10 research outputs found

    Engineering issues for the web 2.0

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    Presentación de los contenidos de la revista.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Engineering issues for the web 2.0

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    Presentación de los contenidos de la revista.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza de la ingeniería : Análisis comparativo de ambientes virtuales 3D

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar un análisis comparativo de las capacidades que ofrecen los entornos virtuales tridimensionales para su utilización dentro del ámbito educativo, como una herramienta que permita reducir la brecha cognitiva presente entre conceptos teóricos y su aplicación práctica, en particular, en la enseñanza de ciertos contenidos que conforman la currícula básica de diversas especialidades de Ingeniería. Para ello se estableció un marco de evaluación basado en ciertos aspectos considerados relevantes para la elaboración de contenidos y para su utilización como recurso didáctico, en especial, en lo que se refiere a la implementación de técnicas de simulación numérica. Posteriormente se aplicó este marco de evaluación a un conjunto de ambientes virtuales 3D, elegidos de acuerdo a cierta cualidad representativa, con la finalidad de evaluar comparativamente su desempeño.XVI Workshop Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    The current generation of Web applications (Web 2.0) have made them an outright phenomenon in today’s society helping to redefine the way organisations and individuals communicate and collaborate with each other. The purpose of this paper is to conceptualise the evolution of Web technologies from a user perspective. Based on inference from existing studies, this paper attempts to identify the architectural direction that the next generation (Web 3.0) of Web applications would meld itself into. The paper emphasizes limitations of current Web technologies and how future trends may address these limitations by focusing on migration that has been witnessed in the scope of the applications presented and features delivered on the Web from a users’ perspective

    User interface patterns in recommendation-empowered content intensive multimedia applications

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    Design Patterns (DPs) are acknowledged as powerful conceptual tools to improve design quality and to reduce time and cost of the development process by effect of the reuse of “good” design solutions. In many fields (e.g., software engineering, web engineering, interface design) patterns are widely used by practitioners and are also investigated from a research perspective. Still, they have been seldom explored in the arena of Recommender Systems (RSs). RSs provide suggestions (“recommendations”) for items that are likely to be appropriate for the user profile, and are increasingly adopted in content-intensive multimedia applications to complement traditional forms of search in large information spaces. This paper explores RSs through the lens of User Interface (UI) Design Patterns. We have performed a systematic analysis of 54 recommendation-empowered content-intensive multimedia applications, in order to: (i) discover the occurrences of existing domain independent UI patterns; (ii) identify frequently adopted UI solutions that are not modelled by existing patterns, and define a set of new UI patterns, some of which are specific of the interfaces for recommendation features while others can be useful also in a broader context. The results of our inspection have been discussed with and evaluated by a team of experts, leading to a consolidated set of 14 new patterns that are reported in the paper. Reusing pattern-based design solutions instead of building new solutions from scratch enables novice and expert designers to build good UIs for Recommendation-empowered content intensive multimedia applications more effectively, and ultimately can improve the UX experience in this class of systems. From a broader perspective, our work can stimulate future research bridging Recommender Systems, Web Engineering and Interface Design by means of Design Patterns, and highlights new research directions also discussed in the paper

    Website design on the hospitality industry: how Portuguese men and women differ on their design preferences of destination marketing organizations’ websites

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    As the internet and e-commerce rapidly grow worldwide and in Portugal, websites become critical success factors for several businesses. This study investigated gender differences and preferences on the design criteria of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) websites and it was conducted in Portugal, using Booking.com as an example of a DMO. Results from an online survey with 266 participants showed there were gender differences in the importance given to ease of use and on the importance given to usability and content. This information allows for the content and visuals of a website (e.g. Booking.com) to be adapted considering gender differences and preferences. Results like a higher importance given by women to the ease of use of a DMO website may serve as useful insights for website designers in Portugal

    Edutainment Game on Recycling for Kids Using 3-D Visualisation

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    The 'Recycle Warrior' game is one such initiative that exposes children in Malaysia from age I 0 to 12 years old to an authentic learning experience on recycling issues in a simulated, 3- Dimensional and exciting enviromnent. The prototype is built with a storyline, challenges, and a reward system. It is expected to impart necessary knowledge on the concept and importance of recycling activities to the young children in order to increase the enviromnental consciousness among them as well as to motivate them to perform recycling activities in their life. This paper presents the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of the prototype. It will first present a review of literature on recycling, edutaimnent game, comparison between 3-D and 2-D game, game genre and the children characteristics. It will then discuss on the research methodology adopted in conducting the research for the design requirements as well as the system methodology. The system is developed using "Thinking Worlds" which was developed by Caspian Learning. Besides that, the paper will also it will present on the implications and challenges that occurred throughout the development process as well as the recommendation for improvement of the game

    Edutainment Game on Recycling for Kids Using 3-D Visualisation

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    The 'Recycle Warrior' game is one such initiative that exposes children in Malaysia from age I 0 to 12 years old to an authentic learning experience on recycling issues in a simulated, 3- Dimensional and exciting enviromnent. The prototype is built with a storyline, challenges, and a reward system. It is expected to impart necessary knowledge on the concept and importance of recycling activities to the young children in order to increase the enviromnental consciousness among them as well as to motivate them to perform recycling activities in their life. This paper presents the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of the prototype. It will first present a review of literature on recycling, edutaimnent game, comparison between 3-D and 2-D game, game genre and the children characteristics. It will then discuss on the research methodology adopted in conducting the research for the design requirements as well as the system methodology. The system is developed using "Thinking Worlds" which was developed by Caspian Learning. Besides that, the paper will also it will present on the implications and challenges that occurred throughout the development process as well as the recommendation for improvement of the game

    XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación - CACIC 2017 : Libro de actas

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    Trabajos presentados en el XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC), celebrado en la ciudad de La Plata los días 9 al 13 de octubre de 2017, organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI