4 research outputs found

    VLSI Design IP Protection: Solutions, New Challenges, and Opportunities

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    It has been a decade since the need of VLSI design intellectual property (IP) protection was identified [1,2]. The goals of IP protection are 1) to enable IP providers to protect their IPs against unauthorized use, 2) to protect all types of design data used to produce and deliver IPs, 3) to detect the use of IPs, and 4) to trace the use of IPs [3]. There are significant advances from both industry and academic towards these goals. However, do we have solutions to achieve all these goals? What are the current state-of-the-art IP protection techniques? Do they meet the protection requirement designers sought for? What are the (new) challenges and is there any feasible answer to them in the foreseeable future? This paper addresses these questions and provides possible solutions mainly from academia point of view. Several successful industry practice and ongoing efforts are also discussed briefly

    Workflow-driven design chain management for collaborative engineering of technology-intensive product

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    Uma metodologia para integração CAD/CAPP/CAM voltada para manufatura remota de peças rotacionais baseada na internet

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    Tese [doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia MecânicaEsta tese de doutorado apresenta uma metodologia para integração CAD/CAPP/CAM voltada para manufatura remota de peças rotacionais via Internet, em especial os protocolos associados à World Wide Web, bem como a implementação de um sistema computacional baseado na arquitetura proposta, que permitiu a validação da metodologia concebida. Esta metodologia, denominada WebMachining (http://WebMachining.AlvaresTech.com), descreve uma arquitetura para implementação do sistema integrado CAD/CAPP/CAM via Web, definindo um arcabouço para um sistema integrado CAD/CAPP/CAM via Internet

    WELD -- An Environment for Web-Based Electronic Design

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    Increasing size and geographical separation of design data and teams has created a need for a network-based electronic design environment that is scaleable, adaptable, secure, highly available, and cost effective. In the WELD project we are evaluating aspects of the network integration and communication infrastructure needed to enable such a distributed design environment. The architecture of WELD and the components developed to implement the system, together with performance results, are described and evaluated. 1 Introduction Advances in areas such as software methodology, operating systems, storage systems, and programming languages have often had an enormous impact on EDA. The explosive growth in the development of wide-area network infrastructure over the past few years indicates an opportunity for the industry and the field of computer science in general to make a leap to a new generation of capabilities. Specifically, we envision the entire EDA community organized as an integr..