507 research outputs found

    3D Office Walkthrough

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    3D Office Walkthrough application is developed with the main objective to enhance existing 2D traditional map, hence provide user with better visualization and realistic means of information. 3D approaches overcome 2D traditional approaches by providing objects with significant rendering, lighting and modeling which gives a "true depth" and "feel" ofthe model. 3D environment simulates the natural surroundings for human beings in which they are accustomed to orient themselves. A 3D view that represents a walkthrough in the scene provides the user with much better orientation about the space than would information in 2D form. 3D walkthrough application overcomes the problem faced by recipients of 2D map where users usually extract the necessary information and interpret it based on their previous experience, background and knowledge, thus create misunderstanding of the content. The scope of 3D Office Walkthrough application will concentrate on creating 3D primitive objects of typical office arrangements and developing a walkthrough scene of the office. In this paper, authorhas provided review on VR desktop implementation, how 3D approach is significant in offering better graphical representation and what walkthrough application is meant to be. Process activities include 4 phases of development which are identified problems identification and requirement analysis, concept design, application development and the last phase would be testing and evaluation

    Developing a virtual zoological museum

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    Abstract. This is a documentation of our work developing a virtual zoological museum. Although it’s challenging to create a virtual museum that lives up to the original, Unity3D and virtual reality technology are utilized in order to provide experiences that a traditional museum cannot. As we aim to digitize the museum that once was in University of Oulu, different ways of designing an educating and engaging virtual museum visit are explored. The animals of the museum can be interacted with, being able to play back animations and audio while also providing information in text form. An interactive forest was also developed as a more natural and lively environment. Furthermore, 360° photos of local forests were added to improve the representation of nature. Virtual reality support was programmed for Oculus Rift, allowing movement and interaction as if one was there in real life. In order to achieve a comfortable experience, some performance optimization has been done to reach stable frame rates. We evaluated users’ sense of presence, experienced Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP), system usability and content quality. Based on our tests, users found the virtual museum visit enjoyable and immersive overall despite being distracted by some aspects, like the quality of the display. Users were also mostly satisfied with the environments and the quality of the animals. Experienced Game Transfer was low, however. All in all, this concept for creating a virtual museum has appeared to be successful, and it could be developed further.Virtuaalisen eläintieteellisen museon kehittäminen. Tiivistelmä. Tämä on dokumentaatio virtuaalisen eläintieteellisen museon kehittämisestä. Vaikka onkin haastavaa luoda virtuaalinen museo, joka on verrattavissa alkuperäiseen, hyödyntämällä Unity3D:tä ja virtuaalitodellisuusteknologiaa on mahdollista tarjota kokemuksia, mitä perinteinen museo ei pysty. Digitalisoidessamme sitä museota, joka Oulun Yliopistolla ennen oli, tutkimme erilaisia keinoja kehittää opetuksellinen ja kiinnostava virtuaalimuseovierailu. Museon eläimet ovat interaktiivisia, pystyen toistamaan animaatioita ja ääniä sekä antamaan tietoa tekstin muodossa. Interaktiivinen metsä luotiin tarjoamaan luonnollisemman ja elävämmän ympäristön. Lisäksi 360° kuvia paikallisista metsistä lisättiin parantaakseen luonnon edustusta. Virtuaalitodellisuustuki lisättiin Oculus Rift:ille, sallien liikkumisen ja vuorovaikuttamisen kuin olisi siellä todellisessa elämässä. Luodakseen mukavan kokemuksen, sovelluksen suorituskykyä on optimoitu saavuttaakseen vakaan kuvan päivitystaajuuden. Evaluoimme käyttäjien läsnäolon tunnetta, koettua Game Transfer -ilmiötä (GTP), järjestelmän käytettävyyttä ja sisällön laatua. Testien perusteella käyttäjät kokivat museovierailun miellyttävänä sekä immersiivisenä yleisesti ottaen, vaikka jotkin piirteet, kuten näytön laatu, häiritsivät. Käyttäjät olivat myöskin pitkälti tyytyväisiä ympäristöihin ja eläinten laatuun. Koettu Game Transfer oli kuitenkin vähäistä. Kaikenkaikkiaan tämä virtuaalimuseo konsepti vaikuttaa toimivalta, ja sitä voisi kehittää pidemmälle

    'Breaking the glass': preserving social history in virtual environments

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    New media technologies play an important role in the evolution of our society. Traditional museums and heritage sites have evolved from the ‘cabinets of curiosity’ that focused mainly on the authority of the voice organising content, to the places that offer interactivity as a means to experience historical and cultural events of the past. They attempt to break down the division between visitors and historical artefacts, employing modern technologies that allow the audience to perceive a range of perspectives of the historical event. In this paper, we discuss virtual reconstruction and interactive storytelling techniques as a research methodology and educational and presentation practices for cultural heritage sites. We present the Narrating the Past project as a case study, in order to illustrate recent changes in the preservation of social history and guided tourist trails that aim to make the visitor’s experience more than just an architectural walk through

    3D Virtual Site Visit as an Alternative to On-Site Experience in Interior Design Education

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    This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of 360-degree panorama-based Virtual Reality (360VR) as a tool to simulate real-world site visit experiences in interior design education. In the first stage of evaluation, the online survey was implemented to ask students about their learning experience of using 360VR. The second stage of 360 VR effectiveness evaluation focused on the objective comparison of students learning outcomes between the 360VR method and the traditional approach. The students’ experience survey results indicated that 360VR and virtual walkthrough experiences benefited students' understanding of the site during the design process. Students reflected positive 360 VR experiences on their engagement in learning, special layout, visualization, and educational effectiveness. The result of the student learning outcome evaluation showed no significant difference between 360 VR compared to no site visit. However, there was a significant improvement in students’ spatial planning, finish selection, and total scores when using the 360 VR method compared to an on-site visit

    Digital Heritage Gamification: An Augmented-Virtual Walkthrough to Learn and Explore Tangible Cultural Heritage

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    In the last decade, cultural heritage including historical sites are reconstructed into digital heritage. Based on UNESCO , digital heritage defines as “cultural, educational, scientific and administrative resources, as well as technical, legal, medical and other kinds of information created digitally, or converted into digital form from existing analogue resources”. In addition, the digital heritage is doubling in size every two years and expected will grow tenfold between 2013 and 2020. In order to attract and stir the interest of younger generations about digital heritage, gamification has been widely promoted. In this research, a virtual walkthrough combine with gamifications are proposed for learning and exploring historical places in Malaysia by using mobile device. In conjunction with Visit Perak 2017 Campaign, this virtual walkthrough is proposed for Kellie’s Castle at Perak. The objectives of this research are two folds 1) modelling and design of innovative mobile game for virtual walkthrough application, and 2) to attract tourist to explore and learn historical places by using sophisticated graphics from Augmented Reality. The efficiency and effectiveness of the mobile virtual walkthrough will be accessed by the International and local tourists. In conclusion, this research is speculated to be pervasively improve the cultural and historical knowledge of the learners

    The Utilization of Virtual Reality for Commercial Purpose: Taking Television Broadcast Advertising as an Example

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    In general, current research suggests that virtual environments, compared to classical advertising media, provide users with a higher level of presence, more perceptual and psychological immersion. This paper reviews how virtual reality enables private companies and public organizations to support business advertising by creating new business opportunities and to promote more proactive service management by using television broadcast advertising as a medium. This, in turn, will have the effect of making him I her less aware of embedded persuasive message, which will thus have a moderating effect on various advertising-related outcomes, less advertising recall, but more positive brand attitude, and favorable purchase intention This paper that due to their specific character, integration, interactivity, hypermedia, immersive and narrative virtual environment could be a more effective persuasion charmel than classical advertising media. This is a momentum to see how far virtual reality is able to rival video in television advertising. Virtual reality has grown very well nowadays but the usage in society and in the business community is minimal. Therefore, by introducing virtual reality in new environment; advertising will create a new era, which provides technical foundation for the computer software and hardware that drives to the advertising environment. This project will be of interest to practitioners involved in virtual environment development in the television broadcast advertising. The scope of studies for this project covered the advertising, education, entertainment and human senses. All scopes are inter-related in this research. Rapid Application Development (RAD) has been chosen as a methodology of the project. This will be a useful finding for product in virtual reality advertising.

    Implementation ofVirtual Guide in UTP Virtual Mosque

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    Ease of navigation and interaction is the most important element in the virtual environment besides the design and the architecture of the environment of building. This project is focusing more onthe development of the virtual guide to aids user in exploring and navigating through the environment. The objectives of this development are to develop a virtual guide and interface, to help user while navigating through the virtual environment and to enhance the user interactivity through the navigation. To achieve the development target, research and analysis had been done to gather more useful information to complete this project followed by designing and development of the application in order to achieve the objective that had been set up earlierand lastlythe completed application is evaluated a result had been obtained. From the evaluation, 80% of the respondent agreed that with the implementation of the virtual guide within the virtual mosque, it had helped them a lot in order to explore and understand the environment. For the future enhancement, it is recommended that the use of virtual guide should be explored further as an intelligent agent to make the guide to be functioned more effectively

    Virtual Heritage Building : Darul Rid/uan Museum

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    This research paper describes a development of virtual museum project. The objectives of this project are to create virtual heritage building (focus on the exterior design) as well as to create walkthrough for the user to navigate through the virtual museum. The scope of this project is to ensure the realism of exterior design of the building. Three vital phases of development are conducted, which involved Research and Analysis phase (data collection of virtual heritage building concept and modeling techniques), Design and Development phase (develop 3D model and walkthrough), and Testing and Evaluation phase (evaluation on important aspects, i.e. realism, navigation, collision detection, application suitability, application usability and user acceptance). The result for user acceptance is the highest percentage which is 90%. This indicates that this application is highly accepted by users. In conclusion, this project has met the objective and it can be enhanced in orderto make the application more appealing to the eye of the user

    The effect of 3D realism and meaning making: A conceptual model

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    Field studies show that computer graphics, as in this case the 3D model of a heritage building, are only iconic representations rich perceived differently by individuals. Still, there is lack of evidence on how realistic 3D in contributes to the meaning making process.This article discusses on the proposed conceptual model for 3D realism towards meaning-making.It elaborates on principles of realism and 3D realism, meaning-making theories and processes and related works in the area.Based on four elements of 3D realism, it attempts to identify possible relationship with meaning making.The research methodology is outlined to achieve the intended research outcomes.The findings of this study would contribute to understanding of the ability to learning via 3D content