704 research outputs found

    Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes and Hsu-Anastasopoulos Codes

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    Kudekar et al. recently proved that for transmission over the binary erasure channel (BEC), spatial coupling of LDPC codes increases the BP threshold of the coupled ensemble to the MAP threshold of the underlying LDPC codes. One major drawback of the capacity-achieving spatially-coupled LDPC codes is that one needs to increase the column and row weight of parity-check matrices of the underlying LDPC codes. It is proved, that Hsu-Anastasopoulos (HA) codes and MacKay-Neal (MN) codes achieve the capacity of memoryless binary-input symmetric-output channels under MAP decoding with bounded column and row weight of the parity-check matrices. The HA codes and the MN codes are dual codes each other. The aim of this paper is to present an empirical evidence that spatially-coupled MN (resp. HA) codes with bounded column and row weight achieve the capacity of the BEC. To this end, we introduce a spatial coupling scheme of MN (resp. HA) codes. By density evolution analysis, we will show that the resulting spatially-coupled MN (resp. HA) codes have the BP threshold close to the Shannon limit.Comment: Corrected typos in degree distributions \nu and \mu of MN and HA code

    Performance Analysis and Design of Two Edge Type LDPC Codes for the BEC Wiretap Channel

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    We consider transmission over a wiretap channel where both the main channel and the wiretapper's channel are Binary Erasure Channels (BEC). We propose a code construction method using two edge type LDPC codes based on the coset encoding scheme. Using a standard LDPC ensemble with a given threshold over the BEC, we give a construction for a two edge type LDPC ensemble with the same threshold. If the given standard LDPC ensemble has degree two variable nodes, our construction gives rise to degree one variable nodes in the code used over the main channel. This results in zero threshold over the main channel. In order to circumvent this problem, we numerically optimize the degree distribution of the two edge type LDPC ensemble. We find that the resulting ensembles are able to perform close to the boundary of the rate-equivocation region of the wiretap channel. There are two performance criteria for a coding scheme used over a wiretap channel: reliability and secrecy. The reliability measure corresponds to the probability of decoding error for the intended receiver. This can be easily measured using density evolution recursion. However, it is more challenging to characterize secrecy, corresponding to the equivocation of the message for the wiretapper. M\'easson, Montanari, and Urbanke have shown how the equivocation can be measured for a broad range of standard LDPC ensembles for transmission over the BEC under the point-to-point setup. By generalizing the method of M\'easson, Montanari, and Urbanke to two edge type LDPC ensembles, we show how the equivocation for the wiretapper can be computed. We find that relatively simple constructions give very good secrecy performance and are close to the secrecy capacity. However finding explicit sequences of two edge type LDPC ensembles which achieve secrecy capacity is a more difficult problem. We pose it as an interesting open problem.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Updated versio

    Weight Distribution for Non-binary Cluster LDPC Code Ensemble

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    In this paper, we derive the average weight distributions for the irregular non-binary cluster low-density parity-check (LDPC) code ensembles. Moreover, we give the exponential growth rate of the average weight distribution in the limit of large code length. We show that there exist (2,dc)(2,d_c)-regular non-binary cluster LDPC code ensembles whose normalized typical minimum distances are strictly positive.Comment: 12pages, 6 figures, To be presented in ISIT2013, Submitted to IEICE Trans. Fundamental

    Multiplicatively Repeated Non-Binary LDPC Codes

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    We propose non-binary LDPC codes concatenated with multiplicative repetition codes. By multiplicatively repeating the (2,3)-regular non-binary LDPC mother code of rate 1/3, we construct rate-compatible codes of lower rates 1/6, 1/9, 1/12,... Surprisingly, such simple low-rate non-binary LDPC codes outperform the best low-rate binary LDPC codes so far. Moreover, we propose the decoding algorithm for the proposed codes, which can be decoded with almost the same computational complexity as that of the mother code.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Stability of Iterative Decoding of Multi-Edge Type Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes Over the BEC

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    Using the EXIT chart approach, a necessary and sufficient condition is developed for the local stability of iterative decoding of multi-edge type (MET) doubly-generalized low-density parity-check (D-GLDPC) code ensembles. In such code ensembles, the use of arbitrary linear block codes as component codes is combined with the further design of local Tanner graph connectivity through the use of multiple edge types. The stability condition for these code ensembles is shown to be succinctly described in terms of the value of the spectral radius of an appropriately defined polynomial matrix.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Presented at Globecom 2011, Houston, T

    Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Nonergodic Block-Fading Channels

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    We solve the problem of designing powerful low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with iterative decoding for the block-fading channel. We first study the case of maximum-likelihood decoding, and show that the design criterion is rather straightforward. Unfortunately, optimal constructions for maximum-likelihood decoding do not perform well under iterative decoding. To overcome this limitation, we then introduce a new family of full-diversity LDPC codes that exhibit near-outage-limit performance under iterative decoding for all block-lengths. This family competes with multiplexed parallel turbo codes suitable for nonergodic channels and recently reported in the literature.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Growth Rate of the Weight Distribution of Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes: General Case and Efficient Evaluation

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    The growth rate of the weight distribution of irregular doubly-generalized LDPC (D-GLDPC) codes is developed and in the process, a new efficient numerical technique for its evaluation is presented. The solution involves simultaneous solution of a 4 x 4 system of polynomial equations. This represents the first efficient numerical technique for exact evaluation of the growth rate, even for LDPC codes. The technique is applied to two example D-GLDPC code ensembles.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 200
