58 research outputs found

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    LibSearch: A window-based frontend to remote bIbliographic databases on the internet

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    Over the past several years, a number of wide-area information navigation and discovery tools have been introduced, including WAIS[1], Gopher[2], World-Wide Web[3], etc. In this paper, we describe a graphical query interface to remote bibliographic databases that can be found on the internet. A library query client, called LibSearch, has been designed and implemented using a set of APIs based on Z39.50 protocol standard[4]. Z39.50 is an application-layer protocol within the OSI reference model designed to allow library users to remotely access the bibliographic records in the library systems. As increasing number of OPAC systems are being established as Z39.50 servers on the internet, Libsearch provides a user-friendly environment to specify search requests and retrieve bibliographic information from these servers. LibSearch supports: (1) the use of window icons to enable users to easily carry out their search activities, (2) remote accesses to diverse library catalogue system..

    RePEc and S-WoPEc: Internet access to electronic preprints in Economics

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    The first electronic Economics preprint appeared in 1993. Since then the growth has been dramatic as the use of the World Wide Web has exploded. RePEc has been instrumental in facilitating access to Economics preprints and in bringing order to the chaos that the WWW frequently represents. In a related effort S-WoPEc provides user friendly tools for adding data to the RePEc system. While this is significant in itself it has also been instrumental in fulfilling S-WoPEc's second goal--to provide increased exposure to Swedish Economics research

    NASA STI Program Coordinating Council Twelfth Meeting: Standards

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    The theme of this NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program Coordinating Council Meeting was standards and their formation and application. Topics covered included scientific and technical information architecture, the Open Systems Interconnection Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) open system environment procurement, and the Government Information Locator Service

    World-wide web: The information universe

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    The World-Wide Web (W 3) initiative is a practical project to bring a global information universe into existence using available technology. This article describes the aims, data model, and protocols needed to implement the “web”, and compares them with various contemporary systems. The Dream Pick up your pen, mouse or favorite pointing device and press it on a reference in this document- perhaps to the author’s name, or organization, or some related work. Suppose you are directly presented with the background material- other papers, the author’s coordinates, the organization’s address and its entire telephone directory. Suppose each of these documents has the same property of being linked to other original documents all over the world. You would have at your fingertips all you need to know about electronic publishing, high-energy physics or for that matter Asian culture. If you are reading this article on paper, you can only dream, but read on

    The Extent of the Application of University Libraries in the Jordan to the Standard Protocol Z39.50

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    Despite the great importance of a (Z39.50) Protocol in any mechanical system because of its serious benefits for libraries and information, however, there are limitations in using this Protocol in Jordanian universities libraries. Therefore the study dealt with protocol (Z39.50) practically and theoretically to benefit from it in Jordanian libraries through applying it at the Jordanian University Libraries represented by (Yarmouk University Library and the library of the University of Science and technology Irbid), and how to use and benefit from the mechanism applied in foreign libraries compared to the application in studied Jordanian libraries. The study consisted of (30) staff (60) officer in the sections of the studied university libraries (indexing and categorization, provisioning, periodicals, databases), formed (50%) of the chosen randomly sample study. Data collection adopted two methods: first: written interview questions, composed of (15) question. Second: asked questions questionnaire, consisting of (17) question, and after analyzing it, it showed that (84%) of workers were assisted by the protocol in doing their works, and it has a great role in information retrieval and search and retrieval of bibliographic records, while the system using the protocol in Jordanian universities only use (Horizon) system, also it was found that the Protocol does not provide collaborative interlibrary loan service between libraries. Search recommended that training courses must be done for library professionals to familiarize them with the Protocol and services so they can use it optimally, and the utilization of the possibilities provided by protocol must be expanded throughout the libraries. Keywords: libraries , Application, Protocol, Government universit

    Nonbibliographic Applications of Z39.50

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    Describes the use of the Z39.50 information retrieval protocol as the basis for Infocal, a read-only, client/server-based campus information system. Technical considerations in adapting the protocol to nonbibliographic data, including semantic modules, dynamic attribute sets, and dynamic record syntax, are described in detail

    Origins of Modern Data Analysis Linked to the Beginnings and Early Development of Computer Science and Information Engineering

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    The history of data analysis that is addressed here is underpinned by two themes, -- those of tabular data analysis, and the analysis of collected heterogeneous data. "Exploratory data analysis" is taken as the heuristic approach that begins with data and information and seeks underlying explanation for what is observed or measured. I also cover some of the evolving context of research and applications, including scholarly publishing, technology transfer and the economic relationship of the university to society.Comment: 26 page

    Sistemas de hallazgo y recuperación de recursos en Internet : Archie, Gopher, Judhead, Kis, Netfind, Prospero, Veronica, Wais, WWW

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    La evolución mundial de las redes de computación tiene su mejor ejemplo en Internet tanto en cobertura geográfica, como en cantidad de nodos, volumen de información disponible, población de usuarios. Los servicios de la mayoría de estas redes han evolucionado mucho desde los primitivos sistemas de mensajería, conexión remota y transferencia de archivos a sistemas distribuidos de información basados en el modelo cliente-servidor. A pesar de ser relativamente nuevos (surgen a partir de 1991) existen una diversidad de opciones: Archie, Wais, Gopher, WWW, etc.. El presente trabajo permite conocer, seleccionar, acceder, usar y entender principios de la arquitectura de los sistemas más difundidos. Trata de evitar el uso de términos técnicos específicos a pesar que se profundiza en los siguientes aspectos: - Se cubren en forma exhaustiva las opciones existentes - Se detalla el uso de cada sistema. - Se provee los mecanismos internos y la arquitectura. Por último, la presente tesis permite contar con material bibliográfico actualizado en lenguaje español.Tesis digitalizada en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática.Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA

    Sistemas de hallazgo y recuperación de recursos en Internet : Archie, Gopher, Judhead, Kis, Netfind, Prospero, Veronica, Wais, WWW

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    La evolución mundial de las redes de computación tiene su mejor ejemplo en Internet tanto en cobertura geográfica, como en cantidad de nodos, volumen de información disponible, población de usuarios. Los servicios de la mayoría de estas redes han evolucionado mucho desde los primitivos sistemas de mensajería, conexión remota y transferencia de archivos a sistemas distribuidos de información basados en el modelo cliente-servidor. A pesar de ser relativamente nuevos (surgen a partir de 1991) existen una diversidad de opciones: Archie, Wais, Gopher, WWW, etc.. El presente trabajo permite conocer, seleccionar, acceder, usar y entender principios de la arquitectura de los sistemas más difundidos. Trata de evitar el uso de términos técnicos específicos a pesar que se profundiza en los siguientes aspectos: - Se cubren en forma exhaustiva las opciones existentes - Se detalla el uso de cada sistema. - Se provee los mecanismos internos y la arquitectura. Por último, la presente tesis permite contar con material bibliográfico actualizado en lenguaje español.Tesis digitalizada en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática.Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA