866 research outputs found

    Min Max Normalization Based Data Perturbation Method for Privacy Protection

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    Data mining system contain large amount of private and sensitive data such as healthcare, financial and criminal records. These private and sensitive data can not be share to every one, so privacy protection of data is required in data mining system for avoiding privacy leakage of data. Data perturbation is one of the best methods for privacy preserving. We used data perturbation method for preserving privacy as well as accuracy. In this method individual data value are distorted before data mining application. In this paper we present min max normalization transformation based data perturbation. The privacy parameters are used for measurement of privacy protection and the utility measure shows the performance of data mining technique after data distortion. We performed experiment on real life dataset and the result show that min max normalization transformation based data perturbation method is effective to protect confidential information and also maintain the performance of data mining technique after data distortion

    Deploying and Evaluating Pufferfish Privacy for Smart Meter Data (Technical Report)

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    Information hiding ensures privacy by transforming personalized data so that certain sensitive information cannot be inferred any more. One state-of-the-art information-hiding approach is the Pufferfish framework. It lets the users specify their privacy requirements as so-called discriminative pairs of secrets, and it perturbs data so that an adversary does not learn about the probability distribution of such pairs. However, deploying the framework on complex data such as time series requires application specific work. This includes a general definition of the representation of secrets in the data. Another issue is that the tradeoff between Pufferfish privacy and utility of the data is largely unexplored in quantitative terms. In this study, we quantify this tradeoff for smart meter data. Such data contains fine-grained time series of power-consumption data from private households. Disseminating such data in an uncontrolled way puts privacy at risk. We investigate how time series of energy consumption data must be transformed to facilitate specifying secrets that Pufferfish can use. We ensure the generality of our study by looking at different information-extraction approaches, such as re-identification and non-intrusive-appliance-load monitoring, in combination with a comprehensive set of secrets. Additionally, we provide quantitative utility results for a real-world application, the so-called local energy market

    Privacy-Enhancing Methods for Time Series and their Impact on Electronic Markets

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    The amount of collected time series data containing personal information has increased in the last years, e.g., smart meters store time series of power consumption data. Using such data for the benefit of society requires methods to protect the privacy of individuals. Those methods need to modify the data. In this thesis, we contribute a provable privacy method for time series and introduce an application specific measure in the smart grid domain to evaluate their impact on data quality


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    Motivated by increasing public awareness of possible abuse of confidential information, which is considered as a significant hindrance to the development of e-society, medical and financial markets, a privacy preserving data mining framework is presented so that data owners can carefully process data in order to preserve confidential information and guarantee information functionality within an acceptable boundary. First, among many privacy-preserving methodologies, as a group of popular techniques for achieving a balance between data utility and information privacy, a class of data perturbation methods add a noise signal, following a statistical distribution, to an original numerical matrix. With the help of analysis in eigenspace of perturbed data, the potential privacy vulnerability of a popular data perturbation is analyzed in the presence of very little information leakage in privacy-preserving databases. The vulnerability to very little data leakage is theoretically proved and experimentally illustrated. Second, in addition to numerical matrices, social networks have played a critical role in modern e-society. Security and privacy in social networks receive a lot of attention because of recent security scandals among some popular social network service providers. So, the need to protect confidential information from being disclosed motivates us to develop multiple privacy-preserving techniques for social networks. Affinities (or weights) attached to edges are private and can lead to personal security leakage. To protect privacy of social networks, several algorithms are proposed, including Gaussian perturbation, greedy algorithm, and probability random walking algorithm. They can quickly modify original data in a large-scale situation, to satisfy different privacy requirements. Third, the era of big data is approaching on the horizon in the industrial arena and academia, as the quantity of collected data is increasing in an exponential fashion. Three issues are studied in the age of big data with privacy preservation, obtaining a high confidence about accuracy of any specific differentially private queries, speedily and accurately updating a private summary of a binary stream with I/O-awareness, and launching a mutual private information retrieval for big data. All three issues are handled by two core backbones, differential privacy and the Chernoff Bound
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