35 research outputs found

    Geometric Algorithms for Minimal Enclosing Disks in Strictly Convex Normed Planes

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    With the geometric background provided by Alonso, Martini, and Spirovaon the location of circumcenters of triangles in normed planes, we show the validity of the Elzinga--Hearn algorithm and the Shamos--Hoey algorithm for solving the minimal enclosing disk problem in strictly convex normed planes

    A Sweepline Algorithm for Generalized Delaunay Triangulations

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    We give a deterministic O(n log n) sweepline algorithm to construct the generalized Voronoi diagram for n points in the plane or rather its dual the generalized Delaunay triangulation. The algorithm uses no transformations and it is developed solely from the sweepline paradigm together with greediness. A generalized Delaunay triangulation can be based on an arbitrary strictly convex Minkowski distance function (including all L_p distance functions 1 < p < *) in contrast to ordinary Delaunay triangualations which are based on the Euclidean distance function

    Density of Range Capturing Hypergraphs

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    For a finite set XX of points in the plane, a set SS in the plane, and a positive integer kk, we say that a kk-element subset YY of XX is captured by SS if there is a homothetic copy Sβ€²S' of SS such that X∩Sβ€²=YX\cap S' = Y, i.e., Sβ€²S' contains exactly kk elements from XX. A kk-uniform SS-capturing hypergraph H=H(X,S,k)H = H(X,S,k) has a vertex set XX and a hyperedge set consisting of all kk-element subsets of XX captured by SS. In case when k=2k=2 and SS is convex these graphs are planar graphs, known as convex distance function Delaunay graphs. In this paper we prove that for any kβ‰₯2k\geq 2, any XX, and any convex compact set SS, the number of hyperedges in H(X,S,k)H(X,S,k) is at most (2kβˆ’1)∣Xβˆ£βˆ’k2+1βˆ’βˆ‘i=1kβˆ’1ai(2k-1)|X| - k^2 + 1 - \sum_{i=1}^{k-1}a_i, where aia_i is the number of ii-element subsets of XX that can be separated from the rest of XX with a straight line. In particular, this bound is independent of SS and indeed the bound is tight for all "round" sets SS and point sets XX in general position with respect to SS. This refines a general result of Buzaglo, Pinchasi and Rote stating that every pseudodisc topological hypergraph with vertex set XX has O(k2∣X∣)O(k^2|X|) hyperedges of size kk or less.Comment: new version with a tight result and shorter proo

    Optical clustering on a mesh-connected computer

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