3 research outputs found

    Emerging technologies and their potential for generating new assistive technologies

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    Limited access to assistive technology (AT) is a well-recognized global challenge. Emerging technologies have potential to develop new assistive products and bridge some of the gaps in access to AT. However, limited analyses exist on the potential of these technologies in the AT field. This paper describes a study that aimed to provide an overview of emerging technological developments and their potential for the AT field. It involved conducting a gray literature review and patent analysis to create an overview of the emerging enabling technologies that may foster the development of new AT products and services and identify emerging AT applications. The analysis identified seven enabling technologies that are relevant to the AT field. These are artificial intelligence, emerging human-computer interfaces, sensor technology, robotics, advances in connectivity and computing, additive manufacturing and new materials. Whilst there are over 3.7 million patents related to these enabling technologies, only a fraction of them–11,000 patents were identified in the analysis specifically related to AT (0.3%). The paper presents some of the promising examples. Overall, the results indicate that there is an enormous potential for new AT solutions that capitalize on emerging technological advances

    Externalities and Enterprise Software: Helping and Hindering Legal Compliance

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    Enterprise software helps organizations comply with laws and regulations, yet software itself creates negative externalities that can undermine rights and laws. Software developers are an important regulatory force, yet many know little about how law and software interact. This work examines developer understanding of legal concepts and examples of the software code and law relationship: payroll, Sarbanes Oxley Act, web accessibility, and data protection

    Model srednjoškolskog e-obrazovanja zasnovan na tehnologijama Interneta inteligentnih uređaja

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    Predmet disertacije je istraživanje mogućnosti primene e-obrazovanja zasnovanog na internetu inteligentnih uređaja (eng. Internet of Things, IoT) u srednjim školama. Cilj istraživanja je da se unapredi nastavni proces u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju primenom servisa interneta inteligentnih uređaja, društvenih medija i mobilnih tehnologija, i postigne kvalitativno unapređenje srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Istraživanje je fokusirano na srednjoškolski sistem u Srbiji i posebno je prilagođeno sistemima obrazovanja u zemljama u razvoju. Korišćenjem pametnih učionica u obrazovnom procesu poboljšavaju se efikasnost i kvalitet nastave, kao i nivo osposobljenosti učenika. Škole koje implementiraju pametne učionice stvaraju bolji imidž i veću konkurentnost, čime postaju atraktivnije za veći broj kvalitetnih učenika. Ovakav način organizovanja srednjoškolskog obrazovnog procesa omogućava brzu i kvalitetnu komunikaciju nastavnika sa učenicima, efikasnu razmenu informacija, povećanje obima sadržaja koji može biti prezentovan u okviru nastavnog časa, aktivno učešće učenika u nastavnom procesu i kvalitetniju nastavu. Istraživanje je realizovano sa učenicima Pete ekonomske škole „Rakovica“ u Beogradu. Rezultati ukazuju na pozitivan ishod procesa sticanja znanja, kao i iskustva i stavova učenika