11 research outputs found

    Medication Safety in Municipal Health and Care Services

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    Medicines constitute an essential part of healthcare delivery and help to prevent or treat illness, influence quality of life, and generally increase life expectancy. However, medications can also cause harm if prescribed irrationally, dispensed or used incorrectly, and monitored or followed up insufficiently. In this anthology, we showcase the challenges of medication management and the rational use of medicines in municipal health and care services, and present various strategies and measures related to medication safety. The contributors are researchers representing a wide range of disciplines, with experience from different levels of healthcare services and different areas within the research and education sectors. We hope to raise awareness, engage and enable discussion of initiatives and strategies to improve patient safety related to medications in municipal health and care services, and create a basis for further research to promote safe medication management and rational use of medicines. This anthology will be of interest to anyone involved in or concerned with medication safety, primarily healthcare professionals, academic staff, researchers, policymakers, and managers in healthcare services

    Medication Safety in Municipal Health and Care Services

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    Medicines constitute an essential part of healthcare delivery and help to prevent or treat illness, influence quality of life, and generally increase life expectancy. However, medications can also cause harm if prescribed irrationally, dispensed or used incorrectly, and monitored or followed up insufficiently. In this anthology, we showcase the challenges of medication management and the rational use of medicines in municipal health and care services, and present various strategies and measures related to medication safety. The contributors are researchers representing a wide range of disciplines, with experience from different levels of healthcare services and different areas within the research and education sectors. We hope to raise awareness, engage and enable discussion of initiatives and strategies to improve patient safety related to medications in municipal health and care services, and create a basis for further research to promote safe medication management and rational use of medicines. This anthology will be of interest to anyone involved in or concerned with medication safety, primarily healthcare professionals, academic staff, researchers, policymakers, and managers in healthcare services

    An economic evaluation of telehealth and telecare in England

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    In the English health and social care system, budgets are now constrained more than ever, while an increasing proportion of the population is expected to require care. There is an urgent need to find new ways to enable people with long-term illness and disability to live well, within the national budget. Policymakers have embraced new assistive technologies such as telecare and telehealth as a means to achieve this goal. Evidence that telehealth is cost-effective is emerging but remains limited; evidence on the impacts of telecare is still more limited. In this thesis I investigate the effectiveness of two advanced assistive technologies, telehealth and telecare, in improving or maintaining health-related quality of life and other psychological outcomes, given the costs of providing these interventions. I deploy cost-effectiveness methods to analyse questionnaire data from two large-scale randomised controlled trials of telecare and telehealth in England. Drawing on provider data collected during the evaluation, I describe the inputs to production of the telehealth and telecare interventions and calculate their unit costs. I describe the health and social care costs of telehealth and telecare participants and explore participant characteristics associated with cost variations. The results of cost-effectiveness analyses of telehealth and telecare indicate that these technological interventions did not produce the hoped-for improvements in self-reported quality of life and other psychosocial outcomes, nor reduce the overall estimated annual costs of health and social care. Policymakers and practitioners would benefit from better evidence on the mechanisms by which telecare and telehealth ‘work’, and for whom, to direct future investments of resources into these technologies


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    Modèle ontologique contextuel pour les patients atteints de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique

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    L'informatique ubiquitaire est considérée comme l'une des réalisations scientifiques les plus marquantes de la dernière décennie. Cette vision a créé une révolution dans les interactions des utilisateurs finaux à partir le concept de sensibilité au contexte. L'informatique ubiquitaire offre une nouvelle opportunité pour remodeler la forme des solutions conventionnelles en fournissant des services personnalisés en fonction des situations contextuelles de chaque environnement. Des centaines d'architectures théoriques ont été développées dans le but de mettre en oeuvre l'idée de systèmes sensible au contexte. Cependant, l'informatique ubiquitaire est encore pratiquement non applicable en raison de nombreux défis, surtout que les architectures proposées se présentent toujours comme une solution générale qui permet de satisfaire n'importe quel type d'application et toutes sortes d'utilisation. OBJECTIFS: Cette thèse vise à concevoir et valider un modèle contextuel pour les systèmes de soins de santé ubiquitaires et spécifiquement destinés à aider les patients souffrant de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC). LA MÉTHODE: Les informations contextuelles sont très importantes pour les applications de soins de santé sensibles au contexte, en particulier celles utilisées pour surveiller les patients atteints de maladies chroniques qui sont affectées par des conditions concevables. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle classification de contexte pour le domaine médical qui couvre tous les aspects influençant la santé des patients. La grande échelle de cette classification le rend apte pour être une référence générale pour de divers projets de recherche s'intéressant au contexte médical. Ensuite, nous proposons un modèle contextuel à base d’ontologies capable de gérer la structure complexe du domaine de la MPOC de manière cohérente, en proportion de la nature dynamique de cet environnement. Ce nouveau modèle ontologique constitue le noyau de notre perception pour la mise en oeuvre de la solution de soins de santé ubiquitaire. Le modèle présenté examine son efficacité dans la gestion de l’une des maladies les plus vulnérables au contexte, où il prouve ainsi sa capacité à adapter les services de soins de santé à titre personnel et en fonction des conditions actuelles et prévues. Le modèle proposé a montré des résultats prometteurs dépassant 85% approuvé par un groupe de spécialistes expérimentés dans le domaine des maladies pulmonaires. Ubiquitous computing is considered one of the most impactful scientific achievements in the last decade. This conception created tremendous revolution in the end-user interactions through the concept of context-awareness. Ubiquitous computing offers a new opportunity to redesign the pattern of conventional solutions where it can easily tailor its processes upon existing contextual situations. Hundreds of theoretical architectures have been developed to enable context-awareness computing in pervasive settings. However, ubiquitous computing is still practically not feasible due to many challenges, but most importantly, that the proposed models always present themselves as a general solution to all kinds of real-life applications. OBJECTIVES: This thesis aims to design and validate a contextual model for health-care context-aware systems to support patients suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). METHODS: The contextual information is important for developing Context-Aware Healthcare Applications, especially those used to monitor patients with chronic diseases which are affected by perceived conditions. In this thesis, we propose a novel context categorization within the medical domain which covers all the context aspects. Then, we propose an ontology-based model able to handle the complex contextual structure of the COPD domain coherently, and in proportion to the dynamic nature of that environment. This new ontological context is the core of our perception for implementing the ubiquitous healthcare solution. The presented model examines its effectiveness in managing one of the most context-sensitive diseases, thereby demonstrating its ability to adapt health care services on a personal basis and in accordance with current and projected events. The proposed model has shown promising results exceeding 85% approved by a group of experienced specialists in respiratory and lung diseases