4,104 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Enhancement Techniques for Visibility Improvement of Digital Images

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    Image enhancement techniques for visibility improvement of 8-bit color digital images based on spatial domain, wavelet transform domain, and multiple image fusion approaches are investigated in this dissertation research. In the category of spatial domain approach, two enhancement algorithms are developed to deal with problems associated with images captured from scenes with high dynamic ranges. The first technique is based on an illuminance-reflectance (I-R) model of the scene irradiance. The dynamic range compression of the input image is achieved by a nonlinear transformation of the estimated illuminance based on a windowed inverse sigmoid transfer function. A single-scale neighborhood dependent contrast enhancement process is proposed to enhance the high frequency components of the illuminance, which compensates for the contrast degradation of the mid-tone frequency components caused by dynamic range compression. The intensity image obtained by integrating the enhanced illuminance and the extracted reflectance is then converted to a RGB color image through linear color restoration utilizing the color components of the original image. The second technique, named AINDANE, is a two step approach comprised of adaptive luminance enhancement and adaptive contrast enhancement. An image dependent nonlinear transfer function is designed for dynamic range compression and a multiscale image dependent neighborhood approach is developed for contrast enhancement. Real time processing of video streams is realized with the I-R model based technique due to its high speed processing capability while AINDANE produces higher quality enhanced images due to its multi-scale contrast enhancement property. Both the algorithms exhibit balanced luminance, contrast enhancement, higher robustness, and better color consistency when compared with conventional techniques. In the transform domain approach, wavelet transform based image denoising and contrast enhancement algorithms are developed. The denoising is treated as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator problem; a Bivariate probability density function model is introduced to explore the interlevel dependency among the wavelet coefficients. In addition, an approximate solution to the MAP estimation problem is proposed to avoid the use of complex iterative computations to find a numerical solution. This relatively low complexity image denoising algorithm implemented with dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) produces high quality denoised images

    Blind Curvelet based Denoising of Seismic Surveys in Coherent and Incoherent Noise Environments

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    The localized nature of curvelet functions, together with their frequency and dip characteristics, makes the curvelet transform an excellent choice for processing seismic data. In this work, a denoising method is proposed based on a combination of the curvelet transform and a whitening filter along with procedure for noise variance estimation. The whitening filter is added to get the best performance of the curvelet transform under coherent and incoherent correlated noise cases, and furthermore, it simplifies the noise estimation method and makes it easy to use the standard threshold methodology without digging into the curvelet domain. The proposed method is tested on pseudo-synthetic data by adding noise to real noise-less data set of the Netherlands offshore F3 block and on the field data set from east Texas, USA, containing ground roll noise. Our experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve the best results under all types of noises (incoherent or uncorrelated or random, and coherent noise)

    Rehaussement du signal de parole par EMD et opérateur de Teager-Kaiser

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    The authors would like to thank Professor Mohamed Bahoura from Universite de Quebec a Rimouski for fruitful discussions on time adaptive thresholdingIn this paper a speech denoising strategy based on time adaptive thresholding of intrinsic modes functions (IMFs) of the signal, extracted by empirical mode decomposition (EMD), is introduced. The denoised signal is reconstructed by the superposition of its adaptive thresholded IMFs. Adaptive thresholds are estimated using the Teager–Kaiser energy operator (TKEO) of signal IMFs. More precisely, TKEO identifies the type of frame by expanding differences between speech and non-speech frames in each IMF. Based on the EMD, the proposed speech denoising scheme is a fully data-driven approach. The method is tested on speech signals with different noise levels and the results are compared to EMD-shrinkage and wavelet transform (WT) coupled with TKEO. Speech enhancement performance is evaluated using output signal to noise ratio (SNR) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) measure. Based on the analyzed speech signals, the proposed enhancement scheme performs better than WT-TKEO and EMD-shrinkage approaches in terms of output SNR and PESQ. The noise is greatly reduced using time-adaptive thresholding than universal thresholding. The study is limited to signals corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise

    Bayesian demosaicing using Gaussian scale mixture priors with local adaptivity in the dual tree complex wavelet packet transform domain

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    In digital cameras and mobile phones, there is an ongoing trend to increase the image resolution, decrease the sensor size and to use lower exposure times. Because smaller sensors inherently lead to more noise and a worse spatial resolution, digital post-processing techniques are required to resolve many of the artifacts. Color filter arrays (CFAs), which use alternating patterns of color filters, are very popular because of price and power consumption reasons. However, color filter arrays require the use of a post-processing technique such as demosaicing to recover full resolution RGB images. Recently, there has been some interest in techniques that jointly perform the demosaicing and denoising. This has the advantage that the demosaicing and denoising can be performed optimally (e.g. in the MSE sense) for the considered noise model, while avoiding artifacts introduced when using demosaicing and denoising sequentially. ABSTRACT In this paper, we will continue the research line of the wavelet-based demosaicing techniques. These approaches are computationally simple and very suited for combination with denoising. Therefore, we will derive Bayesian Minimum Squared Error (MMSE) joint demosaicing and denoising rules in the complex wavelet packet domain, taking local adaptivity into account. As an image model, we will use Gaussian Scale Mixtures, thereby taking advantage of the directionality of the complex wavelets. Our results show that this technique is well capable of reconstructing fine details in the image, while removing all of the noise, at a relatively low computational cost. In particular, the complete reconstruction (including color correction, white balancing etc) of a 12 megapixel RAW image takes 3.5 sec on a recent mid-range GPU

    Wavelet-based denoising for 3D OCT images

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    Optical coherence tomography produces high resolution medical images based on spatial and temporal coherence of the optical waves backscattered from the scanned tissue. However, the same coherence introduces speckle noise as well; this degrades the quality of acquired images. In this paper we propose a technique for noise reduction of 3D OCT images, where the 3D volume is considered as a sequence of 2D images, i.e., 2D slices in depth-lateral projection plane. In the proposed method we first perform recursive temporal filtering through the estimated motion trajectory between the 2D slices using noise-robust motion estimation/compensation scheme previously proposed for video denoising. The temporal filtering scheme reduces the noise level and adapts the motion compensation on it. Subsequently, we apply a spatial filter for speckle reduction in order to remove the remainder of noise in the 2D slices. In this scheme the spatial (2D) speckle-nature of noise in OCT is modeled and used for spatially adaptive denoising. Both the temporal and the spatial filter are wavelet-based techniques, where for the temporal filter two resolution scales are used and for the spatial one four resolution scales. The evaluation of the proposed denoising approach is done on demodulated 3D OCT images on different sources and of different resolution. For optimizing the parameters for best denoising performance fantom OCT images were used. The denoising performance of the proposed method was measured in terms of SNR, edge sharpness preservation and contrast-to-noise ratio. A comparison was made to the state-of-the-art methods for noise reduction in 2D OCT images, where the proposed approach showed to be advantageous in terms of both objective and subjective quality measures
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