9 research outputs found

    The Named-State Register File

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    This thesis introduces the Named-State Register File, a fine-grain, fully-associative register file. The NSF allows fast context switching between concurrent threads as well as efficient sequential program performance. The NSF holds more live data than conventional register files, and requires less spill and reload traffic to switch between contexts. This thesis demonstrates an implementation of the Named-State Register File and estimates the access time and chip area required for different organizations. Architectural simulations of large sequential and parallel applications show that the NSF can reduce execution time by 9% to 17% compared to alternative register files

    Reactive synchronization algorithms for multiprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 157-162).by Beng-Hong Lim.Ph.D

    Waiting Algorithms for Synchronization in Large-Scale Multiprocessors

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    Through analysis and experiments, this paper investigates two-phase waiting algorithms to minimize the cost of waiting for synchronization in large-scale multiprocessors. In a two-phase algorithm, a thread #rst waits by polling a synchronization variable. If the cost of polling reaches a limit L poll and further waiting is necessary, the thread is blocked, incurring an additional #xed cost, B. The choice of L poll is a critical determinant of the performance of two-phase algorithms

    Towards Scalable Synchronization on Multi-Cores

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    The shift of commodity hardware from single- to multi-core processors in the early 2000s compelled software developers to take advantage of the available parallelism of multi-cores. Unfortunately, only few---so-called embarrassingly parallel---applications can leverage this available parallelism in a straightforward manner. The remaining---non-embarrassingly parallel---applications require that their processes coordinate their possibly interleaved executions to ensure overall correctness---they require synchronization. Synchronization is achieved by constraining or even prohibiting parallel execution. Thus, per Amdahl's law, synchronization limits software scalability. In this dissertation, we explore how to minimize the effects of synchronization on software scalability. We show that scalability of synchronization is mainly a property of the underlying hardware. This means that synchronization directly hampers the cross-platform performance portability of concurrent software. Nevertheless, we can achieve portability without sacrificing performance, by creating design patterns and abstractions, which implicitly leverage hardware details without exposing them to software developers. We first perform an exhaustive analysis of the performance behavior of synchronization on several modern platforms. This analysis clearly shows that the performance and scalability of synchronization are highly dependent on the characteristics of the underlying platform. We then focus on lock-based synchronization and analyze the energy/performance trade-offs of various waiting techniques. We show that the performance and the energy efficiency of locks go hand in hand on modern x86 multi-cores. This correlation is again due to the characteristics of the hardware that does not provide practical tools for reducing the power consumption of locks without sacrificing throughput. We then propose two approaches for developing portable and scalable concurrent software, hence hiding the limitations that the underlying multi-cores impose. First, we introduce OPTIK, a new practical design pattern for designing and implementing fast and scalable concurrent data structures. We illustrate the power of our OPTIK pattern by devising five new algorithms and by optimizing four state-of-the-art algorithms for linked lists, skip lists, hash tables, and queues. Second, we introduce MCTOP, a multi-core topology abstraction which includes low-level information, such as memory bandwidths. MCTOP enables developers to accurately and portably define high-level optimization policies. We illustrate several such policies through four examples, including automated backoff schemes for locks, and illustrate the performance and portability of these policies on five platforms

    Thread Scheduling Mechanisms for Multiple-Context Parallel Processors

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    Scheduling tasks to efficiently use the available processor resources is crucial to minimizing the runtime of applications on shared-memory parallel processors. One factor that contributes to poor processor utilization is the idle time caused by long latency operations, such as remote memory references or processor synchronization operations. One way of tolerating this latency is to use a processor with multiple hardware contexts that can rapidly switch to executing another thread of computation whenever a long latency operation occurs, thus increasing processor utilization by overlapping computation with communication. Although multiple contexts are effective for tolerating latency, this effectiveness can be limited by memory and network bandwidth, by cache interference effects among the multiple contexts, and by critical tasks sharing processor resources with less critical tasks. This thesis presents techniques that increase the effectiveness of multiple contexts by intelligently scheduling threads to make more efficient use of processor pipeline, bandwidth, and cache resources. This thesis proposes thread prioritization as a fundamental mechanism for directing the thread schedule on a multiple-context processor. A priority is assigned to each thread either statically or dynamically and is used by the thread scheduler to decide which threads to load in the contexts, and to decide which context to switch to on a context switch. We develop a multiple-context model that integrates both cache and network effects, and shows how thread prioritization can both maintain high processor utilization, and limit increases in critical path runtime caused by multithreading. The model also shows that in order to be effective in bandwidth limited applications, thread prioritization must be extended to prioritize memory requests. We show how simple hardware can prioritize the running of threads in the multiple contexts, and the issuing of requests to both the local memory and the network. Simulation experiments show how thread prioritization is used in a variety of applications. Thread prioritization can improve the performance of synchronization primitives by minimizing the number of processor cycles wasted in spinning and devoting more cycles to critical threads. Thread prioritization can be used in combination with other techniques to improve cache performance and minimize cache interference between different working sets in the cache. For applications that are critical path limited, thread prioritization can improve performance by allowing processor resources to be devoted preferentially to critical threads. These experimental results show that thread prioritization is a mechanism that can be used to implement a wide range of scheduling policies

    Fault Tolerance for High-Performance Applications Using Structured Parallelism Models

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    In the last years parallel computing has increasingly exploited the high-level models of structured parallel programming, an example of which are algorithmic skeletons. This trend has been motivated by the properties featuring structured parallelism models, which can be used to derive several (static and dynamic) optimizations at various implementation levels. In this thesis we study the properties of structured parallel models useful for attacking the issue of providing a fault tolerance support oriented towards High-Performance applications. This issue has been traditionally faced in two ways: (i) in the context of unstructured parallelism models (e.g. MPI), which computation model is essentially based on a distributed set of processes communicating through message-passing, with an approach based on checkpointing and rollback recovery or software replication; (ii) in the context of high-level models, based on a specific parallelism model (e.g. data-flow) and/or an implementation model (e.g. master-slave), by introducing specific techniques based on the properties of the programming and computation models themselves. In this thesis we make a step towards a more abstract viewpoint and we highlight the properties of structured parallel models interesting for fault tolerance purposes. We consider two classes of parallel programs (namely task parallel and data parallel) and we introduce a fault tolerance support based on checkpointing and rollback recovery. The support is derived according to the high-level properties of the parallel models: we call this derivation specialization of fault tolerance techniques, highlighting the difference with classical solutions supporting structure-unaware computations. As a consequence of this specialization, the introduced fault tolerance techniques can be configured and optimized to meet specific needs at different implementation levels. That is, the supports we present do not target a single computing platform or a specific class of them. Indeed the specializations are the mechanism to target specific issues of the exploited environment and of the implemented applications, as proper choices of the protocols and their configurations