4 research outputs found

    Weakly-Supervised Concept-based Adversarial Learning for Cross-lingual Word Embeddings

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    Distributed representations of words which map each word to a continuous vector have proven useful in capturing important linguistic information not only in a single language but also across different languages. Current unsupervised adversarial approaches show that it is possible to build a mapping matrix that aligns two sets of monolingual word embeddings without high quality parallel data, such as a dictionary or a sentence-aligned corpus. However, without an additional step of refinement, the preliminary mapping learnt by these methods is unsatisfactory, leading to poor performance for typologically distant languages. In this paper, we propose a weakly-supervised adversarial training method to overcome this limitation, based on the intuition that mapping across languages is better done at the concept level than at the word level. We propose a concept-based adversarial training method which improves the performance of previous unsupervised adversarial methods for most languages, and especially for typologically distant language pairs

    Embedding Multilingual and Relational Data Using Linear Mappings

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    This thesis presents our research on the embedding method, a machine learning technique that encodes real-world signals into high-dimensional vectors. Specifically, we focus on a family of algorithms whose backbone is one simple yet elegant type of topological operation, the linear mapping, aka. linear transformation or vector space homomorphism. Past studies have shown the usefulness of these approaches for modelling complex data, such as lexicons from different languages and networks storing factual relations. However, they also exhibit crucial limitations, including a lack of theoretical justifications, precision drop in challenging setups, and considerable environmental impact during training, among others. To bridge these gaps, we first identify the unnoticed link between the success of linear Cross-Lingual Word Embedding (CLWE) mappings and the preservation of the implicit analogy relation, using both theoretical and empirical evidence. Next, we propose a post-hoc L1-norm rotation step which substantially improves the performance of existing CLWE mappings. Then, beyond solving conventional questions where only modern languages are involved, we extend the application of CLWE mappings to summarising lengthy and opaque historical text. Finally, motivated by the learning procedure of CLWE models, we adopt linear mappings to optimise Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGEs) iteratively, significantly reducing the carbon footprint required to train the algorithm

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    192 p.Modern machine translation relies on strong supervision in the form of parallel corpora. Such arequirement greatly departs from the way in which humans acquire language, and poses a major practicalproblem for low-resource language pairs. In this thesis, we develop a new paradigm that removes thedependency on parallel data altogether, relying on nothing but monolingual corpora to train unsupervisedmachine translation systems. For that purpose, our approach first aligns separately trained wordrepresentations in different languages based on their structural similarity, and uses them to initializeeither a neural or a statistical machine translation system, which is further trained through iterative backtranslation.While previous attempts at learning machine translation systems from monolingual corporahad strong limitations, our work¿along with other contemporaneous developments¿is the first to reportpositive results in standard, large-scale settings, establishing the foundations of unsupervised machinetranslation and opening exciting opportunities for future research

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    192 p.Modern machine translation relies on strong supervision in the form of parallel corpora. Such arequirement greatly departs from the way in which humans acquire language, and poses a major practicalproblem for low-resource language pairs. In this thesis, we develop a new paradigm that removes thedependency on parallel data altogether, relying on nothing but monolingual corpora to train unsupervisedmachine translation systems. For that purpose, our approach first aligns separately trained wordrepresentations in different languages based on their structural similarity, and uses them to initializeeither a neural or a statistical machine translation system, which is further trained through iterative backtranslation.While previous attempts at learning machine translation systems from monolingual corporahad strong limitations, our work¿along with other contemporaneous developments¿is the first to reportpositive results in standard, large-scale settings, establishing the foundations of unsupervised machinetranslation and opening exciting opportunities for future research