55,356 research outputs found

    Multimedia Chinese Web Search Engines: A Survey

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the state of multimedia search functionality on major general and dedicated Web search engines in Chinese language. The authors studied: a) how many Chinese Web search engines presently make use of multimedia searching, and b) the type of multimedia search functionality available. Specifically, the following were examined: a) multimedia features - features allowing multimedia search; and b) extent of personalization - the extent to which a search engine Web site allows users to control multimedia search. Overall, Chinese Web search engines offer limited multimedia searching functionality. The significance of the study is based on two factors: a) little research has been conducted on Chinese Web search engines, and b) the instrument used in the study and the results obtained by this research could help users, Web designers, and Web search engine developers. By large, general Web search engines support more multimedia features than specialized one

    Evaluating Web Search Result Summaries

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    The aim of our research is to produce and assess short summaries to aid users’ relevance judgements, for example for a search engine result page. In this paper we present our new metric for measuring summary quality based on representativeness and judgeability, and compare the summary quality of our system to that of Google. We discuss the basis for constructing our evaluation methodology in contrast to previous relevant open evaluations, arguing that the elements which make up an evaluation methodology: the tasks, data and metrics, are interdependent and the way in which they are combined is critical to the effectiveness of the methodology. The paper discusses the relationship between these three factors as implemented in our own work, as well as in SUMMAC/MUC/DUC

    New perspectives on Web search engine research

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    Purpose–The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview of the context of Web search and search engine-related research, as well as to introduce the reader to the sections and chapters of the book. Methodology/approach–We review literature dealing with various aspects of search engines, with special emphasis on emerging areas of Web searching, search engine evaluation going beyond traditional methods, and new perspectives on Webs earching. Findings–The approaches to studying Web search engines are manifold. Given the importance of Web search engines for knowledge acquisition, research from different perspectives needs to be integrated into a more cohesive perspective. Researchlimitations/implications–The chapter suggests a basis for research in the field and also introduces further research directions. Originality/valueofpaper–The chapter gives a concise overview of the topics dealt with in the book and also shows directions for researchers interested in Web search engines

    Stigmergic hyperlink's contributes to web search

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    Stigmergic hyperlinks are hyperlinks with a "heart beat": if used they stay healthy and online; if neglected, they fade, eventually getting replaced. Their life attribute is a relative usage measure that regular hyperlinks do not provide, hence PageRank-like measures have historically been well informed about the structure of webs of documents, but unaware of what users effectively do with the links. This paper elaborates on how to input the users’ perspective into Google’s original, structure centric, PageRank metric. The discussion then bridges to the Deep Web, some search challenges, and how stigmergic hyperlinks could help decentralize the search experience, facilitating user generated search solutions and supporting new related business models.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Context Models For Web Search Personalization

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    We present our solution to the Yandex Personalized Web Search Challenge. The aim of this challenge was to use the historical search logs to personalize top-N document rankings for a set of test users. We used over 100 features extracted from user- and query-depended contexts to train neural net and tree-based learning-to-rank and regression models. Our final submission, which was a blend of several different models, achieved an NDCG@10 of 0.80476 and placed 4'th amongst the 194 teams winning 3'rd prize

    Asymptotic analysis for personalized Web search

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    Personalized PageRank is used in Web search as an importance measure for Web documents. The goal of this paper is to characterize the tail behavior of the PageRank distribution in the Web and other complex networks characterized by power laws. To this end, we model the PageRank as a solution of a stochastic equation R=d∑i=1NAiRi+BR\stackrel{d}{=}\sum_{i=1}^NA_iR_i+B, where RiR_i's are distributed as RR. This equation is inspired by the original definition of the PageRank. In particular, NN models the number of incoming links of a page, and BB stays for the user preference. Assuming that NN or BB are heavy-tailed, we employ the theory of regular variation to obtain the asymptotic behavior of RR under quite general assumptions on the involved random variables. Our theoretical predictions show a good agreement with experimental data

    Efficient Diversification of Web Search Results

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    In this paper we analyze the efficiency of various search results diversification methods. While efficacy of diversification approaches has been deeply investigated in the past, response time and scalability issues have been rarely addressed. A unified framework for studying performance and feasibility of result diversification solutions is thus proposed. First we define a new methodology for detecting when, and how, query results need to be diversified. To this purpose, we rely on the concept of "query refinement" to estimate the probability of a query to be ambiguous. Then, relying on this novel ambiguity detection method, we deploy and compare on a standard test set, three different diversification methods: IASelect, xQuAD, and OptSelect. While the first two are recent state-of-the-art proposals, the latter is an original algorithm introduced in this paper. We evaluate both the efficiency and the effectiveness of our approach against its competitors by using the standard TREC Web diversification track testbed. Results shown that OptSelect is able to run two orders of magnitude faster than the two other state-of-the-art approaches and to obtain comparable figures in diversification effectiveness.Comment: VLDB201
