8 research outputs found

    Weak Bisimulation Approximants

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    Bisimilarity ∌ and weak bisimilarity ≈ are canonical notions of equivalence between processes, which are defined co-inductively, but may be approached – and even reached – by their (transfinite) inductively-defined approximants ∌α and ≈α. For arbitrary processes this approximation may need to climb arbitrarily high through the infinite ordinals before stabilising. In this paper we consider a simple yet well-studied process algebra, the Basic Parallel Processes (BPP), and investigate for this class of processes the minimal ordinal α such that ≈ = ≈α. The main tool in our investigation is a novel proof of Dickson’s Lemma. Unlike classical proofs, the proof we provide gives rise to a tight ordinal bound, of ω n, on the order type of non-increasing sequences of n-tuples of natural numbers. With this we are able to reduce a long-standing bound on the approximation hierarchy for weak bisimilarity ≈ over BPP, and show that ≈ = ≈ω ω

    Decidability and complexity of equivalences for simple process algebras

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    In this thesis I study decidability, complexity and structural properties of strong and weak bisimilarity with respect to two process algebras, Basic Process Algebras and Basic Parallel Process Algebras. The decidability of strong bisimilarity for both algebras is an established result. For the subclasses of normed BPA-processes and BPP there even exist polynomial decision procedures. The complexity of deciding strong bisimilarity for the whole class of BPP is unsatisfactory since it is not bounded by any primitive recursive function. Here we present a new approach that encodes BPP as special polynomials and expresses strong bisimulation in terms of polynomial ideals and then uses a theorem about polynomial ideals (Hilbert's Basis Theorem) and an algorithm from computer algebra (Gröbner bases) to construct a new decision procedure. For weak bisimilarity, Hirshfeld found a decision procedure for the subclasses of totally normed BPA-processes and BPP, and Esparza demonstrated a semidecision procedure for general BPP. The remaining questions are still unsolved. Here we provide some lower bounds on the computational complexity of a decision procedure that might exist. For BPP we show that the decidability problem is NP-hard (even for the class of totally normed BPP), for BPA-processes we show that the decidability problem is PSPACE-hard. Finally we study the notion of weak bisimilarity in terms of its inductive definition. We start from the relation containing all pairs of processes and then form a non-increasing chain of relations by eliminating pairs that do not satisfy a certain expansion condition. These relations are labelled by ordinal numbers and are called approximants. We know that this chain eventually converges for some a' such that =a' = =b' = = for all a' w^w, and for BPPA, a' => w.2. For some restricted classes of BPA and BPPA we show that = = =w.2

    Approximating Weak Bisimilarity of Basic Parallel Processes

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    This paper explores the well known approximation approach to decide weak bisimilarity of Basic Parallel Processes. We look into how different refinement functions can be used to prove weak bisimilarity decidable for certain subclasses. We also show their limitations for the general case. In particular, we show a lower bound of ω ∗ ω for the approximants which allow weak steps and a lower bound of ω + ω for the approximants that allow sequences of actions. The former lower bound negatively answers the open question of Jančar and Hirshfeld

    The Complexity of Datalog on Linear Orders

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    We study the program complexity of datalog on both finite and infinite linear orders. Our main result states that on all linear orders with at least two elements, the nonemptiness problem for datalog is EXPTIME-complete. While containment of the nonemptiness problem in EXPTIME is known for finite linear orders and actually for arbitrary finite structures, it is not obvious for infinite linear orders. It sharply contrasts the situation on other infinite structures; for example, the datalog nonemptiness problem on an infinite successor structure is undecidable. We extend our upper bound results to infinite linear orders with constants. As an application, we show that the datalog nonemptiness problem on Allen's interval algebra is EXPTIME-complete.Comment: 21 page

    Equivalence of infinite-state systems with silent steps

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    This dissertation contributes to analysis methods for infinite-state systems. The dissertation focuses on equivalence testing for two relevant classes of infinite-state systems: commutative context-free processes, and one-counter automata. As for equivalence notions, we investigate the classical bisimulation and simulation equivalences. The important point is that we allow for silent steps in the model, abstracting away from internal, unobservable actions. Very few decidability results have been known so far for bisimulation or simulation equivalence for infinite-state systems with silent steps, as presence of silent steps makes the equivalence problem arguably harder to solve. A standard technique for bisimulation or simulation equivalence testing is to use the hierarchy of approximants. For an effective decision procedure the hierarchy must stabilize (converge) at level omega, the first limit ordinal, which is not the case for the models investigated in this thesis. However, according to a long-standing conjecture, the community believed that the convergence actually takes place at level omega+ omega in the class of commutative context free processes. We disprove the conjecture and provide a lower bound of omega * omega for the convergence level. We also show that all previously known positive decidability results for BPPs can be re-proven uniformly using the improved approximants techniques. Moreover dissertation contains an unsuccesfull attack on one of the main open problems in the area: decidability of weak bisimulation equivalence for commutative context-free processes. Our technical development of this section is not sufficient to solve the problem, but we believe it is a serious step towards a solution. Furtermore, we are able to show decidability of branching (stuttering) bisimulation equivalence, a slightly more discriminating variant of bisimulation equivalence. It is worth emphesizing that, until today, our result is the only known decidability result for bisimulation equivalence in a class of inifinite-state systems with silent steps that is not known to admit convergence of (some variant of) standard approximants at level omega. Finally we consider weak simulation equivalence over one-counter automata without zero tests (allowing zero tests implies undecidability). While weak bisimulation equivalence is known to be undecidable in this class, we prove a surprising result that weak simulation equivalence is actually decidable. Thus we provide a first example going against a trend, widely-believed by the community, that simulation equivalence tends to be computationally harder than bisimulation equivalence. In short words, the dissertation contains three new results, each of them solving a non-trivial open problem about equivalence testing of infinite-state systems with silent steps

    Towards weak bisimilarity on a class of parallel processes.

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    A directed labelled graph may be used, at a certain abstraction, to represent a system's behaviour. Its nodes, the possible states the system can be in; its arrows labelled by the actions required to move from one state to another. Processes are, for our purposes, synonymous with these labelled transition systems. With this view a well-studied notion of behavioural equivalence is bisimilarity, where processes are bisimilar when whatever one can do, the other can match, while maintaining bisimilarity. Weak bisimilarity accommodates a notion of silent or internal action. A natural class of labelled transition systems is given by considering the derivations of commutative context-free grammars in Greibach Normal Form: the Basic Parallel Processes (BPP), introduced by Christensen in his PhD thesis. They represent a simple model of communication-free parallel computation, and for them bisimilarity is PSPACE-complete. Weak bisimilarity is believed to be decidable, but only partial results exist. Non-bisimilarity is trivially semidecidable on BPP (each process has finitely many next states, so the state space can be explored until a mis-match is found); the research effort in proving it fully decidable centred on semideciding the positive case. Conversely, weak bisimilarity has been known to be semidecidable for a decade, but no method for semideciding inequivalence has yet been found - the presence of silent actions allows a process to have infinitely many possible successor states, so simple exploration is no longer possible. Weak bisimilarity is defined coinductively, but may be approached, and even reached, by its inductively defined approximants. Game theoretically, these change the Defender's winning condition from survival for infinitely many turns to survival for K turns, for an ordinal k, creating a hierarchy of relations successively closer to full weak bisimilarity. It can be seen that on any set of processes this approximant hierarchy collapses: there will always exist some K such that the kth approximant coincides with weak bisimilarity. One avenue towards the semidecidability of non- weak bisimilarity is the decidability of its approximants. It is a long-standing conjecture that on BPP the weak approximant hierarchy collapses at o x 2. If true, in order to semidecide inequivalence it would suffice to be able to decide the o + n approximants. Again, there exist only limited results: the finite approximants are known to be decidable, but no progress has been made on the wth approximant, and thus far the best proven lower-bound of collapse is w1CK (the least non-recursive ordinal number). We significantly improve this bound to okx2(for a k-variable BPP); a key part of the proof being a novel constructive version of Dickson's Lemma. The distances-to-disablings or DD functions were invented by Jancar in order to prove the PSPACE-completeness of bisimilarity on BPP. At the end of his paper is a conjecture that weak bisimilarity might be amenable to the theory; a suggestion we have taken up. We generalise and extend the DD functions, widening the subset of BPP on which weak bisimilarity is known to be computable, and creating a new means for testing inequivalence. The thesis ends with two conjectures. The first, that our extended DD functions in fact capture weak bisimilarity on full BPP (a corollary of which would be to take the lower bound of approximant collapse to and second, that they are computable, which would enable us to semidecide inequivalence, and hence give us the decidability of weak bisimilarity

    Verification of Model Transformations

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    Weak bisimulation approximants

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