11 research outputs found

    Strengthened Lazy Heaps: Surpassing the Lower Bounds for Binary Heaps

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    Let nn denote the number of elements currently in a data structure. An in-place heap is stored in the first nn locations of an array, uses O(1)O(1) extra space, and supports the operations: minimum, insert, and extract-min. We introduce an in-place heap, for which minimum and insert take O(1)O(1) worst-case time, and extract-min takes O(lgn)O(\lg{} n) worst-case time and involves at most lgn+O(1)\lg{} n + O(1) element comparisons. The achieved bounds are optimal to within additive constant terms for the number of element comparisons. In particular, these bounds for both insert and extract-min -and the time bound for insert- surpass the corresponding lower bounds known for binary heaps, though our data structure is similar. In a binary heap, when viewed as a nearly complete binary tree, every node other than the root obeys the heap property, i.e. the element at a node is not smaller than that at its parent. To surpass the lower bound for extract-min, we reinforce a stronger property at the bottom levels of the heap that the element at any right child is not smaller than that at its left sibling. To surpass the lower bound for insert, we buffer insertions and allow O(lg2n)O(\lg^2{} n) nodes to violate heap order in relation to their parents

    QuickHeapsort: Modifications and improved analysis

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    We present a new analysis for QuickHeapsort splitting it into the analysis of the partition-phases and the analysis of the heap-phases. This enables us to consider samples of non-constant size for the pivot selection and leads to better theoretical bounds for the algorithm. Furthermore we introduce some modifications of QuickHeapsort, both in-place and using n extra bits. We show that on every input the expected number of comparisons is n lg n - 0.03n + o(n) (in-place) respectively n lg n -0.997 n+ o (n). Both estimates improve the previously known best results. (It is conjectured in Wegener93 that the in-place algorithm Bottom-Up-Heapsort uses at most n lg n + 0.4 n on average and for Weak-Heapsort which uses n extra-bits the average number of comparisons is at most n lg n -0.42n in EdelkampS02.) Moreover, our non-in-place variant can even compete with index based Heapsort variants (e.g. Rank-Heapsort in WangW07) and Relaxed-Weak-Heapsort (n lg n -0.9 n+ o (n) comparisons in the worst case) for which no O(n)-bound on the number of extra bits is known

    QuickXsort: Efficient Sorting with n log n - 1.399n +o(n) Comparisons on Average

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    In this paper we generalize the idea of QuickHeapsort leading to the notion of QuickXsort. Given some external sorting algorithm X, QuickXsort yields an internal sorting algorithm if X satisfies certain natural conditions. With QuickWeakHeapsort and QuickMergesort we present two examples for the QuickXsort-construction. Both are efficient algorithms that incur approximately n log n - 1.26n +o(n) comparisons on the average. A worst case of n log n + O(n) comparisons can be achieved without significantly affecting the average case. Furthermore, we describe an implementation of MergeInsertion for small n. Taking MergeInsertion as a base case for QuickMergesort, we establish a worst-case efficient sorting algorithm calling for n log n - 1.3999n + o(n) comparisons on average. QuickMergesort with constant size base cases shows the best performance on practical inputs: when sorting integers it is slower by only 15% to STL-Introsort

    Weak heaps and friends:recent developments

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    QuickXsort: A Fast Sorting Scheme in Theory and Practice

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    QuickXsortis a highly efficient in-place sequential sorting scheme that mixesHoare’sQuicksortalgorithm with X, where X can be chosen from a wider rangeof other known sorting algorithms, likeHeapsort,InsertionsortandMergesort.Its major advantage is thatQuickXsortcan be in-place even if X is not. In thiswork we provide general transfer theorems expressing the number of comparisonsofQuickXsortin terms of the number of comparisons of X. More specifically,if pivots are chosen as medians of (not too fast) growing size samples, the aver-age number of comparisons ofQuickXsortand X differ only byo(n)-terms. Formedian-of-kpivot selection for some constantk, the difference is a linear term whosecoefficient we compute precisely. For instance, median-of-threeQuickMergesortuses at mostnlgn−0.8358n+O(logn)comparisons. Furthermore, we examine thepossibility of sorting base cases with some other algorithm using even less compar-isons. By doing so the average-case number of comparisons can be reduced down tonlgn−1.4112n+o(n)for a remaining gap of only 0.0315ncomparisons to the knownlower bound (while using onlyO(logn)additional space andO(nlogn)time over-all). Implementations of these sorting strategies show that the algorithms challengewell-established library implementations like Musser’sIntrosort

    Weak-Heap Sort

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    A data structure called a weak-heap is defined by relaxing the requirements for a heap. The structure can be implemented on a 1-dimensional array with one extra bit per data item and can be initialized with n items using exactly n - 1 data element compares. Theoretical analysis and empirical results indicate that it is a competitive structure for sorting. The worst case number of data element comparisons is strictly less than (n - 1) log n + 0.086013n and the expected number is conjectured to be approximately (n - 0.5) log n - 0.413n

    Weak-Heap Sort

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    A data structure called a weak-heap is defined by relaxing the requirements for a heap. The structure can be implemented on a 1-dimensional array with one extra bit per data item and can be initialized with n items using exactly n-1 data element compares. Theoretical analysis and empirical results indicate that it is a competitive structure for sorting. The worst case number of data element comparisons is strictly less than (n-1) log n+0.086013 n and the expected number is conjectured to be approximately (n-0.5)log n-0.413 n. © 1993 the BIT Foundation