78,596 research outputs found

    An Interview with Brooke Stephens

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    Desperate women losing a daily battle against the stranglehold and cycle of poverty: this is what comes to mind when I think of Women and Economic Development. It\u27s an international picture, Third World countries struggling with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. I was challenged to think of any linkage between Women and Economic Development on both an international and domestic level. My search led me to this interview with Brooke Stephens, author and Wall Street veteran of 15 years who has been a senior investment consultant. Stockbroker, and a Registered Investment Advisor. Ms. Stephens comments on financial issues for PBS Nightly Business Reports, BET, CNBC and writes for Money Magazine, USA Today, Black Enterprise and Essence, among others. Her books Wealth Happens One Day at a Time: 365 Days to a Brighter Financial Future and Talking Dollars and Making Sense: a Wealth Building Guide for African-Americans, are published by McGraw Hill. Based in New York, Brooke Stephens has a web site: www.BrookeStephens.com. We started with a discussion on her beginnings which led us to Nigeria and India and ended talking about Black American women and economic development

    Strategic Development Fund: updated guidance

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    Annual accountability returns 2012

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    Privatization and the Public Interest: The Need for Transparency and Accountability in Chicago's Public Asset Lease Deals

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    Examines the appeal and risks of infrastructure privatization and Chicago's history with privatization deals. Recommends public interest principles for future deals, rules and processes for vetting proposals, and a commitment to government transparency

    Strategic development fund : updated guidance : 2007 onwards

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    Annual accountability returns 2011

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    Reframing the Work of Rural Community Development: Case Studies in Innovative Rural Business Strategies

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    Much of community development work in this country is understood in urban terms - densely populated areas with attendant economies of scale, housing issues that can be addressed largely in isolation of economic development and infrastructure issues, micro-level service area focus without the need to address regional economies and housing markets, even simple communications and relationship-building opportunities.None of this is terribly surprising. After all, the community development field grew out of urban activism and experience.The translation of urban revitalization strategies and lessons learned into a rural community development model inevitably highlights the challenges unique to highly varied rural markets. The service area is typically numerous communities, sparsely populated, covering great distances. Absent are highly visible corporate headquarters and other traditional opportunities for local private partnership. Smaller municipalities are less likely to offer a full range of services to complement any nonprofit service delivery system.At first glance the challenges facing rural development seem daunting. Needs -- or everything that seems to be so glaringly absent -- outweigh assets. However, rural markets are well worth a second look. In the few years since NeighborWorks America launched its Rural Initiative, we've uncovered astonishing examples of innovation with enormous community impact in some of the most challenging markets in America.We think these innovations are well worth sharing. Rural markets are often the emerging markets for expanding regional economies. The closer we look at the work being done by community based organizations, and in particular, chartered members of the NeighborWorks network, the more we realize that these organizations function as front line economic engines for increased homeownership, infrastructure improvements, job creation and retention.This report documents the compelling attributes of six business strategies that are successfully transforming diverse rural markets across America. Our hope is that this exciting new information, the first of a series, will stimulate numerous and varied adaptations within the community development field and spur additional investment in rural development by the private and public sectors

    Cash & Compassion: The Somali Diaspora's Role in Relief, Development & Peacebuilding

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    This research report, commissioned by UNDP Somalia, is based on work done in six diaspora hubs (Dubai, London, Minneapolis, Nairobi, Oslo, and Toronto) as well as in Somaliland, Puntland and South/Central Somalia. It examines the involvement of Somalis in the diaspora in dynamics in their country of origin, including collective and social remittances. Volume 1 contains the full report. Volume 2 contains the research guides, terms of reference and other annexes

    On a Mission: Investing for US Health Impact in 2014

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    Mission investing has been gaining attention in philanthropic circles as a way to leverage capital and develop partnerships with mission-focused enterprises -- both for-profit and nonprofit.This survey of US-based investors examines mission investing in domestic health. The survey was not comprehensive of all mission investors, but it was intended to encourage participation in on-going data-gathering efforts. Participating organizations included foundations and other social investors that have a domestic health impact focus
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