7 research outputs found

    Open-source web GIS framework in monitoring urban land use planning: Participatory solutions for developing countries

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    This paper presents a Web GIS application development framework through an open-source software which aims to provide reliable open data services, required for policymaking in urban land use planning. The geodatabase model is comprehensively developed. It displayed a user interface using QGIS, MapServer, and Pmapper, with open source tools with PHP MapScript programming languages and integrated DB-SQL, to generate a complete digital map service with information on urban land use policy. The results of this Web GIS development can be publicly used with spatial databases suitable for public consumption, and as decision support systems for stakeholders, especially in the policy of urban land use planning. Thus, this application can serve as a model for land-use monitoring systems based upon the principle of information disclosure toward smart city and smart governance

    Leveraging Trust as an Intermediary Construct for Enhancing Public Acceptance of Smart Government Model

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    The primary aim of this study was to formulate a trust model aimed at augmenting public acceptance of UAE's smart government services. The study identified a total of 31 factors categorized into seven distinct groups or constructs. The model comprises five independent constructs which are Word of Mouth, Knowledge and Experience, IT Quality, Privacy, and Security. Then, Trust as an intermediary construct while Acceptance as a dependent construct. Through a convenience sampling approach, data was collected from 400 respondents via a questionnaire survey. The data collected was utilized to create and refine the model using SmartPLS software. The model underwent thorough analysis, including assessments of convergent reliability and validity, discriminant validity, and hypothesis testing. The study results revealed the significance of all six hypotheses, indicating the noteworthy impact of the five independent constructs on the intermediary construct (Trust), which in turn significantly influences the dependent construct (Acceptance). In terms of its contribution to existing knowledge, this study significantly enriches the literature on citizen-centric models and smart government. Moreover, in practical terms, the findings provide valuable insights for policy makers and smart government officials to strategically optimize approaches, thereby facilitating the expedited and more effective adoption of smart government services.

    Digital Government Stage Evaluation in Population and Civil Registry Office (Disdukcapil) of Kutai Kartanegara Regency

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    Recent developments show scholars argue that when electronic government systems reach certain stages, they will develop into Digital Government. However, studies on Digital Government evaluation, especially in the Indonesian context, are still few. With that in mind, this article aims to describe the maturity of the digital government system in the Population and Civil Registry Office (Disdukcapil) of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency. It is based on the assumption that Disdukcapil has successfully implemented electronic government, as proven by their multiple recognitions and can be considered at the digital government stage. Field observation and in-depth interviews with key informants are employed to collect the relevant data. All the data are then analyzed qualitatively, and then it uses digital government evolution variables developed by Janowski (2015) to determine the stage of Disdukcapil digital government. The result shows that within a four-stage maturity level, the digital government of Disdukcapil of Kutai Kartanegara Regency has reached the third stage, based on the fulfilment of each stage's variables. It is hoped that this study can contribute to Digital Government studies in Indonesi

    Trust Model In Online Information Of Smart Government: A Conceptual Framework

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    Online information has gained significant importance in management and holds great value creation potential for public services. A pressing issue in this regard is how public organization can adapt their traditional structures and processes to the innovative field of online information to create public trust. This study aims to provide a new trust model of online information in smart government system to improve the public trust.The proposed conceptual model for evaluating publics’ acceptance to use online information constructs from Technology Acceptance Model. The proposed model will improve the service delivery of UAE government departments by enhancing the trust of public towards the online information usage

    Determinants and practices towards cyber supply chain performance with cyber supply chain visibility as a mediator

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    Manufacturing industry is one of the most targeted industries for cyberattacks, causing losses in millions and jeopardizing nations critical infrastructure. Despite the initiatives taken by Malaysian government, Malaysia ranks 11th most breached countries in the world. Thus, this study was undertaken to shed light on the preparedness level of Malaysia’s manufacturing industry in facing disruptions in their cyber supply chain (CSC). In addition, the drivers for cyber supply chain risk management (CSCRM) practices adoption and understanding what kind of policies, actions and system readiness should be in effect to achieve the security, agility, robustness, and resilience of the entire supply chain was also explored. As such, a theoretical framework on the mediating role of CSC visibility with CSCRM practices and CSC performance was developed and examined empirically through this study. A survey method was used to gather data from manufacturing firms that were registered with FMM. A total of 130 respondents’ data was analysed using SPSS version 24 and SmartPLS 3.2.8 software to answer the research objectives stipulated. In addition, the role of CSC visibility as a mediator in achieving CSC performance was also tested. While many scholars have theorized that the CSC visibility level is a useful measure for the firm to assess the effectiveness of the CSCRM practices it has implemented to improve its CSC performance, through this study, it has been successfully examined empirically. The result indicated that CSC visibility does mediate between CSCRM practices and CSC performance. Moreover, there is also a strong direct relationship between CSC visibility and CSC performance as theorized, giving affirmations to manufacturing firms that investments and policies devised to improve CSC visibility will fare well in achieving a resilient, robust, agile, and secure supply chain. However, the adoption level of CSCRM practice among the manufacturing firms in Malaysia has a median level of four, signifying ample opportunity to educate and amplify the CSC security within the manufacturing industry in Malaysia to be able to withstand growing malicious attacks

    Digital Government Evolution: from Transformation to Contextualization

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    Abstract: The Digital Government landscape is continuously changing to reflect how governments are trying to find innovative digital solutions to social, economic, political and other pressures, and how they transform themselves in the process. Understanding and predicting such changes is important for policymakers, government executives, researchers and all those who prepare, make, implement or evaluate Digital Government decisions. This article argues that the concept of Digital Government evolves towards more complexity and greater contextualization and specialization, similar to evolution-like processes that lead to changes in cultures and societies. To this end, the article presents a four-stage Digital Government Evolution Model comprising Digitization (Technology in Government), Transformation (Electronic Government), Engagement (Electronic Governance) and Contextualization (Policy-Driven Electronic Governance) stages; provides some evidence in support of this model drawing upon the study of the Digital Government literature published in Government Information Quarterly between 1992 and 2014; and presents a Digital Government Stage Analysis Framework to explain the evolution. As the article consolidates a representative body of the Digital Government literature, it could be also used for defining and integrating future research in the area. Keyword

    Сучасні інформаційні технології в кібербезпеці

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    У монографії розглянуто питання квантової криптографічної технології, управління ризиками інформаційної безпеки, виявлення шкідливого програмного забезпечення, стандартизації та термінології кібербезпеки і підготовки студентів за спеціальністю "Кібербезпека". Значну увагу приділено вирішенню завдання інформаційно-екстремального синтезу системи виявлення кібератак у рамках розробленого авторами методу машинного навчання. Викладений у монографії матеріал може бути корисним фахівцям, аспірантам і студентам спеціальності "Кібербезпека"