176 research outputs found

    Detecting anomalies in remotely sensed hyperspectral signatures via wavelet transforms

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    An automated subpixel target detection system has been designed and tested for use with remotely sensed hyperspectral images. A database of hyperspectral signatures was created to test the system using a variety of Gaussian shaped targets. The signal-to-noise ratio of the targets varied from -95dB to -50dB. The system utilizes a wavelet-based method (discrete wavelet transform) to extract an energy feature vector from each input pixel signature. The dimensionality of the feature vector is reduced to a one-dimensional feature scalar through the process of linear discriminant analysis. Signature classification is determined by nearest mean criterion that is used to assign each input signature to one of two classes, no target present or target present. Classification accuracy ranged from nearly 60% with target SNR at -95dB without any a priori knowledge of the target, to 100% with target SNR at -50dB and a priori knowledge about the location of the target within the spectral bands of the signature

    Hyperspectral Imaging System Model Implementation and Analysis

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    In support of hyperspectral imaging system design and parameter trade-off research, an analytical end-to-end model to simulate the remote sensing system pipeline and to forecast remote sensing system performance has been implemented. It is also being made available to the remote sensing community through a website. Users are able to forecast hyperspectral imaging system performance by defining an observational scenario along with imaging system parameters. For system modeling, the implemented analytical model includes scene, sensor and target characteristics as well as atmospheric features, background spectral reflectance statistics, sensor specifications and target class reflectance statistics. The sensor model has been extended to include the airborne ProspecTIR instrument. To validate the analytical model, experiments were designed and conducted. The predictive system model has been verified by comparing the forecast results to ones obtained using real world data collected during the RIT SHARE 2012 collection. Results include the use of large calibration panels to show the predicted radiance consistent with the collected data. Grass radiance predicted from ground truth reflectance data also compare well with the real world collected data, and an eigenvector analysis also supports the validity of the predictions. Two examples of subpixel target detection scenario are presented. One is to detect subpixel wood yellow painted planks in an asphalt playground, and the other is to detect subpixel green painted wood planks in grass. To validate our system performance, the detection performance are analyzed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in a comprehensive scenario setting. The predicted ROC result of the yellow planks matches well the ROC derived from collected data. However, the predicted ROC curve of green planks differs from collected data ROC curve. Additional experiments were conducted and analyzed to discuss the possible reasons of the mismatch including scene characterization inaccuracy. Several subpixel target detection parameter trade-off analyses are given, including relative calibration error vs SNR, the relationship among probability of detection, meteorological range, pixel fill factor, relative calibration error and false alarm rate. These trade-off analyses explain the utility of this model for hyperspectral imaging system design and research

    Multiclass Object Detection with Single Query in Hyperspectral Imagery Using Class-Associative Spectral Fringe-Adjusted Joint Transform Correlation

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    We present a deterministic object detection algorithm capable of detecting multiclass objects in hyperspectral imagery (HSI) without any training or preprocessing. The proposed method, which is named class-associative spectral fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation (CSFJTC), is based on joint transform correlation (JTC) between object and nonobject spectral signatures to search for a similar match, which only requires one query (training-free) from the object\u27s spectral signature. Our method utilizes class-associative filtering, modified Fourier plane image subtraction, and fringe-adjusted JTC techniques in spectral correlation domain to perform the object detection task. The output of CSFJTC yields a pair of sharp correlation peaks for a matched target and negligible or no correlation peaks for a mismatch. Experimental results, in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and area-under-ROC (AUROC), on three popular real-world hyperspectral data sets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed CSFJTC technique over other well-known hyperspectral object detection approaches

    Object Detection in High Resolution Aerial Images and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images

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    With rapid developments in satellite and sensor technologies, there has been a dramatic increase in the availability of remotely sensed images. However, the exploration of these images still involves a tremendous amount of human interventions, which are tedious, time-consuming, and inefficient. To help imaging experts gain a complete understanding of the images and locate the objects of interest in a more accurate and efficient way, there is always an urgent need for developing automatic detection algorithms. In this work, we delve into the object detection problems in remote sensing applications, exploring the detection algorithms for both hyperspectral images (HSIs) and high resolution aerial images. In the first part, we focus on the subpixel target detection problem in HSIs with low spatial resolutions, where the objects of interest are much smaller than the image pixel spatial resolution. To this end, we explore the detection frameworks that integrate image segmentation techniques in designing the matched filters (MFs). In particular, we propose a novel image segmentation algorithm to identify the spatial-spectral coherent image regions, from which the background statistics were estimated for deriving the MFs. Extensive experimental studies were carried out to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed subpixel target detection framework. Our studies show the superiority of the approach when comparing to state-of-the-art methods. The second part of the thesis explores the object based image analysis (OBIA) framework for geospatial object detection in high resolution aerial images. Specifically, we generate a tree representation of the aerial images from the output of hierarchical image segmentation algorithms and reformulate the object detection problem into a tree matching task. We then proposed two tree-matching algorithms for the object detection framework. We demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed tree-matching based object detection framework. In the third part, we study object detection in high resolution aerial images from a machine learning perspective. We investigate both traditional machine learning based framework and end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) based approach for various object detection tasks. In the traditional detection framework, we propose to apply the Gaussian process classifier (GPC) to train an object detector and demonstrate the advantages of the probabilistic classification algorithm. In the CNN based approach, we proposed a novel scale transfer module that generates enhanced feature maps for object detection. Our results show the efficiency and competitiveness of the proposed algorithms when compared to state-of-the-art counterparts

    Automated detection of subpixel hyperspectral targets with continuous and discrete wavelet transforms

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    Anomaly detection in hyperspectral signatures using automated derivative spectroscopy methods

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    The goal of this research was to detect anomalies in remotely sensed Hyperspectral images using automated derivative based methods. A database of Hyperspectral signatures was used that had simulated additive Gaussian anomalies that modeled a weakly concentrated aerosol in several spectral bands. The automated pattern detection system was carried out in four steps. They were: (1) feature extraction, (2) feature reduction through linear discriminant analysis, (3) performance characterization through receiver operating characteristic curves, and (4) signature classification using nearest mean and maximum likelihood classifiers. The Hyperspectral database contained signatures with various anomaly concentrations ranging from weakly present to moderately present and also anomalies in various spectral reflective and absorptive bands. It was found that the automated derivative based detection system gave classification accuracies of 97 percent for a Gaussian anomaly of SNR -45 dB and 70 percent for Gaussian anomaly of SNR -85 dB. This demonstrates the applicability of using derivative analysis methods for pattern detection and classification with remotely sensed Hyperspectral images

    Improving Hyperspectral Subpixel Target Detection Using Hybrid Detection Space

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    A Hyper-Spectral Image (HSI) has high spectral and low spatial resolution. As a result, most targets exist as subpixels, which pose challenges in target detection. Moreover, limitation of target and background samples always hinders the target detection performance. In this thesis, a hybrid method for subpixel target detection of an HSI using minimal prior knowledge is developed. The Matched Filter (MF) and Adaptive Cosine Estimator (ACE) are two popular algorithms in HSI target detection. They have different advantages in differentiating target from background. In the proposed method, the scores of MF and ACE algorithms are used to construct a hybrid detection space. First, some high abundance target spectra are randomly picked from the scene to perform initial detection to determine the target and background subsets. Then, the reference target spectrum and background covariance matrix are improved iteratively, using the hybrid detection space. As the iterations continue, the reference target spectrum gets closer and closer to the central line that connects the centers of target and background and resulting in noticeable improvement in target detection. Two synthetic datasets and two real datasets are used in the experiments. The results are evaluated based on the mean detection rate, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and observation of the detection results. Compared to traditional MF and ACE algorithms with Reed-Xiaoli Detector (RXD) background covariance matrix estimation, the new method shows much better performance on all four datasets. This method can be applied in environmental monitoring, mineral detection, as well as oceanography and forestry reconnaissance to search for extremely small target distribution in a large scene

    Linear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Signals via Wavelet Feature Extraction

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    A pixel in remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery is typically a mixture of multiple electromagnetic radiances from various ground cover materials. Spectral unmixing is a quantitative analysis procedure used to recognize constituent ground cover materials (or endmembers) and obtain their mixing proportions (or abundances) from a mixed pixel. The abundances are typically estimated using the least squares estimation (LSE) method based on the linear mixture model (LMM). This dissertation provides a complete investigation on how the use of appropriate features can improve the LSE of endmember abundances using remotely sensed hyperspectral signals. The dissertation shows how features based on signal classification approaches, such as discrete wavelet transform (DWT), outperform features based on conventional signal representation methods for dimensionality reduction, such as principal component analysis (PCA), for the LSE of endmember abundances. Both experimental and theoretical analyses are reported in the dissertation. A DWT-based linear unmixing system is designed specially for the abundance estimation. The system utilizes the DWT as a pre-processing step for the feature extraction. Based on DWT-based features, the system utilizes the constrained LSE for the abundance estimation. Experimental results show that the use of DWT-based features reduces the abundance estimation deviation by 30-50% on average, as compared to the use of original hyperspectral signals or conventional PCA-based features. Based on the LMM and the LSE method, a series of theoretical analyses are derived to reveal the fundamental reasons why the use of the appropriate features, such as DWT-based features, can improve the LSE of endmember abundances. Under reasonable assumptions, the dissertation derives a generalized mathematical relationship between the abundance estimation error and the endmember separabilty. It is proven that the abundance estimation error can be reduced through increasing the endmember separability. The use of DWT-based features provides a potential to increase the endmember separability, and consequently improves the LSE of endmember abundances. The stability of the LSE of endmember abundances is also analyzed using the concept of the condition number. Analysis results show that the use of DWT-based features not only improves the LSE of endmember abundances, but also improves the LSE stability

    Weighted Chebyshev Distance Algorithms for Hyperspectral Target Detection and Classification Applications

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    In this study, an efficient spectral similarity method referred to as Weighted Chebyshev Distance (WCD) is introduced for supervised classification of hyperspectral imagery (HSI) and target detection applications. The WCD is based on a simple spectral similarity based decision rule using limited amount of reference data. The estimation of upper and lower spectral boundaries of spectral signatures for all classes across spectral bands is referred to as a vector tunnel (VT). To obtain the reference information, the training signatures are provided randomly from existing data for a known class. After determination of the parameters of the WCD algorithm with the training set, classification or detection procedures are accomplished at each pixel. The comparative performances of the algorithms are tested under various cases. The decision criterion for classification of an input vector is based on choosing its class corresponding to the narrowest VT that the input vector fits in to. This is also shown to be approximated by the WCD in which the weights are chosen as an inverse power of the generalized standard deviation per spectral band. In computer experiments, the WCD classifier is compared with the Euclidian Distance (ED) classifier and the Spectral Angle Map (SAM) classifier. The WCD algorithm is also used for HSI target detection purpose. Target detection problem is considered as a two-class classification problem. The WCD is characterized only by the target class spectral information. Then, this method is compared with ED, SAM, Spectral Matched Filter (SMF), Adaptive Cosine Estimator (ACE) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms. During these studies, threshold levels are evaluated based on the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves (ROC)