49 research outputs found

    A Structural Classification of Australian Vegetation Using ICESat/GLAS, ALOS PALSAR and Landsat Sensor Data

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    Australia has historically used structural descriptors of height and cover to characterize, differentiate, and map the distribution of woody vegetation across the continent but no national satellite-based structural classification has been available. In this study, we present a new 30-m spatial resolution reference map of Australian forest and woodland structure (height and cover), with this generated by integrating Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced TM, Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Arrayed L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) and Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation (ICESat),and Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) data. ALOS PALSAR and Landsat-derived Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) were used to segment and classify the Australian landscape. Then, from intersecting ICESat waveform data, vertical foliage profiles and height metrics (e.g., 95% percentile height, mean height and the height to maximum vegetation density) were extracted for each of the classes generated. Within each class, and for selected areas, the variability in ICESat profiles was found to be similar with differences between segments of the same class attributed largely to clearance or disturbance events. ICESat metrics and profiles were then assigned to all remaining segments across Australia with the same class allocation. Validation against airborne LiDAR for a range of forest structural types indicated a high degree of correspondence in estimated height measures. On this basis, a map of vegetation height was generated at a national level and was combined with estimates of cover to produce a revised structural classification based on the scheme of the Australian National Vegetation Information System (NVIS). The benefits of integrating the three datasets for segmenting and classifying the landscape and retrieving biophysical attributes was highlighted with this leading the way for future mapping using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2, Landsat/Sentinel-2, Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), and ICESat-2 LiDAR data. The ability to map across large areas provides considerable benefits for quantifying carbon dynamics and informing on biodiversity metrics

    The European Space Agency BIOMASS mission: Measuring forest above-ground biomass from space

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    The primary objective of the European Space Agency's 7th Earth Explorer mission, BIOMASS, is to determine the worldwide distribution of forest above-ground biomass (AGB) in order to reduce the major uncertainties in calculations of carbon stocks and fluxes associated with the terrestrial biosphere, including carbon fluxes associated with Land Use Change, forest degradation and forest regrowth. To meet this objective it will carry, for the first time in space, a fully polarimetric P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Three main products will be provided: global maps of both AGB and forest height, with a spatial resolution of 200 m, and maps of severe forest disturbance at 50 m resolution (where “global” is to be understood as subject to Space Object tracking radar restrictions). After launch in 2022, there will be a 3-month commissioning phase, followed by a 14-month phase during which there will be global coverage by SAR tomography. In the succeeding interferometric phase, global polarimetric interferometry Pol-InSAR coverage will be achieved every 7 months up to the end of the 5-year mission. Both Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR will be used to eliminate scattering from the ground (both direct and double bounce backscatter) in forests. In dense tropical forests AGB can then be estimated from the remaining volume scattering using non-linear inversion of a backscattering model. Airborne campaigns in the tropics also indicate that AGB is highly correlated with the backscatter from around 30 m above the ground, as measured by tomography. In contrast, double bounce scattering appears to carry important information about the AGB of boreal forests, so ground cancellation may not be appropriate and the best approach for such forests remains to be finalized. Several methods to exploit these new data in carbon cycle calculations have already been demonstrated. In addition, major mutual gains will be made by combining BIOMASS data with data from other missions that will measure forest biomass, structure, height and change, including the NASA Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation lidar deployed on the International Space Station after its launch in December 2018, and the NASA-ISRO NISAR L- and S-band SAR, due for launch in 2022. More generally, space-based measurements of biomass are a core component of a carbon cycle observation and modelling strategy developed by the Group on Earth Observations. Secondary objectives of the mission include imaging of sub-surface geological structures in arid environments, generation of a true Digital Terrain Model without biases caused by forest cover, and measurement of glacier and icesheet velocities. In addition, the operations needed for ionospheric correction of the data will allow very sensitive estimates of ionospheric Total Electron Content and its changes along the dawn-dusk orbit of the mission

    Estimation of change in forest variables using synthetic aperture radar

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    Large scale mapping of changes in forest variables is needed for both environmental monitoring, planning of climate actions and sustainable forest management. Remote sensing can be used in conjunction with field data to produce wall-to-wall estimates that are practically impossible to produce using traditional field surveys. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can observe the forest independent of sunlight, clouds, snow, or rain, providing reliable high frequency coverage. Its wavelength determines the interaction with the forest, where longer wavelengths interact with larger structures of the trees, and shorter wavelengths interact mainly with the top part of the canopy, meaning that it can be chosen to fit specific applications. This thesis contains five studies conducted on the Remningstorp test site in southern Sweden. Studies I – III predicted above ground biomass (AGB) change using long wavelength polarimetric P- (in I) and L-band (in I – III) SAR data. The differences between the bands were small in terms of prediction quality, and the HV polarization, just as for AGB state prediction, was the polarization channel most correlated with AGB change. A moisture correction for L-band data was proposed and evaluated, and it was found that certain polarimetric measures were better for predicting AGB change than all of the polarization channels together. Study IV assessed the detectability of silvicultural treatments in short wavelength TanDEM-X interferometric phase heights. In line with earlier studies, only clear cuts were unambiguously distinguishable. Study V predicted site index and stand age by fitting height development curves to time series of TanDEM-X data. Site index and age were unbiasedly predicted for untreated plots, and the RMSE would likely decrease with longer time series. When stand age was known, SI was predicted with an RMSE comparable to that of the field based measurements. In conclusion, this thesis underscores SAR data's potential for generalizable methods for estimation of forest variable changes

    Forest attributes mapping with SAR data in the romanian South-Eastern Carpathians requirements and outcomes

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    Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la estimación de variables forestales en la zona Sureste de los Cárpatos Rumanos a partir de imágenes de radar de apertura sintética. La investigación abarca parte del preprocesado de las imágenes, métodos de generación de mosaicos y la extracción de la cobertura de bosque, sus subtipos o su biomasa. La tesis se desarrolló en el Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Forestal Marín Dracea (INCDS) y la Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) gracias a varios proyectos: el proyecto EO-ROFORMON del INCDS (Prototyping an Earth-Observation based monitoring and forecasting system for the Romanian forests), y el proyecto EMAFOR de la UAH (Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) enabled Analysis Ready Data (ARD) cubes for efficient monitoring of agricultural and forested landscapes). El proyecto EO-ROFORMON fue financiado por la Autoridad Nacional para la Investigación Científica de Rumania y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. El proyecto EMAFOR fue financiado por la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (España). El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de algoritmos para la extracción de variables forestales de uso general como la cobertura, el tipo o la biomasa del bosque a partir de imagen de radar de apertura sintética. Para alcanzar dicho propósito se analizaron posibles fuentes de sesgo sistemático que podrían aparecer en zonas de montaña (ej., normalización topográfica, generación de mosaicos), y se aplicaron técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina para tareas de clasificación y regresión. La tesis contiene ocho secciones: una introducción, cinco publicaciones en revistas o actas de congresos indexados, una pendiente de publicación (quinto capítulo) y las conclusiones. La introducción contextualiza la importancia del bosque, cómo se recoge la información sobre su estado (ej., inventario forestal) y las iniciativas o marcos legislativos que requieren dicha información. A continuación, se describe cómo la teledetección puede complementar la información de inventario forestal, detallando el contexto histórico de las distintas tecnologías, su funcionamiento, y cómo pueden ser aplicadas para la extracción de información forestal. Por último, se describe la problemática y el monitoreo del bosque en Rumanía, detallando el objetivo de la tesis y su estructura. El primer capítulo analiza la influencia del modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE) en la calidad de la normalización topográfica, analizando tres MDE globales (SRTM, AW3D y TanDEM-X DEM) y uno nacional (PNOA-LiDAR). Los experimentos se basan en la comparación entre órbitas, con un MDE de referencia, y la variación del acierto en la clasificación dependiendo del MDE empleado para la normalización. Los resultados muestran una menor diferencia ente órbitas al utilizar un MDE con una mejor resolución (ej. TanDEM-X, PNOA-LIDAR), especialmente en el caso de zonas con fuertes pendientes o formas del terreno complejas, como pueden ser los valles. En zonas de alta montaña las imágenes de radar de apertura sintética (SAR) sufren frecuentes distorsiones. Estas distorsiones dependen de la geometría de adquisición, por lo que es posible combinar imágenes adquiridas desde varias órbitas para que la cobertura sea lo más completa posible. El segundo capítulo evalúa dos metodologías para la clasificación de usos del suelo utilizando datos de Sentinel-1 adquiridos desde varias órbitas. El primer método crea clasificaciones por órbita y las combina, mientras que el segundo genera un mosaico con datos de múltiples órbitas y lo clasifica. El acierto obtenido mediante combinación de clasificaciones es ligeramente mayor, mientras que la clasificación de mosaicos tiene importantes omisiones de las zonas boscosas debido a problemas en la normalización topográfica y a los efectos direccionales. El tercer capítulo se enfoca en separar la cobertura forestal de otras coberturas del suelo (urbano, vegetación baja, agua) analizando la utilidad de las variables basadas en la coherencia interferométrica. En él se realizan tres clasificaciones de máquina vector-soporte basadas en un conjunto concreto de variables. El primer conjunto contiene las estadísticas anuales de la retrodispersión (media y desviación típica anual), el segundo añade la coherencia a largo plazo (separación temporal mayor a un año), el tercero incluye las estadísticas de la coherencia a corto plazo (mínima separación temporal). Utilizar variables basadas en la coherencia aumenta el acierto de la clasificación hasta un 5% y reduce los errores de omisión de la cobertura forestal. El cuarto capítulo evalúa la posibilidad de detectar talas selectivas utilizando datos de Sentinel-1 y Sentinel-2. Sus resultados muestran que la detección resulta muy difícil debido a la saturación de los sensores y la confusión introducida por el efecto de la fenología. El quinto capítulo se centra en la clasificación de tipos de bosque basado en una serie temporal de datos Sentinel-1. Se basa en la creación de un conjunto de modelos que describen la relación entre la retrodispersión y el ángulo local de incidencia para un determinado tipo de bosque y fecha concreta. Para cada píxel se calcula el residuo respecto al modelo de cada uno de los tipos de bosque, acumulando dichos residuos a lo largo de la serie temporal. Hecho esto, cada píxel es asignado al tipo de bosque que acumula un menor residuo. Los resultados son prometedores, mostrando que frondosas y coníferas tienen un comportamiento distintivo, y que es posible separar ambos tipos de bosque con un alto grado de acierto. El sexto capítulo está dedicado a la estimación de biomasa utilizando datos Sentinel-1, ALOS PALSAR y regresión Random Forest. Se obtiene un error similar para ambos sensores a pesar de utilizar una banda diferente (band-C vs. -L), con poca reducción en el error cuando ambas bandas se utilizan conjuntamente. Sin embargo, el ajuste de un estimador adaptado a las condiciones locales de Rumanía sí ofreció una reducción de del error al ser comparado con las estimaciones globales de biomasa

    Estimating biophysical variables of pasture cover using sentinel-1 data

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    Over the years, different optical remote sensing platforms and data have been used to estimate aboveground pasture biomass in a variety of landscapes, both heterogeneous and homogenous and at varying spatial scales. Optical methods are often confounded by target visibility, namely presence of cloud cover and haze, and are constrained to daylight conditions. In this study, we used the synthetic aperture radar data from the European Space Agency Sentinel-1 mission to estimate pasture biomass, sward height and leaf area index of a complex extensive grazing ‘farmscape’ comprising of a range of grass vegetation communities We observed that the quality of digital elevation model used in radar data pre-processing significantly influences the ability of eigenvector scattering decomposition in estimating biomass, sward height and leaf area index

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    Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering (Environmental Science and Engineering)Sea ice closely interacts with the atmosphere and ocean systems. Land fast sea ice (fast ice) is a kind of sea ice attached to the shore, ice shelves, or grounded icebergs. It is widely distributed along the Antarctic coast and acts as an interface between the atmosphere and the ocean, affecting heat balance feedback, thermal insulation effects, and deep water formation depending on the temporal and spatial effects of the environmental conditions. It also plays an important role in the biological aspects of Antarctica. Attached to the Antarctic glacier is strongly associated with calving events of ice shelf as it is physically coupled with glaciers at the terminus. The existing Antarctic fast ice has been mainly focused on the East Antarctic, especially for the research on long-term fast ice. Several case studies for West Antarctic fast ice with satellite images were performed in local areas. Various types of satellite data and detection techniques were utilized to successfully detect fast ice. In addition, long-term fast ice maps specifically focused on the Amundsen sea of West Antarctica were generated to investigate the distribution and variability of fast ice. This thesis reports the results of fast ice detection algorithms that have been developed using various satellite images that can be used for fast ice detection. Along with the use of multiple satellite data, the proposed fast ice detection algorithms can more effectively detect fast ice, which then allows to obtain more accurate fast ice detection and produce long-term fast ice with high accuracy. Especially, the distribution and variability of time-series fast ice in West Antarctica, which is more concentrated in the Amundsen Sea, were analyzed together with bathymetry data and the distribution of glacier icebergs. In order to detect fast ice, machine learning techniques were basically used in this thesis. Two classes (i.e. fast ice and non-fast ice) were classified. Using MODIS images, there was a problem that fast ice was not produced in cloud cover areas and the polar night season, which is winter season in Antarctica. MODIS and AMSR-E satellite data were selectively used to solve the cloud contamination problem. Correlation-related variables were finally added based on the fact that fast ice is motionless for a certain period of time, and fast ice detection was performed at 15-day intervals using the improved input variables. Active microwave sensor data, ALOS PALSAR, was also used to detect fast ice and to validate fast ice detection results. Its high-spatial resolution allows to extract fast ice boundary more accurately. Fast ice detections showed good agreement with available ALOS PALSAR SAR images and MODIS reflectance images. Nearly decade-long fast ice extents were produced in the Amundsen Sea of West Antarctica and analyzed in terms of spatiotemporal variations with bathymetry and icebergs calved from ice shelves in study area. In addition, anomalous fast ice breakup events were examined, which suggests the importance of fast ice on the stability of ice shelves.clos

    Remote Sensing of Savannas and Woodlands

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    Savannas and woodlands are one of the most challenging targets for remote sensing. This book provides a current snapshot of the geographical focus and application of the latest sensors and sensor combinations in savannas and woodlands. It includes feature articles on terrestrial laser scanning and on the application of remote sensing to characterization of vegetation dynamics in the Mato Grosso, Cerrado and Caatinga of Brazil. It also contains studies focussed on savannas in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. It should be important reading for environmental practitioners and scientists globally who are concerned with the sustainability of the global savanna and woodland biome

    Estimating tropical forest above-ground biomass at the local scale using multi-source space-borne remote sensing data

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    Although forest biomass estimation has attracted a great number of studies using remote sensing data, its usage still contains high uncertainties. After transitioning from deforestation to reforestation under the development of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) programmes, young forests that are dominated by numerous small regenerating understory trees are found in many areas of many developing countries. However, the lack of analysis on the effect of this understory vegetation on total AGB is one the limitations of biomass studies. Moreover, it is always challenging to estimate the biomass of tropical forest due to its complex structure, high diversity of species, and dense canopy of understory trees. Taking into account these factors, this study, therefore, aims to investigate the effect of including understory trees in accuracy of AGB estimation in complex tropical heterogeneous forest at the local scale. The research conducted three consecutive experiments, using different remote sensing data sources, being: optical data, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and the integration of optical and SAR data, across various forest types in different test site locations. The results provide comprehensive insights into the impact of small regenerating trees on improving AGB estimation. This major finding alone demonstrates that the role of small regenerating trees should not be automatically discounted, especially for tropical forest where a number of different tree layers is common. This is especially important in areas with a large number of small regenerating trees and where open canopy layers are young. The thesis reveals that the level of influence of small regenerating trees on each forest type is different. Therefore, the study recommends an approach to including small regenerating trees for each forest type. This thesis argues there is a need to develop local-specific allometric equations for both overstory and understory layers to improve the accuracy of biomass models. Methods required for collecting field data and calculating biomass for small regenerating trees should be considered carefully in terms of evaluating cost-effective biomass estimation for each ecological region and each species. This requirement is most critical for young forest sites where there are mixtures of mature trees and young regenerating trees

    Using satellite remote sensing to quantify woody cover and biomass across Africa

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    The goal of quantifying the woody cover and biomass of tropical savannas, woodlands and forests using satellite data is becoming increasingly important, but limitations in current scientific understanding reduce the utility of the considerable quantity of satellite data currently being collected. The work contained in this thesis reduces this knowledgegap, using new field data and analysis methods to quantify changes using optical, radar and LiDAR data. The first paper shows that high-resolution optical data (Landsat & ASTER) can be used to track changes in woody vegetation in the Mbam Djerem National Park in Cameroon. The method correlates a satellite-derived vegetation index with field-measured canopy cover, and the paper concludes that forest encroached rapidly into savanna in the region from 1986-2006. Using the same study area, but with radar remote sensing data from 1996 and 2007 (ALOS PALSAR & JERS-1), the second paper shows that radar backscatter correlates well with field-measured aboveground biomass (AGB). This dataset confirms the woody encroachment within the park; however, in a larger area around the park, deforestation dominates. The AGB-radar relationships described above are expanded in the next paper to include field plots from Budongo Forest (Uganda), the Niassa Reserve (north Mozambique), and the Nhambita Community Project (central Mozambique). A consistent AGB-radar relationship is found in the combined dataset, with the RMSE for predicted AGB values for a site increasing by <30 %, compared with a site-specific equation, when using an AGB-radar equation derived from the three other sites. The study of the Nhambita site is extended in the following paper to assess the ability of radar to detect change over short time periods in this environment, as will be needed for REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). Using radar mosaics from 2007 and 2009, areas known (from detailed ground data) to have been degraded decreased in AGB in the radar change detection, whereas areas of agroforestry and forest protection showed small increases

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans