65 research outputs found

    Aggregation on bipolar scales

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    The paper addresses the problem of extending aggregation operators typically defined on [0,1][0,1] to the symmetric interval [1,1][-1,1], where the ``0'' value plays a particular role (neutral value). We distinguish the cases where aggregation operators are associative or not. In the former case, the ``0'' value may play the role of neutral or absorbant element, leading to pseudo-addition and pseudo-multiplication. We address also in this category the special case of minimum and maximum defined on some finite ordinal scale. In the latter case, we find that a general class of extended operators can be defined using an interpolation approach, supposing the value of the aggregation to be known for ternary vectors.bipolar scale; bi-capacity; aggregation

    On triangular norms and uninorms definable in ŁΠ12

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the definability of classes of t-norms and uninorms in the logic ŁΠ12. In particular we provide a complete characterization of definable continuous t-norms, weak nilpotent minimum t-norms, conjunctive uninorms continuous on [0,1), and idempotent conjunctive uninorms, and give both positive and negative results concerning definability of left-continuous t-norms (and uninorms). We show that the class of definable uninorms is closed under construction methods as annihilation, rotation and rotation–annihilation. Moreover, we prove that every logic based on a definable uninorm is in PSPACE, and that any finitely axiomatizable logic based on a class of definable uninorms is decidable. Finally we show that the Uninorm Mingle Logic (UML) and the Basic Uninorm Logic (BUL) are finitely strongly standard complete w.r.t. the related class of definable left-continuous conjunctive uninorms

    On the reinforcement of uninorms and absorbing norms

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    DUKE_HCERES2020Aggregation operators Reinforcement ... We propose a n-ary extension of absorbing norms, defined with the help of generative functions, and its relationship with additive generating functions of uninorms. In this paper, we also present new aggregation operators, namely the k-uninorms and k-absorbing norms. These operators are a generalization of usual uninorms and absorbing norms for which a set combination of inputs is introduced. Their main ability is to provide reinforcement for contradictory inputs, as nullnorms and as opposed to uninorms. On the other hand it still provides full reinforcement for agreeing inputs, as uninorms and as opposed to nullnorms. Numerous examples are given in order to illustrate the behavior of the proposed operators

    Successes and challenges in developing a hybrid approach to sentiment analysis

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    This article covers some success and learning experiences attained during the developing of a hybrid approach to Sentiment Analysis (SA) based on a Sentiment Lexicon, Semantic Rules, Negation Handling, Ambiguity Management and Linguistic Variables. The proposed hybrid method is presented and applied to two selected datasets: Movie Review and Sentiment Twitter datasets. The achieved results are compared against those obtained when Naïve Bayes (NB) and Maximum Entropy (ME) supervised machine learning classification methods are used for the same datasets. The proposed hybrid system attained higher accuracy and precision scores than NB and ME, which shows its superiority when applied to the SA problem at the sentence level. Finally, an alternative strategy to calculating the orientation polarity and polarity intensity in one step instead of the two steps method used in the hybrid approach is explored. The analysis of the yielded mixed results achieved with this alternative approach shows its potential as an aid in the computation of semantic orientations and produced some lessons learnt in developing a more effective mechanism to calculating the orientation polarity and polarity intensity

    Aggregation operators on partially ordered sets and their categorical foundations

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    summary:In spite of increasing studies and investigations in the field of aggregation operators, there are two fundamental problems remaining unsolved: aggregation of LL-fuzzy set-theoretic notions and their justification. In order to solve these problems, we will formulate aggregation operators and their special types on partially ordered sets with universal bounds, and introduce their categories. Furthermore, we will show that there exists a strong connection between the category of aggregation operators on partially ordered sets with universal bounds (Agop) and the category of partially ordered groupoids with universal bounds (Pogpu). Moreover, the subcategories of Agop consisting of associative aggregation operators, symmetric and associative aggregation operators and associative aggregation operators with neutral elements are, respectively, isomorphic to the subcategories of Pogpu formed by partially ordered semigroups, commutative partially ordered semigroups and partially ordered monoids in the sense of Birkhoff. As a justification of the present notions and results, some relevant examples for aggregations operators on partially ordered sets are given. Particularly, aggregation process in probabilistic metric spaces is also considered

    A principal topology obtained from uninorms

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    summary:We obtain a principal topology and some related results. We also give some hints of possible applications. Some mathematical systems are both lattice and topological space. We show that a topology defined on the any bounded lattice is definable in terms of uninorms. Also, we see that these topologies satisfy the condition of the principal topology. These topologies can not be metrizable except for the discrete metric case. We show an equivalence relation on the class of uninorms on a bounded lattice based on equality of the topologies induced by uninorms

    Relating Kleene algebras with pseudo uninorms

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    This paper explores a strict relation between two core notions of the semantics of programs and of fuzzy logics: Kleene Algebras and (pseudo) uninorms. It shows that every Kleene algebra induces a pseudo uninorm, and that some pseudo uninorms induce Kleene algebras. This connection establishes a new perspective on the theory of Kleene algebras and provides a way to build (new) Kleene algebras. The latter aspect is potentially useful as a source of formalism to capture and model programs acting with fuzzy behaviours and domains.publishe

    Some Examples of Weak Uninorms

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    It is proved that, except for the uninorms and the nullnorms, there are no continuous weak uninorms who have no more than one nontrivial idempotent element. And some examples of discontinuous weak uninorms are shown. All of these examples are not n-uninorms, thus not uninorms or nullnorms

    Fitting aggregation operators to data

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    Theoretical advances in modelling aggregation of information produced a wide range of aggregation operators, applicable to almost every practical problem. The most important classes of aggregation operators include triangular norms, uninorms, generalised means and OWA operators.With such a variety, an important practical problem has emerged: how to fit the parameters/ weights of these families of aggregation operators to observed data? How to estimate quantitatively whether a given class of operators is suitable as a model in a given practical setting? Aggregation operators are rather special classes of functions, and thus they require specialised regression techniques, which would enforce important theoretical properties, like commutativity or associativity. My presentation will address this issue in detail, and will discuss various regression methods applicable specifically to t-norms, uninorms and generalised means. I will also demonstrate software implementing these regression techniques, which would allow practitioners to paste their data and obtain optimal parameters of the chosen family of operators.<br /