295 research outputs found

    Wasserstein Random Forests and Applications in Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

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    We present new insights into causal inference in the context of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects by proposing natural variants of Random Forests to estimate the key conditional distributions. To achieve this, we recast Breiman's original splitting criterion in terms of Wasserstein distances between empirical measures. This reformulation indicates that Random Forests are well adapted to estimate conditional distributions and provides a natural extension of the algorithm to multivariate outputs. Following the philosophy of Breiman's construction, we propose some variants of the splitting rule that are well-suited to the conditional distribution estimation problem. Some preliminary theoretical connections are established along with various numerical experiments, which show how our approach may help to conduct more transparent causal inference in complex situations

    Estimating individual treatment effect: generalization bounds and algorithms

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    There is intense interest in applying machine learning to problems of causal inference in fields such as healthcare, economics and education. In particular, individual-level causal inference has important applications such as precision medicine. We give a new theoretical analysis and family of algorithms for predicting individual treatment effect (ITE) from observational data, under the assumption known as strong ignorability. The algorithms learn a "balanced" representation such that the induced treated and control distributions look similar. We give a novel, simple and intuitive generalization-error bound showing that the expected ITE estimation error of a representation is bounded by a sum of the standard generalization-error of that representation and the distance between the treated and control distributions induced by the representation. We use Integral Probability Metrics to measure distances between distributions, deriving explicit bounds for the Wasserstein and Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) distances. Experiments on real and simulated data show the new algorithms match or outperform the state-of-the-art.Comment: Added name "TARNet" to refer to version with alpha = 0. Removed sup

    Learning Counterfactual Representations for Estimating Individual Dose-Response Curves

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    Estimating what would be an individual's potential response to varying levels of exposure to a treatment is of high practical relevance for several important fields, such as healthcare, economics and public policy. However, existing methods for learning to estimate counterfactual outcomes from observational data are either focused on estimating average dose-response curves, or limited to settings with only two treatments that do not have an associated dosage parameter. Here, we present a novel machine-learning approach towards learning counterfactual representations for estimating individual dose-response curves for any number of treatments with continuous dosage parameters with neural networks. Building on the established potential outcomes framework, we introduce performance metrics, model selection criteria, model architectures, and open benchmarks for estimating individual dose-response curves. Our experiments show that the methods developed in this work set a new state-of-the-art in estimating individual dose-response

    A Survey of Contextual Optimization Methods for Decision Making under Uncertainty

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    Recently there has been a surge of interest in operations research (OR) and the machine learning (ML) community in combining prediction algorithms and optimization techniques to solve decision-making problems in the face of uncertainty. This gave rise to the field of contextual optimization, under which data-driven procedures are developed to prescribe actions to the decision-maker that make the best use of the most recently updated information. A large variety of models and methods have been presented in both OR and ML literature under a variety of names, including data-driven optimization, prescriptive optimization, predictive stochastic programming, policy optimization, (smart) predict/estimate-then-optimize, decision-focused learning, (task-based) end-to-end learning/forecasting/optimization, etc. Focusing on single and two-stage stochastic programming problems, this review article identifies three main frameworks for learning policies from data and discusses their strengths and limitations. We present the existing models and methods under a uniform notation and terminology and classify them according to the three main frameworks identified. Our objective with this survey is to both strengthen the general understanding of this active field of research and stimulate further theoretical and algorithmic advancements in integrating ML and stochastic programming

    Distributionally Robust Machine Learning with Multi-source Data

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    Classical machine learning methods may lead to poor prediction performance when the target distribution differs from the source populations. This paper utilizes data from multiple sources and introduces a group distributionally robust prediction model defined to optimize an adversarial reward about explained variance with respect to a class of target distributions. Compared to classical empirical risk minimization, the proposed robust prediction model improves the prediction accuracy for target populations with distribution shifts. We show that our group distributionally robust prediction model is a weighted average of the source populations' conditional outcome models. We leverage this key identification result to robustify arbitrary machine learning algorithms, including, for example, random forests and neural networks. We devise a novel bias-corrected estimator to estimate the optimal aggregation weight for general machine-learning algorithms and demonstrate its improvement in the convergence rate. Our proposal can be seen as a distributionally robust federated learning approach that is computationally efficient and easy to implement using arbitrary machine learning base algorithms, satisfies some privacy constraints, and has a nice interpretation of different sources' importance for predicting a given target covariate distribution. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed group distributionally robust method on simulated and real data with random forests and neural networks as base-learning algorithms

    Deep Learning of Potential Outcomes

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    This review systematizes the emerging literature for causal inference using deep neural networks under the potential outcomes framework. It provides an intuitive introduction on how deep learning can be used to estimate/predict heterogeneous treatment effects and extend causal inference to settings where confounding is non-linear, time varying, or encoded in text, networks, and images. To maximize accessibility, we also introduce prerequisite concepts from causal inference and deep learning. The survey differs from other treatments of deep learning and causal inference in its sharp focus on observational causal estimation, its extended exposition of key algorithms, and its detailed tutorials for implementing, training, and selecting among deep estimators in Tensorflow 2 available at github.com/kochbj/Deep-Learning-for-Causal-Inference
