7 research outputs found

    Just an Update on PMING Distance for Web-based Semantic Similarity in Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining

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    One of the main problems that emerges in the classic approach to semantics is the difficulty in acquisition and maintenance of ontologies and semantic annotations. On the other hand, the Internet explosion and the massive diffusion of mobile smart devices lead to the creation of a worldwide system, which information is daily checked and fueled by the contribution of millions of users who interacts in a collaborative way. Search engines, continually exploring the Web, are a natural source of information on which to base a modern approach to semantic annotation. A promising idea is that it is possible to generalize the semantic similarity, under the assumption that semantically similar terms behave similarly, and define collaborative proximity measures based on the indexing information returned by search engines. The PMING Distance is a proximity measure used in data mining and information retrieval, which collaborative information express the degree of relationship between two terms, using only the number of documents returned as result for a query on a search engine. In this work, the PMINIG Distance is updated, providing a novel formal algebraic definition, which corrects previous works. The novel point of view underlines the features of the PMING to be a locally normalized linear combination of the Pointwise Mutual Information and Normalized Google Distance. The analyzed measure dynamically reflects the collaborative change made on the web resources

    Soft behaviour modelling of user communities

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    A soft modelling approach for describing behaviour in on-line user communities is introduced in this work. Behaviour models of individual users in dynamic virtual environments have been described in the literature in terms of timed transition automata; they have various drawbacks. Soft multi/agent behaviour automata are defined and proposed to describe multiple user behaviours and to recognise larger classes of user group histories, such as group histories which contain unexpected behaviours. The notion of deviation from the user community model allows defining a soft parsing process which assesses and evaluates the dynamic behaviour of a group of users interacting in virtual environments, such as e-learning and e-business platforms. The soft automaton model can describe virtually infinite sequences of actions due to multiple users and subject to temporal constraints. Soft measures assess a form of distance of observed behaviours by evaluating the amount of temporal deviation, additional or omitted actions contained in an observed history as well as actions performed by unexpected users. The proposed model allows the soft recognition of user group histories also when the observed actions only partially meet the given behaviour model constraints. This approach is more realistic for real-time user community support systems, concerning standard boolean model recognition, when more than one user model is potentially available, and the extent of deviation from community behaviour models can be used as a guide to generate the system support by anticipation, projection and other known techniques. Experiments based on logs from an e-learning platform and plan compilation of the soft multi-agent behaviour automaton show the expressiveness of the proposed model

    Sharing Linkable Learning Objects with the use of Metadata and a Taxonomy Assistant for Categorization

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    In this work, a re-design of the Moodledata module functionalities is presented to share learning objects between e-learning content platforms, e.g., Moodle and G-Lorep, in a linkable object format. The e-learning courses content of the Drupal-based Content Management System G-Lorep for academic learning is exchanged designing an object incorporating metadata to support the reuse and the classification in its context. In such an Artificial Intelligence environment, the exchange of Linkable Learning Objects can be used for dialogue between Learning Systems to obtain information, especially with the use of semantic or structural similarity measures to enhance the existent Taxonomy Assistant for advanced automated classification

    Symmetry in emotional and visual similarity between neutral and negative faces

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    Is Mr. Hyde more similar to his alter ego Dr. Jekyll, because of their physical identity, or to Jack the Ripper, because both evoke fear and loathing? The relative weight of emotional and visual dimensions in similarity judgements is still unclear. We expected an asymmetric effect of these dimensions on similarity perception, such that faces that express the same or similar feeling are judged as more similar than different emotional expressions of same person. We selected 10 male faces with different expressions. Each face posed one neutral expression and one emotional expression (five disgust, five fear). We paired these expressions, resulting in 190 pairs, varying either in emotional expressions, physical identity, or both. Twenty healthy participants rated the similarity of paired faces on a 7-point scale. We report a symmetric effect of emotional expression and identity on similarity judgements, suggesting that people may perceive Mr. Hyde to be just as similar to Dr. Jekyll (identity) as to Jack the Ripper (emotion). We also observed that emotional mismatch decreased perceived similarity, suggesting that emotions play a prominent role in similarity judgements. From an evolutionary perspective, poor discrimination between emotional stimuli might endanger the individual.</jats:p

    Symmetry in Emotional and Visual Similarity between Neutral and Negative Faces

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-10-31, pub-electronic 2021-11-04Publication status: PublishedIs Mr. Hyde more similar to his alter ego Dr. Jekyll, because of their physical identity, or to Jack the Ripper, because both evoke fear and loathing? The relative weight of emotional and visual dimensions in similarity judgements is still unclear. We expected an asymmetric effect of these dimensions on similarity perception, such that faces that express the same or similar feeling are judged as more similar than different emotional expressions of same person. We selected 10 male faces with different expressions. Each face posed one neutral expression and one emotional expression (five disgust, five fear). We paired these expressions, resulting in 190 pairs, varying either in emotional expressions, physical identity, or both. Twenty healthy participants rated the similarity of paired faces on a 7-point scale. We report a symmetric effect of emotional expression and identity on similarity judgements, suggesting that people may perceive Mr. Hyde to be just as similar to Dr. Jekyll (identity) as to Jack the Ripper (emotion). We also observed that emotional mismatch decreased perceived similarity, suggesting that emotions play a prominent role in similarity judgements. From an evolutionary perspective, poor discrimination between emotional stimuli might endanger the individual

    Web-based similarity for emotion recognition in web objects

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    In this project we propose a new approach for emotion recognition using web-based similarity (e.g. confidence, PMI and PMING). We aim to extract basic emotions from short sentences with emotional content (e.g. news titles, tweets, captions), performing a web-based quantitative evaluation of semantic proximity between each word of the analyzed sentence and each emotion of a psychological model (e.g. Plutchik, Ekman, Lovheim). The phases of the extraction include: text preprocessing (tokenization, stop words, filtering), search engine automated query, HTML parsing of results (i.e. scraping), estimation of semantic proximity, ranking of emotions according to proximity measures. The main idea is that, since it is possible to generalize semantic similarity under the assumption that similar concepts co-occur in documents indexed in search engines, therefore also emotions can be generalized in the same way, through tags or terms that express them in a particular language, ranking emotions. Training results are compared to human evaluation, then additional comparative tests on results are performed, both for the global ranking correlation (e.g. Kendall, Spearman, Pearson) both for the evaluation of the emotion linked to each single word. Different from sentiment analysis, our approach works at a deeper level of abstraction, aiming to recognize specific emotions and not only the positive/negative sentiment, in order to predict emotions as semantic data