327 research outputs found

    Semi-orthogonal user selection for MISO systems with quantized feedback

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    2008 International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, WSA 2008; Darmstadt; Germany; 26 February 2008 through 27 February 2008For MISO multi-user downlink wireless communication system with precoding at the transmission, the channel state information at the transmitter can provide tremendous capacity gains. However, the amount of feedback data increases with the number of users in the cell and the number of transmit antennas. In this paper, we study on different algorithms and criteria in order to significantly reduce the amount of feedback data. We associate the classical norm criterion with a criterion based on the orthogonality between the user channels. Without cooperation between the users, we only allow users that are semi-orthogonal to feedback their channel information (CQI and CDI) to the base station. The feedback CDI is quantized using a local grassmanian packing. We show that the proposed combined criterion with a finite feedback rate gives better performance compared to the norm criterion. Furthermore we show that the performance is not affected by CQI quantization

    Austrägalgerichtsbarkeit: interstate dispute settlement in a confederate arrangement, 1815 to 1866

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    This article analyses the interstate dispute settlement mechanisms between member states of the German Confederation (Deutscher Bund). The question as to how disputes between German sovereigns should be decided already had a long (pre-)history dating back to the Middle Ages. Article 11 IV of the German Federal Act (1815) (Bundesakte) was the basic norm of the so-called Austrägal jurisdiction enacted to resolve disputes between states of the German Confederation and stipulated the manner in which the dispute was to be brought to "court" (Austrägalinstanz). During the period of the German Confederation, 10 out of 25 German courts of third instance handled altogether 54 Austrägal cases. Whereas Austrägal jurisdiction was no longer present in the German Kaiserreich, Emperor William II and the professor of public law Paul Laband attempted to resurrect the idea, but failed due to the resistance of the other German princes

    Distributed differential beamforming and power allocation for cooperative communication networks

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    Many coherent cooperative diversity techniques for wireless relay networks have recently been suggested to improve the overall system performance in terms of the achievable data rate or bit error rate (BER) with low decoding complexity and delay. However, these techniques require channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter side, at the receiver side, or at both sides. Therefore, due to the overhead associated with estimating CSI, distributed differential space-time coding techniques have been suggested to overcome this overhead by detecting the information symbols without requiring any (CSI) at any transmitting or receiving antenna. However, the latter techniques suffer from low performance in terms of BER as well as high latency and decoding complexity. In this paper, a distributed differential beamforming technique with power allocation is proposed to overcome all drawbacks associated with the later techniques without needing CSI at any antenna and to be used for cooperative communication networks. We prove through our analytical and simulation results that the proposed technique outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques in terms of BER with comparably low decoding complexity and latency

    Performance Analysis of Differential Beamforming in Decentralized Networks

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    This paper proposes and analyzes a novel differential distributed beamforming strategy for decentralized two-way relay networks. In our strategy, the phases of the received signals at all relays are synchronized without requiring channel feedback or training symbols. Bit error rate (BER) expressions of the proposed strategy are provided for coherent and differential M-PSK modulation. Upper bounds, lower bounds, and simple approximations of the BER are also derived. Based on the theoretical and simulated BER performance, the proposed strategy offers a high system performance and low decoding complexity and delay without requiring channel state information at any transmitting or receiving antenna. Furthermore, the simple approximation of the BER upper bound shows that the proposed strategy enjoys the full diversity gain which is equal to the number of transmitting antennas

    Angular resolution limit for deterministic correlated sources

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the angular resolution limit (ARL), an important performance measure in the directions-of-arrival estimation theory. The main fruit of our endeavor takes the form of an explicit, analytical expression of this resolution limit, w.r.t. the angular parameters of interest between two closely spaced point sources in the far-field region. As by-products, closed-form expressions of the Cram\'er-Rao bound have been derived. Finally, with the aid of numerical tools, we confirm the validity of our derivation and provide a detailed discussion on several enlightening properties of the ARL revealed by our expression, with an emphasis on the impact of the signal correlation

    Reconsidering Linear Transmit Signal Processing in 1-Bit Quantized Multi-User MISO Systems

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    In this contribution, we investigate a coarsely quantized Multi-User (MU)-Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) downlink communication system, where we assume 1-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) at the Base Station (BS) antennas. First, we analyze the achievable sum rate lower-bound using the Bussgang decomposition. In the presence of the non-linear quanization, our analysis indicates the potential merit of reconsidering traditional signal processing techniques in coarsely quantized systems, i.e., reconsidering transmit covariance matrices whose rank is equal to the rank of the channel. Furthermore, in the second part of this paper, we propose a linear precoder design which achieves the predicted increase in performance compared with a state of the art linear precoder design. Moreover, our linear signal processing algorithm allows for higher-order modulation schemes to be employed

    Cooperative Regions For Coded Cooperation Over Time-Varying Fading Channels

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    The performance analysis of coded cooperation has been mainly focused on two extreme cases of channel variability, i.e. the block-fading (BF) and the fast-fading (FF) model. In more practical propagation environments the fading correlation across time depends on the level of user mobility. This paper analyzes the effects of time-selective fading on the performance of coded cooperation by providing an analytical framework for the error rate evaluation as a function of the mobility degree of the mobile station (MS) and of the quality of the inter-MS channel. The purpose is to evaluate the conditions on the propagation settings where the additional exploitation of spatial diversity (when time-diversity is available) provided by cooperative transmission is able to enhance substantially the performance of the non-cooperative transmission. We show that coded cooperation can outperform the non-cooperative (coded and bit-interleaved) transmission only up to a certain degree of mobility. The cooperative region is defined as the collection of mobility settings for which coded cooperation can be regarded as a competitive strategy compared to non-cooperative transmission. Contrary to what has been previously shown for BF channels, we demonstrate that the inter-MS channel quality plays a key role in the definition of the cooperative region

    Architectures for ku-band broadband airborne satellite communication antennas

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    This paper describes different architectures for a broadband antenna for satellite communication on aircraft. The antenna is a steerable (conformal) phased array antenna in Ku-band (receive-only). First the requirements for such a system are addressed. Subsequently a number of potential architectures are discussed in detail: a) an architecture with only optical true time delays, b) an architecture with optical phase shifters and optical true time delays and c) an architecture with optical true time delays and RF phase\ud shifters (or RF true time delays). The last two architectures use sub-arrays to reduce complexity of the antenna system. The advantages and disadvantages of the different architectures are evaluated and an optimal architecture is selected
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