3 research outputs found

    Average Rate Analysis of Cooperative NOMA aided Underwater Optical Wireless Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) aided underwater optical wireless system in which the source transmits to two users where the near user serves as a relay node to the far user. Our proposed system consists of multiple narrow-angle light-emitting diode (LED)/photodiode (PD) elements at the source, near user, and far user. In order to achieve communication, our system selects a single LED/PD at each node. We propose several low complexity LED/PD selection schemes that aim to maximize the link throughput and in addition consider optimal and random LED/PD selection for benchmarking. In order to characterize the performance of each scheme, bounds and closed-form tight approximations on the average achievable sum rates are presented. The use of multi element nodes and NOMA increase the average sum rate significantly over conventional orthogonal access. Moreover, near-optimal throughput can be achieved using channel gain based and line-of-sight based LED/PD selection schemes in the medium-to-high transmit power regimes. The derived expressions are also useful to investigate the impact of key system and channel parameters such as the source transmit power, power allocation factor, node placement, and the number of elements at each node

    Analysis and Design of Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications has been widely acknowledged as an attractive strategy for the rapidly growing data rate requirements of cellular user equipments (UEs), due to the vast amounts of available frequencies at the mmWave band. However, the unique propagation characteristics of mmWave, including 1) high path loss, 2) extreme sensitivity to blockage, and 3) rapid channel fluctuations, bring serious challenges to the deployment of mmWave cellular networks. Against this background, this thesis focuses on the analysis and design of mmWave cellular networks. In Chapter 1, the motivation of the studies presented in this thesis is described. Moreover, a literature review of several key research topics is presented, including mmWave channel models, mmWave-enabled heterogeneous networks (HetNets), mmWave precoding, mmWave-based non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), and mmWave prototypes. Furthermore, an overview of this thesis is provided. In Chapter 2, a two-tier mmWave cellular HetNet is considered. As pointed out by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a major issue in the HetNet is that high-power BSs are often heavily loaded, while low-power BSs are always lightly loaded and therefore not fully exploited. This load disparity inevitably leads to suboptimal resource allocation across the network, where a large number of UEs may be associated with one high-power BS but experience poor date rates. To increase the load of low-power BSs and strike a load balance between high-power BSs and low-power BSs, an association bias factor needs to be added to increase the possibility that UEs are associated with low-power BSs. In this chapter, we conduct novel analysis to assess the impact of the bias factor on the rate coverage performance of the considered network. In order to obtain tractable analytical results on the rate coverage probability, we model the considered network using a stochastic geometry based approach. We first analyze the loads of high-power BSs and low-power BSs, based on which we derive a new expression for the rate coverage probability of the network. Through numerical results, we demonstrate the correctness of our analysis. In addition, we thoroughly examine the impact of load balancing and various network parameters on the rate coverage probability, offering valuable guidelines on the design of practical mmWave HetNets. In Chapter 3, a relay assisted mmWave cellular network is considered. In this network, the BS adopts either the direct mode to transmit to the destination UE, or the relay mode if the direct mode fails, where the BS transmits to the relay and then the relay transmits to the destination UE. To address the drastic rotational movements of destination UEs in practice, we propose to adopt selection combining at destination UEs. Similar to Chapter 2, in order to obtain tractable analytical results on the system-level coverage probability, we model the system using a stochastic geometry based approach. New expression is derived for the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) coverage probability of the network. Using numerical results, we first demonstrate the accuracy of our new expression. Then we show that ignoring spatial correlation, which has been commonly adopted in the literature, leads to severe overestimation of the SINR coverage probability. Furthermore, we show that introducing relays into a mmWave cellular network vastly improves the coverage performance. In addition, we show that the optimal BS density maximizing the SINR coverage probability can be determined by using our analysis. In Chapter 4, a summary of the conclusions drawn from this thesis is presented. Moreover, a number of future research directions are identified, including integrated mmWave/sub-6 GHz cellular networks, the mobility support in mmWave cellular networks, ultra-low latency mmWave cellular networks, and the transport layer design of mmWave cellular networks

    Spectrum Coexistence Mechanisms for Mobile Networks in Unlicensed Frequency Bands

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    Mobile network operators have historically experienced increasing traffic loads at a steady pace, which has always strained the available network capacity and claimed constantly for new methods to increase the network capacity. A key solution proposed to increase the available spectrum is the exploitation of the unlicensed spectrum in the 5 GHz bands, predominantly occupied by Wi-Fi technology. However, an uncontrolled deployment of mobile networks in unlicensed bands could potentially lead to a resource starvation prob lem for Wi-Fi networks and therefore degrade their performance significantly. To address this issue, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standardised the Long Term Evolution Unlicensed (LTE-U) and Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) technologies. The main philosophy of these technologies is to allow mobile operators to benefit from the vast amount of available spectrum in unlicensed bands without degrading the performance of Wi-Fi networks, thus enabling a fair coexistence. However, the proposed coexistence mechanisms have been proven to provide very limited guarantees of fairness, if any at all. This thesis proposes several improvements to the 3GPP coexistence mechanisms to en able a truly fair coexistence between mobile and Wi-Fi networks in unlicensed bands. In particular, various methods are proposed to adjust the transmission duty cycle in LTE-U and to adapt/select both the waiting and transmission times for LAA. The main novelty of this work is that the proposed methods exploit the knowledge of the existing Wi-Fi activity statistics to tune the operating parameters of the coexistence protocol (duty cycle, contention window size and its adaptation, transmission opportunity times, etc.), optimise the fairness of spectrum coexistence and the performance of mobile networks. This research shows that, by means of a smart exploitation of the knowledge of the Wi-Fi activity statistics, it is possible to guarantee a truly fair coexistence between mobile and Wi-Fi systems in unlicensed bands. Compared to the 3GPP coexistence mechanisms, the proposed methods can attain a significantly better throughput performance for the mobile network while guaranteeing a fair coexistence with the Wi-Fi network. In some cases, the proposed methods are able not only to avoid degradation to the Wi-Fi network but even improve its performance (compared to a coexistence scenario between Wi-Fi networks only) as a result of the smart coexistence mechanisms proposed in this thesis. The proposed methods are evaluated for the 4G LTE standard but are similarly applicable to other more recent mobile technologies such as the Fifth Generation New Radio in Unlicensed bands (5G NR-U)