152,627 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the relative importance of previous web-based course familiarity, computer ownership, computer use (years), amount of time spent on a computer (hours/day), social media use (Facebook), e-mail checking frequency, and smartphone use on online readiness of students. These are often provided as selective demographic characteristics in online learning readiness literature, yet their relative importance on online readiness has not been studied. The study was conducted on 633 male military vocational college students, involved in an online teaching environment. Online Learning Readiness Scale and a detailed information sheet were used for data collection purposes. The data were analyzed through a hierarchical linear regression analysis in four steps. According to results, nearly 17% of the variation in studentsā€™ online learning readiness levels was explained by the predictor variables. First, as pre-entry characteristics, previous web-based course familiarity, computer ownership, texting and Internet use by a mobile phone explained 8%. In the second order, variables referring further engagement behaviors with technology, computer use in years and the amount of time spent on a computer (hours/day) explained an extra 4.5%. Third, the variables, corresponding to regular/habitual use, Facebook use and e-mail checking frequency, explained another 4.5%. The results indicated that previous web-based course familiarity, the computer use (years) and e-mail checking frequency were the significant variables, predicting students' readiness to online learning.Ā  Article visualizations

    Media Downloading, Uploading, and Sharing Among College Students

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    On many occasions over recent years the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has made national headlines with its large-scale effort to launch civil suits against individuals alleged to be involved in illegal downloading of copyrighted material over the Internet including many college students. By reputation, college students are among the most active users of digital media obtained through peer-to-peer downloading and similar techniques. We conducted a three-phase study to understand student beliefs and behavior in the areas of media downloading, copyright, intellectual property ownership, and computing security. The research included a small cohort of personal interviews, an anonymous paper and pencil survey of 164 students, and a Web-based survey with 402 respondents

    From Gatekeeping to Engagement: A Multicontextual, Mixed Method Study of Student Academic Engagement in Introductory STEM Courses.

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    The lack of academic engagement in introductory science courses is considered by some to be a primary reason why students switch out of science majors. This study employed a sequential, explanatory mixed methods approach to provide a richer understanding of the relationship between student engagement and introductory science instruction. Quantitative survey data were drawn from 2,873 students within 73 introductory science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses across 15 colleges and universities, and qualitative data were collected from 41 student focus groups at eight of these institutions. The findings indicate that students tended to be more engaged in courses where the instructor consistently signaled an openness to student questions and recognizes her/his role in helping students succeed. Likewise, students who reported feeling comfortable asking questions in class, seeking out tutoring, attending supplemental instruction sessions, and collaborating with other students in the course were also more likely to be engaged. Instructional implications for improving students' levels of academic engagement are discussed

    Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Abstracts 2004

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    Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2004

    Cognitive and Social Help Giving in Online Teaching: An Exploratory Study

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    While literature suggests that college students may be less reluctant to seek help in online rather than traditional courses, little is known about how online instructors give help in ways that lead to increased student help seeking and academic success. In this study, we used theories and research on learning assistance and scaffolding, teacher immediacy, social presence, and academic help seeking to explore through a cross-case study design how three online instructors differed in their use of cognitive and social supports and how those differences related to student perceptions of support, help seeking, and performance. Primary data sources included all course postings by the instructors, interviews with the instructors, observational ļ¬eld notes on course discussions, student interviews, and ļ¬nal student grades. Archived course documents and student discussion postings were secondary data sources. Data analysis revealed that while all instructors provided cognitive and social support, they varied in their level of questioning, use of direct instruction, support for task structuring, and attention to group dynamics. This variation in teaching presence related to differences across the courses in student perceptions of support, student help seeking in course discussions, and ļ¬nal course grades. Implications for online teaching and suggestions for further research are offered

    Civic Identities, Online Technologies: From Designing Civics Curriculum to Supporting Civic Experiences

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    Part of the Volume on Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth.Youth today are often criticized for their lack of civic participation and involvement in political life. Technology has been blamed, amongst many other causes, for fostering social isolation and youth's retreat into a private world disconnected from their communities. However, current research is beginning to indicate that these might be inaccurate perceptions. The Internet has provided new opportunities to create communities that extend beyond geographic boundaries, to engage in civic and volunteering activities across local and national frontiers, to learn about political life, and to experience the challenges of democratic participation. How do we leverage youth's interest in new technologies by developing technology-based educational programs to promote civic engagement? This chapter explores this question by proposing socio-technical design elements to be considered when developing technology-rich experiences. It presents a typology to guide the design of Internet-based interventions, taking into account both the affordances of the technology and the educational approach to the use of the technology. It also presents a pilot experience in a northeastern university that offered a pre-orientation program in which incoming freshman designed a three-dimensional virtual campus of the future and developed new policies and programs to strengthen the relationship between college campus and neighbor communities

    Assessing the Readiness of Nairobi Deaf Youth to Accept a Best-practice HIV/AIDS Intervention

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    After nearly forty years of HIV/AIDS research in the global community, data on HIV/AIDS in the Deaf population is still disproportionately neglected. No surveillance system is in place to monitor prevalence, awareness or mode of HIV infection in the Deaf community. Additionally, prevention and education interventions have yet to be tailored to meet the specific needs of this highly vulnerable population. Purpose: This project attempted to assess the readiness of the Nairobi Deaf youth community to accept a best-practice HIV/AIDS intervention. The broad objective of this research was to assess HIV awareness, perceptions and behaviors of Deaf youth in regards to HIV/AIDS in Nairobi, Kenya. Method: This project used the snowball sampling method to conduct a survey using a combination of pre-coded, and open-answer questions conducted with 60 Deaf youth (18-35) in Nairobi, Kenya. Interviews included topics of HIV/AIDS knowledge, risk perception, and risk behaviors. Results: The Nairobi Deaf youth community is unequipped to accept a best practice HIV/AIDS intervention at this time. Efforts need to be made to increase risk perception and develop social support. Also, comprehensive prevalence research needs to be conducted in this population. Conclusion: Based on the data collected in this survey and a review of literature, a peer-led, extracurricular education campaign seems to be the most acceptable best-practice intervention for targeting Deaf youth. Additionally, a supplementary, video-based, multifaceted language component would be suggested

    Faculty and Student Perceptions of Technology Integration in Teaching

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    This journal article discusses a study examining the perceptions of faculty and students on the topic of technology integration in the teaching of courses at a Midwestern College of Education. The purposes of this study are to collect baseline data to identify the current extent of technology integration, to inform the strategic planning process, and for accreditation purposes. The article from "The Journal of Interactive Online Learning," describes faculty comfort levels and proficiency with technology, faculty perceptions and frequency with which they use technology, and student perceptions of technology use and impact on their learning. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

    Behavior Management

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    Behavior management strategies are extremely influential in a successful classroom setting. Curriculum is obviously a major concern of education reform, but can students really learn the curriculum in a classroom that is not well managed? Having a classroom that is well managed allows for students to take the risks they need to in order to access new knowledge and grow as citizens of our communities. Carefully designed survey questions were distributed to multiple educators in a school of poverty to gauge the feelings of those working in the classroom on the successes and hardships of behavior management programs. Data collection occurred anonymously. Completed surveys were then analyzed for common themes of successful strategies found among educators of students living in poverty. Keywords: behavior management, poverty, Positive Behavior Management Strategies, PBI

    The Role and Relevance of Rankings in Higher Education Policymaking

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    Explores the rise of college rankings, similarities and differences from postsecondary assessment efforts, and factors behind their limited relevance to policy such as their effect on institutional behaviors. Recommends ways to enhance policy relevance
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