5 research outputs found

    Efficient Method for Computing Lower Bounds on the pp-radius of Switched Linear Systems

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    This paper proposes lower bounds on a quantity called LpL^p-norm joint spectral radius, or in short, pp-radius, of a finite set of matrices. Despite its wide range of applications to, for example, stability analysis of switched linear systems and the equilibrium analysis of switched linear economical models, algorithms for computing the pp-radius are only available in a very limited number of particular cases. The proposed lower bounds are given as the spectral radius of an average of the given matrices weighted via Kronecker products and do not place any requirements on the set of matrices. We show that the proposed lower bounds theoretically extend and also can practically improve the existing lower bounds. A Markovian extension of the proposed lower bounds is also presented

    An inequality for the matrix pressure function and applications

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    We prove an a priori lower bound for the pressure, or pp-norm joint spectral radius, of a measure on the set of d×dd \times d real matrices which parallels a result of J. Bochi for the joint spectral radius. We apply this lower bound to give new proofs of the continuity of the affinity dimension of a self-affine set and of the continuity of the singular-value pressure for invertible matrices, both of which had been previously established by D.-J. Feng and P. Shmerkin using multiplicative ergodic theory and the subadditive variational principle. Unlike the previous proof, our lower bound yields algorithms to rigorously compute the pressure, singular value pressure and affinity dimension of a finite set of matrices to within an a priori prescribed accuracy in finitely many computational steps. We additionally deduce a related inequality for the singular value pressure for measures on the set of 2×22 \times 2 real matrices, give a precise characterisation of the discontinuities of the singular value pressure function for two-dimensional matrices, and prove a general theorem relating the zero-temperature limit of the matrix pressure to the joint spectral radius.Comment: To appear in Advances in Mathematic