4 research outputs found


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    Collaborative filtering (CF) is widely used to make a web service recommendation. The recommendation of the CF-based web service aims to predict the lost QoS values ​​of the web services. Although many methods of predicting QoS service have been proposed on the Internet in recent years, performance still needs to be significantly improved. First, current methods of predicting quality of service rarely consider the personal impact of users and services when measuring the similarity between users and services. Second, web service quality factors, such as response time and transition, are generally based on web services and users. However, prediction methods for the QoS-based service rarely took this observation into account. In this document, we suggest a custom CF method to mark a site for a web service recommendation. The proposed method promotes user sites and web services by determining neighbors similar to the intended user or service. The method also includes an improved measure of similarity with users and web services, taking into account their personal impact. To evaluate the performance of our proposed method, we conducted a complete set of experiments using a set of real world web service data. The experimental results indicate that our approach improves the accuracy of the QoS and its computational efficiency significantly, in comparison with the previous methods of cystic fibrosis

    Quality-of-Service-Aware Service Selection in Mobile Environments

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    The last decade is characterized by the rise of mobile technologies (UMTS, LTE, WLAN, Bluetooth, SMS, etc.) and devices (notebooks, tablets, mobile phones, smart watches, etc.). In this rise, mobiles phones have played a crucial role because they paved the way for mobile pervasion among the public. In addition, this development has also led to a rapid growth of the mobile service/application market (Statista 2017b). As a consequence, users of mobile devices nowadays find themselves in a mobile environment, with (almost) unlimited access to information and services from anywhere through the Internet, and can connect to other people at any time (cf. Deng et al. 2016; Newman 2015). Additionally, modern mobile devices offer the opportunity to select the services or information that best fit to a user’s current context. In this regard, mobile information services support users in retrieving context and non-context information, such as about the current traffic situation, public transport options, and flight connections, as well as about real-world entities, such as sights, museums, and restaurants (cf. Deng et al. 2016; Heinrich and Lewerenz 2015; Ventola 2014). An example of the application of mobile information services is several users planning a joint city day trip. Here, the users could utilize information retrieved about real-world entities for their planning. Such a trip constitutes a process with multiple participating users and may encompass actions such as visiting a museum and having lunch. For each action, mobile information services (e.g., Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google Places) can help locate available alternatives that differ only in attributes such as price, average length of stay (i.e., duration), or recommendations published by previous visitors. In addition, context information (e.g., business hours, distance) can be used to more effectively support the users in their decisions. Moreover, because multiple users are participating in the same trip, some users want to or must conduct certain actions together. However, decision-makers (e.g., mobile users) attempting to determine the optimal solution for such processes – meaning the best alternative for each action and each participating user – are confronted with several challenges, as shown by means of the city trip example: First, each user most likely has his or her own preferences and requirements regarding attributes such as price and duration, which all must be considered. Furthermore, for each action of the day trip, a huge number of alternatives probably exist. Thus, users might face difficulties selecting the optimal alternatives because of an information overload problem (Zhang et al. 2009). Second, taking multiple users into account may require the coordination of their actions because of potential dependencies among different users’ tours, which, for example, is the case when users prefer to conduct certain actions together. This turns the almost sophisticated decision problem at hand into a problem of high complexity. The problem complexity is increased further when considering context information, because this causes dependencies among different actions of a user that must be taken into account. For instance, the distance to cover by a user to reach a certain restaurant depends on the location of the previously visited museum. In conclusion, it might be impossible for a user to determine an optimal city trip tour for all users, making decision support by an information system necessary. Because the available alternatives for each action of the process can be denoted as (information) service objects (cf. Dannewitz et al. 2008; Heinrich and Lewerenz 2015; Hinkelmann et al. 2013), the decision problem at hand is a Quality-of-Service (QoS)-aware service selection problem. This thesis proposes novel concepts and optimization approaches for QoS-aware service selection regarding processes with multiple users and context information, focusing on scenarios in mobile environments. In this respect, the developed multi user context-aware service selection approaches are able to deal with dependencies among different users’ service compositions, which result from the consideration of multiple users, as well as dependencies within a user’s service composition, which result from the consideration of context information. Consequently, these approaches provide suitable support for decision-makers, such as mobile users

    Monitoring the quality of service to support the service based system lifecycle

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    Service Oriented Computing (SOC) has been established in the last recent years as a successful paradigm in Software Engineering. The systems built under this paradigm, known as Service Based System (SBS), are composed of several services, which are usually third-party software run by external service providers. SBS rely on these service providers to ensure that their services comply with the agreed Quality of Service (QoS). In contrast to other systems, the dynamic behaviour of SBS requires up-to-date QoS information for its proper management in the different stages of its lifecycle, from their initial construction until their decommission. Providing such QoS information has resulted in different technological solutions built around a monitor. Nonetheless, several research challenges in the field remain still open, ranging from theoretical aspects of quality assurance to architectonical challenges in decentralized monitoring. Based on the current research challenges for service monitoring, the research gaps in which we aim to contribute are twofold: - To investigate on the definition and structure of the different quality factors of services, and provide a framework of common understanding for the definition of what to monitor. - To investigate on the different features required to support the activities of the whole SBS lifecycle (i.e. how to monitor), and develop a monitoring framework that accomplishes such features. As a result of this thesis, we provide: What to monitor - A distribution of the quality models along the time dimension and the identification of their relationships. - An analysis of the size and definition coverage of the proposed quality models. - A quantified coverage of the different ISO/IEC 25010 quality factors given by the proposals. - The identification of the most used quality factors, and provided the most consolidated definitions for them. How to monitor - The elicitation of the requirements of the different activities in the SBS lifecycle. - The definition of the set of features that supports the elicited requirements. - A modular service-oriented monitoring framework, named SALMon, implementing the defined features. SALMon has been validated by including it in several frameworks supporting the different activities of the SBS lifecycle. Finally, we have conducted a performance evaluation of SALMon over real web services.La Computació Orientada a Serveis (SOC) ha esdevingut en els darrers anys un paradigma exitós en el camp de l'Enginyeria del Software. Els sistemes construïts sota aquest paradigma, coneguts com Sistemes Basats en Serveis (SBS), estan composats de diversos serveis, que són, usualment, programari de tercers executats per proveïdors de serveis externs. Els SBS depenen dels proveïdors dels serveis per garantir que els serveis compleixen amb la Qualitat del Servei (QoS) acordada. En contrast amb altres sistemes, el comportament dinàmic dels SBS requereix d'informació actualitzada del QoS per a la correcta administració de les diferents etapes del cicle de vida dels SBS: des de la seva construcció inicial fins a la seva clausura. Proveir d'aquesta informació de QoS ha resultat en diferents solucions tecnològiques construïdes al voltant d'un monitor. Malgrat això, diversos reptes de recerca en el camp encara romanen obertes, des d'aspectes teòrics de l'assegurança de qualitat, a reptes arquitectònics en la monitorització descentralitzada. Basat en els reptes de recerca actuals per a la monitorització de serveis, els forats de recerca en els que pretenem contribuir són dobles: - Investigar en la definició i estructura dels diferents factors de qualitat dels serveis, i proveir un marc de treball d'entesa comuna per a la definició de què monitoritzar. - Investigar en les diferents característiques requerides per donar suport a les activitats de tot el cicle de vida dels SBS (i.e. com monitoritzar), i desenvolupar una plataforma de monitorització que acompleixi aquestes característiques. Com a resultats de la tesis, proveïm: Què monitoritzar - Una distribució dels models de qualitat al llarg de la dimensió temporal i la identificació de les seves interrelacions. - Un anàlisi de la mida i definició de la cobertura dels models de qualitat proposats. - Una cobertura quantificada dels diferents factors de qualitat ISO/IEC 25010 donat en les diferents propostes. - La identificació dels factors de qualitat més utilitzats, i la definició dels termes més consolidats. Com monitoritzar - L'elicitació dels requeriments per a les diferents activitats en el cicle de vida dels SBS. - La definició del conjunt de característiques que donen suport als requeriments elicitats. - Una platforma modular orientada a serveis, anomenat SALMon, que implementa les característiques definides. SALMon ha estatvalidat incloent la plataforma en diversos marcs de treball donant suport a les diferents activitat