4 research outputs found

    Internet censorship in the European Union

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Internetzensur innnerhalb der EU, und hier insbesondere mit der technischen Umsetzung, das heißt mit den angewandten Sperrmethoden und Filterinfrastrukturen, in verschiedenen EU-LĂ€ndern. Neben einer Darstellung einiger Methoden und Infrastrukturen wird deren Nutzung zur Informationskontrolle und die Sperrung des Zugangs zu Websites und anderen im Internet verfĂŒgbaren Netzdiensten untersucht. Die Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert. ZunĂ€chst werden FĂ€lle von Internetzensur in verschiedenen EU-LĂ€ndern untersucht, insbesondere in Griechenland, Zypern und Spanien. Anschließend wird eine neue Testmethodik zur Ermittlung der Zensur mittels einiger Anwendungen, welche in mobilen Stores erhĂ€ltlich sind, vorgestellt. DarĂŒber hinaus werden alle 27 EU-LĂ€nder anhand historischer Netzwerkmessungen, die von freiwilligen Nutzern von OONI aus der ganzen Welt gesammelt wurden, öffentlich zugĂ€nglichen Blocklisten der EU-Mitgliedstaaten und Berichten von Netzwerkregulierungsbehörden im jeweiligen Land analysiert.This is a thesis on Internet censorship in the European Union (EU), specifically regarding the technical implementation of blocking methodologies and filtering infrastructure in various EU countries. The analysis examines the use of this infrastructure for information controls and the blocking of access to websites and other network services available on the Internet. The thesis follows a three-part structure. Firstly, it examines the cases of Internet censorship in various EU countries, specifically Greece, Cyprus, and Spain. Subsequently, this paper presents a new testing methodology for determining censorship of mobile store applications. Additionally, it analyzes all 27 EU countries using historical network measurements collected by Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) volunteers from around the world, publicly available blocklists used by EU member states, and reports issued by network regulators in each country

    Mobile Africa:Human Trafficking and the Digital Divide

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    Mobile Africa:Human Trafficking and the Digital Divide

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    What happens at the nexus of the digital divide and human trafficking? This book examines the impact of the introduction of new digital information and communication technology (ICT) – as well as lack of access to digital connectivity – on human trafficking. The different studies presented in the chapters show the realities for people moving along the Central Mediterranean route from the Horn of Africa through Libya to Europe. The authors warn against an over-optimistic view of innovation as a solution and highlight the relationship between technology and the crimes committed against vulnerable people in search of protection.In this volume, the third in a four-part series ‘Connected and Mobile: Migration and Human Trafficking in Africa’, relevant new theories are proposed as tools to understand the dynamics that appear in mobile Africa. Most importantly, the editors identify critical ethical issues in relation to both technology and human trafficking and the nexus between them, helping explore the dimensions of new responsibilities that need to be defined. The chapters in this book represent a collection of well-documented empirical investigations by a young and diverse group of researchers, addressing critical issues in relation to innovation and the perils of our time