13 research outputs found

    Sentiment Analysis from Indonesian Twitter Data Using Support Vector Machine And Query Expansion Ranking

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    Sentiment analysis is a computational study of a sentiment opinion and an overflow of feelings expressed in textual form. Twitter has become a popular social network among Indonesians. As a public figure running for president of Indonesia, public opinion is very important to see and consider the popularity of a presidential candidate. Media has become one of the important tools used to increase electability. However, it is not easy to analyze sentiments from tweets on Twitter apps, because it contains unstructured text, especially Indonesian text. The purpose of this research is to classify Indonesian twitter data into positive and negative sentiments polarity using Support Vector Machine and Query Expansion Ranking so that the information contained therein can be extracted and from the observed data can provide useful information for those in need. Several stages in the research include Crawling Data, Data Preprocessing, Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), Feature Selection Query Expansion Ranking, and data classification using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. To find out the performance of this classification process, it will be entered into a configuration matrix. By using a discussion matrix, the results show that calcification using the proposed reached accuracy and F-measure score in 77% and 68% respectively

    A Review on Web Page Classification

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    With the increase in digital documents on the world wide web and an increase in the number of webpages and blogs which are common sources for providing users with news about current events, aggregating and categorizing information from these sources seems to be a daunting task as the volume of digital documents available online is growing exponentially. Although several benefits can accrue from the accurate classification of such documents into their respective categories such as providing tools that help people to find, filter and analyze digital information on the web amongst others. Accurate classification of these documents into their respective categories is dependent on the quality of training dataset which is dependent on the preprocessing techniques. Existing literature in this area of web page classification identified that better document representation techniques would reduce the training and testing time, improve the classification accuracy, precision and recall of classifier. In this paper, we give an overview of web page classification with an in-depth study of the web classification process, while at the same time making awareness of the need for an adequate document representation technique as this helps capture the semantics of document and-also contribute to reduce the problem of high dimensionality

    Optimal Feature Subset Selection Based on Combining Document Frequency and Term Frequency for Text Classification

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    Feature selection plays a vital role to reduce the high dimension of the feature space in the text document classification problem. The dimension reduction of feature space reduces the computation cost and improves the text classification system accuracy. Hence, the identification of a proper subset of the significant features of the text corpus is needed to classify the data in less computational time with higher accuracy. In this proposed research, a novel feature selection method which combines the document frequency and the term frequency (FS-DFTF) is used to measure the significance of a term. The optimal feature subset which is selected by our proposed work is evaluated using Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine classifier with various popular benchmark text corpus datasets. The experimental outcome confirms that the proposed method has a better classification accuracy when compared with other feature selection techniques

    Web Page Multiclass Classification

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    As the internet age evolves, the volume of content hosted on the Web is rapidly expanding. With this ever-expanding content, the capability to accurately categorize web pages is a current challenge to serve many use cases. This paper proposes a variation in the approach to text preprocessing pipeline whereby noun phrase extraction is performed first followed by lemmatization, contraction expansion, removing special characters, removing extra white space, lower casing, and removal of stop words. The first step of noun phrase extraction is aimed at reducing the set of terms to those that best describe what the web pages are about to improve the categorization capabilities of the model. Separately, a text preprocessing using keyword extraction is evaluated. In addition to the text preprocessing techniques mentioned, feature reduction techniques are applied to optimize model performance. Several modeling techniques are examined using these two approaches and are compared to a baseline model. The baseline model is a Support Vector Machine with linear kernel and is based on text preprocessing and feature reduction techniques that do not include noun phrase extraction or keyword extraction and uses stemming rather than lemmatization. The recommended SVM One-Versus-One model based on noun phrase extraction and lemmatization during text preprocessing shows an accuracy improvement over the baseline model of nearly 1% and a 5-fold reduction in misclassification of web pages as undesirable categories

    A Review on Web Page Classification

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    With the increase in digital documents on the world wide web and an increase in the number of webpages and blogs which are common sources for providing users with news about current events, aggregating and categorizing information from these sources seems to be a daunting task as the volume of digital documents available online is growing exponentially. Although several benefits can accrue from the accurate classification of such documents into their respective categories such as providing tools that help people to find, filter and analyze digital information on the web amongst others. Accurate classification of these documents into their respective categories is dependent on the quality of training dataset which is dependent on the preprocessing techniques. Existing literature in this area of web page classification identified that better document representation techniques would reduce the training and testing time, improve the classification accuracy, precision and recall of classifier. In this paper, we give an overview of web page classification with an in-depth study of the web classification process, while at the same time making awareness of the need for an adequate document representation technique as this helps capture the semantics of document and-also contribute to reduce the problem of high dimensionality

    Intelligent cooperative web caching policies for media objects based on J48 decision tree and Naive bayes supervised machine learning algorithms in structured peer-to-peer systems

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    Web caching plays a key role in delivering web items to end users in World Wide Web (WWW).On the other hand, cache size is considered as a limitation of web caching.Furthermore, retrieving the same media object from the origin server many times consumes the network bandwidth. Furthermore, full caching for media objects is not a practical solution and consumes cache storage in keeping few media objects because of its limited capacity. Moreover, traditional web caching policies such as Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Frequently Used (LFU), and Greedy Dual Size (GDS) suffer from caching pollution (i.e. media objects that are stored in the cache are not frequently visited which negatively affects on the performance of web proxy caching). In this work, intelligent cooperative web caching approaches based on J48 decision tree and Naïve Bayes (NB) supervised machine learning algorithms are presented. The proposed approaches take the advantages of structured peer-to-peer systems where the contents of peers’ caches are shared using Distributed Hash Table (DHT) in order to enhance the performance of the web caching policy. The performance of the proposed approaches is evaluated by running a trace-driven simulation on a dataset that is collected from IRCache network. The results demonstrate that the new proposed policies improve the performance of traditional web caching policies that are LRU, LFU, and GDS in terms of Hit Ratio (HR) and Byte Hit Ratio (BHR). Moreover, the results are compared to the most relevant and state-of-the-art web proxy caching policies. Ratio (HR) and Byte Hit Ratio (BHR). Moreover, the results are compared to the most relevant and state-of-the-art web proxy caching policies