitz property guarantees stability of aggregation operations with respect to input inaccuracies, and is important for applications. We provide verifiable sufficient conditions to determine when a generated aggregation function holds the k-Lipschitz property, and calculate the Lipschitz constants of power means. We also establish sufficient conditions which guarantee that a generated aggregation function is not Lipschitz. We found the only 1-Lipschitz generated function with a neutral element e &isin;]0, 1[.<br /

    Absorbent tuples of aggregation operators

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    We generalize the notion of an absorbent element of aggregation operators. Our construction involves tuples of values that decide the result of aggregation. Absorbent tuples are useful to model situations in which certain decision makers may decide the outcome irrespective of the opinion of the others. We examine the most important classes of aggregation operators in respect to their absorbent tuples, and also construct new aggregation operators with predefined sets of absorbent tuples.<br /

    Constructions of aggregation operators that preserve ordering of the data

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    We address the issue of identifying various classes of aggregation operators from empirical data, which also preserves the ordering of the outputs. It is argued that the ordering of the outputs is more important than the numerical values, however the usual data fitting methods are only concerned with fitting the values. We will formulate preservation of the ordering problem as a standard mathematical programming problem, solved by standard numerical methods.<br /

    Monotone approximation of aggregation operators using least squares splines

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    The need for monotone approximation of scattered data often arises in many problems of regression, when the monotonicity is semantically important. One such domain is fuzzy set theory, where membership functions and aggregation operators are order preserving. Least squares polynomial splines provide great flexbility when modeling non-linear functions, but may fail to be monotone. Linear restrictions on spline coefficients provide necessary and sufficient conditions for spline monotonicity. The basis for splines is selected in such a way that these restrictions take an especially simple form. The resulting non-negative least squares problem can be solved by a variety of standard proven techniques. Additional interpolation requirements can also be imposed in the same framework. The method is applied to fuzzy systems, where membership functions and aggregation operators are constructed from empirical data.<br /

    Power of Continuous Triangular Norms with Application to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information Aggregation

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    The paper aims to investigate the power operation of continuous triangular norms (t-norms) and develop some intuitionistic fuzzy information aggregation methods. It is proved that a continuous t-norm is power stable if and only if every point is a power stable point, and if and only if it is the minimum t-norm, or it is strict, or it is an ordinal sum of strict t-norms. Moreover, the representation theorem of continuous t-norms is used to obtain the computational formula for the power of continuous t-norms. Based on the power operation of t-norms, four fundamental operations induced by a continuous t-norm for the intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) sets are introduced. Furthermore, various aggregation operators, namely the IF weighted average (IFWA), IF weighted geometric (IFWG), and IF mean weighted average and geometric (IFMWAG) operators, are defined, and their properties are analyzed. Finally, a new decision-making algorithm is designed based on the IFMWAG operator, which can remove the hindrance of indiscernibility on the boundaries of some classical aggregation operators. The practical applicability, comparative analysis, and advantages of the study with other decision-making methods are furnished to ascertain the efficacy of the designed method