4 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışma, sinestezinin tasarım sürecinde ilham ve/veya yöntem olarak kullanımını tartışan çalışmalara dair sistematik bir literatür taraması sunmaktadır. Çalışmada, sinestetik düşünmenin çoklu duyusal ürün tasarımında bir fikir geliştirme yöntemi olarak potansiyeli değerlendirilmiş ve sinestezinin ürün tasarımı alanındaki uygulamaları ile ilgilenen tasarımcılara ve araştırmacılara bir içgörü sunulması amaçlanmıştır. İncelenen 21 akademik yayının tematik analizi sonucunda, (1) duyusal bağlantıların tasarım sürecinin fikir geliştirme aşamasında kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmesi ve stratejik bir şekilde kullanımı, (2) tasarım sürecinde sinestetik deneyimlere dayalı geleneksel olmayan yöntemlerin kullanımı ve (3) tasarım sürecinde disiplinler arası iş birliği ve kullanıcı geri bildirimleri ile sinestetik düşünmenin aktive edilmesini ifade eden üç tema elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, algısal, metaforik ve temsili yönleriyle sinestezinin, tasarım sürecinin özellikle fikir geliştirme aşamasında güçlü bir yöntem olma niteliği taşıdığını işaret eder. Sinestetik düşünme yöntemi ile estetik, işlevsel, duyusal, duygusal vb. ürün özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, tasarım fikrinin somutlaşması vb. konusunda duyu odaklı ve insan odaklı bir yaklaşım ile, kullanıcıların duyusal, davranışsal ve duygusal deneyimlerinin zenginleştirilmesi mümkündür. Sinestetik düşünme, farklı duyusal modaliteler arasındaki ilişkiler, metaforik bağlantılar, duyusal kombinasyonlar ile duyguların eşleştirilmesi, olağan/olağandışı duyusal etkileşimler vb. ile yeni ürün özellikleri ve kullanıcı deneyimlerine ilham olabilecek duyusal bağlantılar sunar. Aynı zamanda, sinestetik deneyim ve unsurların hedeflenen ürün-kullanıcı etkileşimi ve deneyimi ile ilişkisini keşfetmeye yardımcı olacak senaryolar geliştirilmesini sağlar. Bu bağlamda, ürün tasarımı süreçlerinde sinestetik yaklaşımın benimsenmesi, hem tasarımcılara geleneksel tasarım yöntemlerinin ötesine geçen daha yaratıcı, sistematik yöntemler sunar hem de kullanıcıların duyusal algı sistemlerini harekete geçiren daha özgün ve yenilikçi ürünlerin tasarlanmasına olanak tanır

    The Playful Potential of Digital Commensality: Learning from Spontaneous Playful Remote Dining Practices

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    With one-person households being increasingly common and Covid-19 lockdown policies forcing people to stay home, remote dining has become common practice for many, who take it as an opportunity to connect with others in times of loneliness. Sharing meals online, also known as digital commensality, is a rich form of interaction, where people leverage technology to achieve a sense of connectedness and belonging while eating. In this paper, we look at digital commensality and we explore its inherent playful potential with the aim to inspire the design of engaging technologies that can support, enhance and augment this form of interaction. For this, we used a situated play design approach to document and analyze the behavior of 36 people (including pairs of friends and strangers) sharing meals online. Our analysis surfaced a set of play potentials of remote dining -- i.e., playful things people already do and enjoy spontaneously while sharing meals online. We present those play potentials as inspirational material: they can motivate and enrich the design of future digital commensality technologies by responding to people's desire for playful and social interaction with, through, and around food

    Exploring Design Opportunities for Promoting Healthy Eating at Work

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    Exploring and designing for multisensory interactions with 3D printed food

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    Experience of food is as varied as it is widespread, part of mundane activities but also embedded in rituals and celebrations. Despite its pervasive richness it has yet to be fully exploited to support embodied and multisensory experiences within Human-Computer Interaction. This thesis addresses this shortcoming, drawing on the unique qualities of food experience in combination with novel technology to design rich, affective, and embodied interactions through food. This work approaches 3D printed food as a material to design emotion- and memory-based experiences with food, and 3D printing of food as a technology for crafting multisensory user experiences in everyday contexts. These perspectives are integrated through the design and evaluation of novel interactions with 3D printed food, following a Research through Design approach combined with material approaches. Through this enquiry, novel research tools for HCI were also created for working with food, flavour, and taste. The thesis comprises seven studies that advance knowledge, based on gaps identified, and novel theoretical framings in a systematic literature review. Through a survey of user perceptions of 3D printed food, opportunities for user experience-based applications were highlighted. An identified opportunity for affective interactions through taste was considered through lab-based studies and interviews with chefs and food designers on using 3D printed food. This was extended through a co-design study with couples in romantic relationships to create flavours of 3D printed food to support emotional expression and coregulation. The use of flavours to cue experience was then explored in relation to self-defining memories with older adults. Through both co-design studies, a multisensory probe kit was built and evaluated to support designing with the senses in HCI and to further explore ideas from the study into food and memory and an app prototype designed for creating personalised flavour-based memory cues. Collectively, these studies support applications of the 3D printing of food for emotional and memory-based applications in HCI, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to multisensory design and design with food and the body in HCI