8,954 research outputs found

    Stereoscopic Sketchpad: 3D Digital Ink

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    --Context-- This project looked at the development of a stereoscopic 3D environment in which a user is able to draw freely in all three dimensions. The main focus was on the storage and manipulation of the ‘digital ink’ with which the user draws. For a drawing and sketching package to be effective it must not only have an easy to use user interface, it must be able to handle all input data quickly and efficiently so that the user is able to focus fully on their drawing. --Background-- When it comes to sketching in three dimensions the majority of applications currently available rely on vector based drawing methods. This is primarily because the applications are designed to take a users two dimensional input and transform this into a three dimensional model. Having the sketch represented as vectors makes it simpler for the program to act upon its geometry and thus convert it to a model. There are a number of methods to achieve this aim including Gesture Based Modelling, Reconstruction and Blobby Inflation. Other vector based applications focus on the creation of curves allowing the user to draw within or on existing 3D models. They also allow the user to create wire frame type models. These stroke based applications bring the user closer to traditional sketching rather than the more structured modelling methods detailed. While at present the field is inundated with vector based applications mainly focused upon sketch-based modelling there are significantly less voxel based applications. The majority of these applications focus on the deformation and sculpting of voxmaps, almost the opposite of drawing and sketching, and the creation of three dimensional voxmaps from standard two dimensional pixmaps. How to actually sketch freely within a scene represented by a voxmap has rarely been explored. This comes as a surprise when so many of the standard 2D drawing programs in use today are pixel based. --Method-- As part of this project a simple three dimensional drawing program was designed and implemented using C and C++. This tool is known as Sketch3D and was created using a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. Due to the modular nature of Sketch3Ds system architecture it is possible to plug a range of different data structures into the program to represent the ink in a variety of ways. A series of data structures have been implemented and were tested for efficiency. These structures were a simple list, a 3D array, and an octree. They have been tested for: the time it takes to insert or remove points from the structure; how easy it is to manipulate points once they are stored; and also how the number of points stored effects the draw and rendering times. One of the key issues brought up by this project was devising a means by which a user is able to draw in three dimensions while using only two dimensional input devices. The method settled upon and implemented involves using the mouse or a digital pen to sketch as one would in a standard 2D drawing package but also linking the up and down keyboard keys to the current depth. This allows the user to move in and out of the scene as they draw. A couple of user interface tools were also developed to assist the user. A 3D cursor was implemented and also a toggle, which when on, highlights all of the points intersecting the depth plane on which the cursor currently resides. These tools allow the user to see exactly where they are drawing in relation to previously drawn lines. --Results-- The tests conducted on the data structures clearly revealed that the octree was the most effective data structure. While not the most efficient in every area, it manages to avoid the major pitfalls of the other structures. The list was extremely quick to render and draw to the screen but suffered severely when it comes to finding and manipulating points already stored. In contrast the three dimensional array was able to erase or manipulate points effectively while the draw time rendered the structure effectively useless, taking huge amounts of time to draw each frame. The focus of this research was on how a 3D sketching package would go about storing and accessing the digital ink. This is just a basis for further research in this area and many issues touched upon in this paper will require a more in depth analysis. The primary area of this future research would be the creation of an effective user interface and the introduction of regular sketching package features such as the saving and loading of images

    Evaluation of 3D Voxel Rendering Algorithms for Real-Time Interaction on a SIMD Graphics Processor

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    The display of three-dimensional medical data is becoming more common, but current hardware and image rendering algorithms do not generally allow real-time interaction with the image by the user. Real-time interactions, such as image rotation, utilize the motion processing capabilities of the human visual system, allowing a better understanding of the structures being imaged. Recent advances in general purpose graphics display equipment could make real-time interaction feasible in clinical setting. We have evaluated the capabilities of one type of advanced display architecture, the PIXAR Imaging Computer, for real-time interaction while displaying three-dimensional medical data as two-dimensional projections. It was discovered during this investigation that most suitable algorithms for implementation were based on the rendering of voxel rather than surface data. Two voxel-based techniques, back-to-front and front-to-back rendering produced acceptable, but not real-time performance. The quality of the images produced was not high, but allowed the determination of an image orientation which could then be used by a later high-quality rendering technique. Two conclusions were reached: first, the current performance of display hardware may allow acceptable interactive performance and produce high-quality images if a scheme of adaptive refinement is used wherein successively higher quality images are generated for the user. Second, the correct algorithm to use for fast rendering of volume data is highly dependent upon the architecture of the display processor, and in particular upon the ability of the processor to randomly access image data. If the processor is constrained to sequential or near sequential access to the voxel data, the choice of algorithms and the utilization of parallel processing is severely limited

    Interactive 3D Modeling with a Generative Adversarial Network

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    This paper proposes the idea of using a generative adversarial network (GAN) to assist a novice user in designing real-world shapes with a simple interface. The user edits a voxel grid with a painting interface (like Minecraft). Yet, at any time, he/she can execute a SNAP command, which projects the current voxel grid onto a latent shape manifold with a learned projection operator and then generates a similar, but more realistic, shape using a learned generator network. Then the user can edit the resulting shape and snap again until he/she is satisfied with the result. The main advantage of this approach is that the projection and generation operators assist novice users to create 3D models characteristic of a background distribution of object shapes, but without having to specify all the details. The core new research idea is to use a GAN to support this application. 3D GANs have previously been used for shape generation, interpolation, and completion, but never for interactive modeling. The new challenge for this application is to learn a projection operator that takes an arbitrary 3D voxel model and produces a latent vector on the shape manifold from which a similar and realistic shape can be generated. We develop algorithms for this and other steps of the SNAP processing pipeline and integrate them into a simple modeling tool. Experiments with these algorithms and tool suggest that GANs provide a promising approach to computer-assisted interactive modeling.Comment: Published at International Conference on 3D Vision 2017 (http://irc.cs.sdu.edu.cn/3dv/index.html

    CSGNet: Neural Shape Parser for Constructive Solid Geometry

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    We present a neural architecture that takes as input a 2D or 3D shape and outputs a program that generates the shape. The instructions in our program are based on constructive solid geometry principles, i.e., a set of boolean operations on shape primitives defined recursively. Bottom-up techniques for this shape parsing task rely on primitive detection and are inherently slow since the search space over possible primitive combinations is large. In contrast, our model uses a recurrent neural network that parses the input shape in a top-down manner, which is significantly faster and yields a compact and easy-to-interpret sequence of modeling instructions. Our model is also more effective as a shape detector compared to existing state-of-the-art detection techniques. We finally demonstrate that our network can be trained on novel datasets without ground-truth program annotations through policy gradient techniques.Comment: Accepted at CVPR-201

    Hierarchical Surface Prediction for 3D Object Reconstruction

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    Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks have shown promising results for 3D geometry prediction. They can make predictions from very little input data such as a single color image. A major limitation of such approaches is that they only predict a coarse resolution voxel grid, which does not capture the surface of the objects well. We propose a general framework, called hierarchical surface prediction (HSP), which facilitates prediction of high resolution voxel grids. The main insight is that it is sufficient to predict high resolution voxels around the predicted surfaces. The exterior and interior of the objects can be represented with coarse resolution voxels. Our approach is not dependent on a specific input type. We show results for geometry prediction from color images, depth images and shape completion from partial voxel grids. Our analysis shows that our high resolution predictions are more accurate than low resolution predictions.Comment: 3DV 201

    Structure-Aware Shape Synthesis

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    We propose a new procedure to guide training of a data-driven shape generative model using a structure-aware loss function. Complex 3D shapes often can be summarized using a coarsely defined structure which is consistent and robust across variety of observations. However, existing synthesis techniques do not account for structure during training, and thus often generate implausible and structurally unrealistic shapes. During training, we enforce structural constraints in order to enforce consistency and structure across the entire manifold. We propose a novel methodology for training 3D generative models that incorporates structural information into an end-to-end training pipeline.Comment: Accepted to 3DV 201

    ScanComplete: Large-Scale Scene Completion and Semantic Segmentation for 3D Scans

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    We introduce ScanComplete, a novel data-driven approach for taking an incomplete 3D scan of a scene as input and predicting a complete 3D model along with per-voxel semantic labels. The key contribution of our method is its ability to handle large scenes with varying spatial extent, managing the cubic growth in data size as scene size increases. To this end, we devise a fully-convolutional generative 3D CNN model whose filter kernels are invariant to the overall scene size. The model can be trained on scene subvolumes but deployed on arbitrarily large scenes at test time. In addition, we propose a coarse-to-fine inference strategy in order to produce high-resolution output while also leveraging large input context sizes. In an extensive series of experiments, we carefully evaluate different model design choices, considering both deterministic and probabilistic models for completion and semantic inference. Our results show that we outperform other methods not only in the size of the environments handled and processing efficiency, but also with regard to completion quality and semantic segmentation performance by a significant margin.Comment: Video: https://youtu.be/5s5s8iH0NF

    Dense 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View

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    In this paper, we propose a novel approach, 3D-RecGAN++, which reconstructs the complete 3D structure of a given object from a single arbitrary depth view using generative adversarial networks. Unlike existing work which typically requires multiple views of the same object or class labels to recover the full 3D geometry, the proposed 3D-RecGAN++ only takes the voxel grid representation of a depth view of the object as input, and is able to generate the complete 3D occupancy grid with a high resolution of 256^3 by recovering the occluded/missing regions. The key idea is to combine the generative capabilities of autoencoders and the conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) framework, to infer accurate and fine-grained 3D structures of objects in high-dimensional voxel space. Extensive experiments on large synthetic datasets and real-world Kinect datasets show that the proposed 3D-RecGAN++ significantly outperforms the state of the art in single view 3D object reconstruction, and is able to reconstruct unseen types of objects.Comment: TPAMI 2018. Code and data are available at: https://github.com/Yang7879/3D-RecGAN-extended. This article extends from arXiv:1708.0796