82 research outputs found

    Unicast Ad-Hoc Routing in Vehicular City Scenarios

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    Within Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networking (VANET), i.e., networking between radio-equipped vehicles, unicast packet forwarding can be separated into the one-dimensional highway case and the two-dimensional city case. In this report, we survey the routing methods developed in the FleetNet and Network-on-Wheels projects plus a novel combination of two wellknown methods called PBR-DV or Position-Based Routing with Distance-Vector recovery. On the quest for a city-capable candidate routing algorithm as a possible standard, we discuss the usability and performance of the protocols in city scenarios. Finally, we conclude proposing PBR-DV as a candidate protocol for small-hop-count unicast VANET scenarios

    TDMP-Reliable Target Driven and Mobility Prediction based Routing Protocol in Complex VANET

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    Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication in the vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), an infrastructure-free mechanism, has emerged as a crucial component in the advanced Intelligent Transport System (ITS) for special information transmission and inter-vehicular communications. One of the main research challenges in VANET is the design and implementation of network routing protocols which manage to trigger V2X communication with the reliable end-to-end connectivity and efficient packet transmission. The organically changing nature of road transport vehicles poses a significant threat to VANET with respect to the accuracy and reliability of packet delivery. Therefore, a position-based routing protocol tends to be the predominant method in VANET as they overcome rapid changes in vehicle movements effectively. However, existing routing protocols have some limitations such as (i) inaccurate in high dynamic network topology, (ii) defective link-state estimation (iii) poor movement prediction in heterogeneous road layouts. In this paper, a target-driven and mobility prediction (TDMP) based routing protocol is therefore developed for high-speed mobility and dynamic topology of vehicles, fluctuant traffic flow and diverse road layouts in VANET. The primary idea in TDMP is that the destination target of a driver is included in the mobility prediction to assist the implementation of the routing protocol. Compared to existing geographic routing protocols which mainly greedily forward the packet to the next-hop based on its current position and partial road layout, TDMP is developed to enhance the packet transmission with the consideration of the estimation of inter-vehicles link status, and the prediction of vehicle positions dynamically in fluctuant mobility and global road layout.Comment: 35 pages,16 Figure

    PDPD: Packet Delivery Prediction-based Data Forwarding to Moving Targets in Vehicular Networks

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringVehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is one of technologies to realize various ITS services that provide safe driving and efficient traffic condition. VANET consists of moving nodes, and hence its topology frequently changes. In VANETs, multi-hop data delivery is complicated by the fact that vehicular networks are highly mobile and frequently disconnected. In this thesis, we develop a novel forwarding scheme that accounts for the vehicle density, and delivers packets in a reliable and timely manner. We pay attention to the encounter event between two vehicles and the probability of successful transmission at the encounter place to guide forwarding decision. The proposed forwarding scheme uses traffic statistics to predict vehicle encounters, and optimize forwarding decision by taking into consideration the quality of wireless communications. We verify the results through simulations and show that our proposed scheme achieves reliable data transmission in VANET.ope


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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), an emerging technology, would allow vehicles to form a self-organized network without the aid of a permanent infrastructure. As a prerequisite to communication in VANETs, an efficient route between communicating nodes in the network must be established, and the routing protocol must adapt to the rapidly changing topology of vehicles in motion. This is one of the goals of VANET routing protocols. In this thesis, we present an efficient routing protocol for VANETs, called the Reliable Inter-VEhicular Routing (RIVER) protocol. RIVER utilizes an undirected graph that represents the surrounding street layout where the vertices of the graph are points at which streets curve or intersect, and the graph edges represent the street segments between those vertices. Unlike existing protocols, RIVER performs real-time, active traffic monitoring and uses this data and other data gathered through passive mechanisms to assign a reliability rating to each street edge. The protocol then uses these reliability ratings to select the most reliable route. Control messages are used to identify a node’s neighbors, determine the reliability of street edges, and to share street edge reliability information with other nodes

    CALAR: Community Aware Location Assisted Routing Framework for Delay Tolerant Networks

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    Infrastructure less communication strategies havegreatly evolved and found its way to most of our real lifeapplications like sensor networks, terrestrial communications,military communications etc. The communication pattern for allthese scenarios being identical i.e. encounter basedcommunication,characteristics of each communication domainare distinct. Hence the protocols applied for each environmentshould be defined carefully by considering its owncommunication patterns. While designing a routing protocol themain aspects under consideration include delay, connectivity,cost etc. In case of applications having limited connectivity,concept of Delay tolerant network (DTN) is deployed, whichassists delivering messages even in partitioned networks withlimited connectivity by using store and forward architecture.Node properties like contact duration, inter contact duration,location, community, direction of movement, angle of contact etc.were used for designing different classes of routing protocols forDTN. This paper introduces a new protocol that exploits thefeatures of both community based as well as location basedrouting protocols to achieve higher data delivery ratio invehicular scenarios. Results obtained show that proposedalgorithms have much improved delivery ratio comparedtoexisting routing algorithms which use any one of the aboveproperty individually


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    According to the American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 police-reported traffic crashes, in which 32,885 people were killed and 2,239,000 people were injured in the US alone. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology which promises to decrease car accidents by providing several safety related services such as blind spot, forward collision and sudden braking ahead warnings. Unfortunately, research of VANET is hindered by the extremely high cost and complexity of field testing. Hence it becomes important to simulate VANET protocols and applications thoroughly before attempting to implement them. This thesis studies the feasibility of common mobility and wireless channel models in VANET simulation and provides a general overview of the currently available VANET simulators and their features. Six different simulation scenarios are performed to evaluate the performance of AODV, DSDV, DSR and OLSR Ad-Hoc routing protocols with UDP and TCP packets. Simulation results indicate that reactive protocols are more robust and suitable for the highly dynamic VANET networks. Furthermore, TCP is found to be more suitable for VANET safety applications due to the high delay and packet drop of UDP packets.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format