1,131 research outputs found


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    The Theory of Legal Science

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    Social class stratification of the main characters in Stephenie Meyer's The Host

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    ENGLISH: This study aims to discuss Max Weber's social class by using social stratification. Social stratification in Stephenie Meyer's novel is experienced by two classes, that the upper class and the lower class. because there are two classes, there are class differences that lead to conflict between the upper and the lower class, where the upper class has the power, for example, property, land, stately buildings while the lower class is employed. The researcher used Marxist theory and finds the social class in Stephenie Meyer's novel The Host. This research uses literature method, the researcher need a source of library data because this research uses a sociological approach that represents the stratification of class society. The data was taken from The Host novel by Stephenie Meyer. The book consisted of 770 pages in the form of words, phrases or sentences that conducted by the researcher. This research is a literary criticism, in which the researcher discuss social phenomena happens in a work of literature. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method in the form of analysis that focuses on a sociological approach. In this analysis, the researcher uses Max Weber's concept of social stratification in Stephenie Meyer's novel, which focuses on social hierarchies and characters, based on interactions, especially those related to social class interactions. The results of this study indicate social stratification in Stephenie Meyer's novel The Host which includes class based on wealth and ownership of economic resources, which consists of the upper class (such as the Aliens group who has hospitals, shopping places and electronic goods) and lower classes like Melanie and other Humans who took refuge in a cave and have limited food. The struggle of the lower class which is disturbed by the existence of Aliens who come to seize their rights, here Melanie as a tough lower class does not remain silent, she continues to try so that her people do not fall too long under the orders of Aliens, Melanie continues struggling to influence the mind of Wanderer, one of the Aliens who inhabit her body, Melanie influences her people to get out of the orders and colonization of the upper classes. INDONESIA: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas kelas social oleh Max Weber dengan menggunakan teory stratifikasi sosial. Stratifikasi sosial dalam novel Stephenie Meyer ini dialami oleh dua kelas, yaitu kelas atas dan kelas bawah. Karena adanya dua kelas, maka terjadilah perbedaan kelas yang menimbulkan konflik antara keduanya, dimana kelas atas yang berkuasa, misalnya memiliki harta benda, tanah, bangunan megah, sedangkan kelas bawah dipekerjakan. Peneliti menggunakan teori Marxis dan menemukan kelas sosial dalam novel Stephenie Meyer The Host. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kritik sastra dan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis yang merepresentasikan stratifikasi pada masyarakat kelas. Data diambil dari novel The Host karya Stephenie Meyer. Novel terdiri dari 770 halaman berupa kata, frase atau kalimat yang dilakukan oleh peneliti. Penelitian ini adalah kritik sastra, yang mana peneliti membicarakan tentang fenomena sosial yang terjadi dalam karya sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam lingkup analisis yang menitikberatkan pada pendekatan sosiologis. Dalam analisisnya, penulis menggunakan konsep stratifikasi sosial Max Weber dalam novel The Host karya Stephenie Meyer yang berfokus pada hierarki sosial karakter berdasarkan interaksi, terutama yang terkait dengan kelas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan stratifikasi sosial dalam novel Stephenie Meyer The Host yang meliputi kelas, kelas berdasarkan kekayaan dan kepemilikan sumber daya ekonomi, yang terdiri dari kelas atas (seperti kelompok Aliens yang memiliki rumah sakit, tempat belanja dan barang elektronik). dan kelas bawah seperti (Melanie dan Manusia lain yang berlindung di gua dan memiliki bahan makanan terbatas). Peneliti juga menunjukkan perjuangan kelas bawah yang terganggu dengan keberadaan Alien yang datang untuk merebut haknya, disini Melanie sebagai kelas bawah yang tangguh tidak tinggal diam, ia terus berusaha agar rakyatnya tidak jatuh terlalu lama. di bawah perintah Aliens yang merupakan kelas bawah, Melanie terus berjuang untuk mempengaruhi pikiran Wanderer, salah satu Aliens yang menghuni tubuhnya, Melanie mempengaruhi untuk membantu orang-orangnya keluar dari perintah dan penjajahan kelas atas. ARABIC: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى مناقشة الطبقة الاجتماعية لماكس ويبر التي يتم تناولها من خلال دراسة التقسيم الطبقي الاجتماعي في هذه الرواية. التقسيم الطبقي من قبل المجموعات التي تشعر فيها مجموعة واحدة بنفسها. يجب على الطبقة الدنيا الكفاح من أجل حقهم في العودة وعدم خطفهم من قبل الفصل في ستيفاني ماير المضيف. هناك هدفان في هذا البحث ؛ أولاً ، حدد شكل الطبقة الاجتماعية للشخصية الرئيسية ، وثانيًا ، قم بتحليل الطريقة التي تكافح بها الشخصية الرئيسية للحصول على حقوقها. تستخدم الباحثة النظرية الماركسية وتجد طبقة اجتماعية في رواية ستيفاني ماير المضيف. يستخدم الباحث أساليب البحث في المكتبات ويتطلب مصادر بيانات المكتبات لأن هذا البحث يستخدم منهجًا اجتماعيًا يمثل التقسيم الطبقي في المجتمع الطبقي. البيانات مأخوذة من رواية المضيف لستيفيني ماير. يتكون الكتاب من 770 صفحة في شكل كلمات أو عبارات أو جمل نفذها باحثون. تستخدم هذه الدراسة المنهج الوصفي النوعي في نطاق التحليل الذي يركز على المنهج الاجتماعي. في تحليله ، يستخدم المؤلف مفهوم ماكس ويبر للتقسيم الطبقي الاجتماعي في رواية ستيفاني ماير المضيف التي تركز على التسلسل الهرمي الاجتماعي القائم على التفاعلات ، وخاصة تلك المتعلقة بالفصل. تشير نتائج هذه الدراسة إلى التقسيم الطبقي الاجتماعي في رواية ستيفاني ماير The Host التي تشمل الطبقة والطبقة على أساس الثروة وملكية الموارد الاقتصادية ، والتي تتكون من الطبقة العليا (مثل مجموعة الأجانب التي تمتلك المستشفيات وأماكن التسوق والسلع الإلكترونية) . والطبقات الدنيا مثل (ميلاني والبشر الآخرون الذين لجأوا إلى كهف ولديهم مكونات غذائية محدودة). تُظهر الباحثة أيضًا نضال الطبقات الدنيا المنزعجة من وجود الأجانب الذين يأتون للاستيلاء على حقوقهم ، وهنا ميلاني بصفتها طبقة دنيا قاسية لا تلتزم الصمت ، فهي تواصل المحاولة حتى لا يقع شعبها في غرامه أيضًا. طويل. بأوامر من الأجانب الذين هم من الطبقة الدنيا ، تواصل ميلاني الكفاح من أجل التأثير على عقول واندررز ، أحد الأجانب الذين يعيشون في جسدها ، وتأثير ميلاني لمساعدة شعبها خارج النظام وإكراه الطبقات العليا

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    Problems with the system-lifeworld binary in Habermas's thought

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    Dès l'apparition de la Théorie de l'agir communicationnel, les philosophes critiquent le modèle système/monde vécu. Cette théorie de la société repose sur la nouvelle théorie habermassienne de la pragmatique universelle et de son appropriation à la théorie des systèmes de Talcott Parsons. La plupart de ces critiques doutent de la viabilité théorique de d'un modèle binaire de la société. Toutefois, dans cette thèse, je constate l'impossibilité de réconcilier cette nouvelle conception de la société avec les positions politiques antérieures d'Habermas. Il est improbable qu'Habermas aurait pu participer à ces débats tout en défendant sa théorie binaire de la société. Finalement, je constate l'impossibilité de réconcilier ce nouveau modèle théorique avec la théorie du droit développée dans Droit et démocratie. J'arrive à la conclusion suivante : le modèle système/monde vécu doit être modifié ou abandonné

    Law, Capitalism, and the Future

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    It’s Time to Make the Administrative Procedure Act Administrative

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    Environmental Faust Succumbs to Temptations of Economic Mephistopheles, or, Value By Any Other Name is Preference

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    In several of the chapters to his new book, Mark Sagoff begins by telling some story to frame the remainder. One of these is particularly significant for the book: Sagoff retells a New Yorker joke in which the Devil tells the new entrants to Hell that they are leaving right and wrong behind, and entering a world of mere preferences (p. 99). The Devil signifies for Sagoff the economics-oriented policy analyst, and the story is prophetic because by the end of the book, that old preference-counting Devil has caught up with Sagoff. The word environment appeared in the titles of several of the earlier essays on which the book is based, but the book has wisely subordinated that E-word to a subtitle; despite the frequent invocation of natural wonders and scenic areas, the book doesn\u27t really focus on the environment until the last chapter. Nope, this book is about that other E-word, Economics, which is so favored by the Devil. More specifically, at least until that last chapter, the book is about how devilishly daffy economists are when they talk about the environment. Sagoff thinks their clever confusions are at best distracting and at worst antidemocratic (pp. 10, 95-97), and if we don\u27t watch out, they are going to lead us off the ethical path and straight down the road to perdition

    Seeking Relevance: Toward A Strategic Plan for Political Science

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    Surveys suggest that in the 1970s most political scientists wished they had chosen a different profession, a true tragedy, as Ricci (1984) writes. We discuss the causes of alienation, but also offer data suggesting that the situation had improved markedly by 1999. We speculate that this has much to do with a better job market and more realistic expectations about that job market. Nonetheless, all is not well. Both conservative senators and prominent political scientists continue to question the importance of Political Science (e.g., Cohen 1999). The APSA has attempted to increase its relevance by returning to its Progressive roots, attempting to shape public policy in a statist direction. We argue that such attempts will lack empirical power and political legitimacy, and thus will have little impact. Instead, using lenses borrowed from strategic planning and from the public personnel management literature, we argue that our field should build stronger links with the applied world. Second, APSA needs to study and systematize public personnel issues of the field, much as we have already (quite properly) done regarding race and gender issues. Third, we should encourage political debate within the field. This would require valuing political diversity and intellectual flexibility. Finally, to a considerable degree the Political Science niche is that of a prep school for lawyers. This is not the right market for us. Rather, given American voters\u27 remarkable ignorance of the political system, we should take over new markets: undergraduate civic education and the training of secondary social studies teachers. In this way we can, over time, assure both a more rational electorate and our own relevance

    A general theory of the firm: From Knight to relationship marketing

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    The purpose of this paper is to build an integrative framework for our understanding of the firm which would embrace all alternative theories in the field into one logical scheme. There are multiple views of the firm – microeconomic view, transactional costs view, legal view, organizational theory view, resource-based view, knowledge-based view, relationship marketing and others. The main idea of this paper is that all arguments of these approaches may be systematized and built into one integrative framework which may be called a general theory of the firm.theory of the firm, contract theory, opportunism, new institutional economics, new institutionalism, resource-based view, dynamic capabilities, knowledge-based view, open innovations, stakeholder theory, relationaship marketing,