67 research outputs found

    Adaptive S-ALOHA CDMA as an alternative way of integrating services in mobile environments

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    Code-division multiple-access (CDMA) schemes appear to be very promising access techniques for coping with the requirements of third-generation mobile systems, mainly because of their flexibility. This paper proposes an adaptive S-ALOHA DS-CDMA access scheme as a method for integrating nonreal-time (i.e., Internet applications) and real-time (i.e., voice) services in a multicell scenario by exploiting the potentials of CDMA under time-varying channel load conditions. The adaptive component makes data terminals autonomously change their transmission rate according to the total (voice+data) channel occupancy, so that the minimum possible data delay, which can be analytically obtained by defining a birth-death process, is almost always achieved. Moreover, by means of a simplified cellular model, the proposed algorithm revealed the same behavior, i.e., it tries to select the most suitable transmission rate at any time slot, when it is affected by intercell interference and even by power control imperfections. Finally, in order to gain more insight into the potentials of such an access strategy, the adaptive S-ALOHA CDMA scheme is then compared to a reservation time-division multiple-access (TDMA)-based protocol (PRMA++), showing the benefits of the CDMA-based solution in terms of capacity, flexibility, and data delay performance.Peer Reviewe

    QAP: A QoS supportive adaptive polling protocol for wireless LANs

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    A QoS supportive adaptive polling (QAP) protocol for wireless LANs is introduced. QAP operates under an infrastructure wireless LAN, where an access point (AP) polls the wireless nodes in order to grant them permission to transmit. The polled node sends data directly to the destination node. We consider bursty traffic conditions, under which the protocol operates efficiently. The polling scheme is based on an adaptive algorithm according to which it is most likely that an active node is polled. Also, QAP takes into account packet priorities, so it supports QoS by means of the Highest Priority First packet buffer discipline and the priority distinctive polling scheme. Lastly, the protocol combines efficiency and fairness, since it prohibits a single node to dominate the medium permanently. QAP is compared to the efficient learning automata-based polling (LEAP) protocol, and is shown to have superior performance. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Next-Generation Mobile Satellite Networks

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    A MAC protocol for IP-based CDMA wireless networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.The evolution of the intemet protocol (IP) to offer quality of service (QoS) makes it a suitable core network protocol for next generation networks (NGN). The QoS features incorporated to IP will enable future lP-based wireless networks to meet QoS requirements of various multimedia traffic. The Differentiated Service (Diffserv) Architecture is a promising QoS technology due to its scalability which arises from traffic flow aggregates. For this reason, in this dissertation a network infrastructure based on DiffServ is assumed. This architecture provides assured service (AS) and premium service (PrS) classes in addition to best-effort service (BE). The medium access control (MAC) protocol is one of the important design issues in wireless networks. In a wireless network carrying multimedia traffic, the MAC protocol is required to provide simultaneous support for a wide variety of traffic types, support traffic with delay and jitter bounds, and assign bandwidth in an efficient and fair manner among traffic classes. Several MAC protocols capable of supporting multimedia services have been proposed in the literature, the majority of which were designed for wireless A1M (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). The focus of this dissertation is on time division multiple access and code division multiple access (TDMAlCDMA) based MAC protocols that support QoS in lP-based wireless networks. This dissertation begins by giving a survey of wireless MAC protocols. The survey considers MAC protocols for centralised wireless networks and classifies them according to their multiple access technology and as well as their method of resource sharing. A novel TDMAlCDMA based MAC protocol incorporating techniques from existing protocols is then proposed. To provide the above-mentioned services, the bandwidth is partitioned amongst AS and PrS classes. The BE class utilizes the remaining bandwidth from the two classes because it does not have QoS requirements. The protocol employs a demand assignment (DA) scheme to support traffic from PrS and AS classes. BE traffic is supported by a random reservation access scheme with dual multiple access interference (MAl) admission thresholds. The performance of the protocol, i.e. the AS or PrS call blocking probability, and BE throughput are evaluated through Markov analytical models and Monte-Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the protocol is modified and incorporated into IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless access (BWA) network


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    The Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA) protocol and its variants have been considered as possible access schemes for communication media for indoor communications, terrestrial communications and satellite communications. Most recently, PRMA (and its variants) has been considered for applications such as beyond third generation and/or fourth generation communication systems, cooperative communication, and multimedia communication in dynamic environments. In this dissertation, equilibrium behavior of general voice and/or data systems employing PRMA are studied along with means for control of this behavior. The main objective is to determine conditions guaranteeing a unique equilibrium for these systems, as multistability can result in an unacceptable user experience. Systems considered include voice systems, voice and data systems, and voice systems with high propagation delay (these are studied both for an error-free channel and a random error channel). Also, various control schemes are introduced and their effect on these system is analyzed at equilibrium. Control schemes considered include a price based control, state estimation-based control, and control using multiple transmission power and capture. For each type of control, the effect of the control on the equilibrium structure of the system is studied, in the spirit of the methodology of bifurcation control. In bifurcation control, the number and nature of steady state solutions of a system are managed by appropriate design of system control laws. Several sufficient conditions for uniqueness of operating points of the PRMA systems under the studied control schemes is determined. Numerical analysis of the equilibrium equations of the systems is provided to support the analytical studies. The equilibrium behavior of voice systems and voice-data systems employing frame-based PRMA is also studied. Effects of price based control on these systems is analyzed. Further, the price based control studied in conjunction with the PRMA systems is extended to a finite buffer finite user slotted ALOHA system, and the equilibrium behavior of the system is studied using a tagged user approach. Among the contributions of the dissertation are analytical sufficient conditions guaranteeing a unique equilibrium point for the various classes of systems studied, control law designs that result in improved system capacity, and extensive numerical studies including comparisons with two previously proposed approaches. Analysis is also given proving the Markovian nature of the system's stochastic dynamics (under some basic assumptions) and the existence of a unique stationary probability law

    The Feasibility of ATM operations over high frequency radio and the viability of the ATM/HF architecture

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    High Frequency (HF) radio is still a vital part of communications networks because its low cost and long distance capabilities, and still plays important roles as primary, supplemental, or redundant backup systems. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is increasingly becoming an important part of communications, especially with LAN Emulation (LANE) specifications. Add to this the importance and increasing interest and dependency upon wireless networking, and it becomes inevitable that research into mobile ATM networking over HF radio would be considered. To test the feasibility of ATM networking over HF radio it was decided that a simulation would be developed to collect some basic information on call blocking and throughput. In order to build the simulation it was necessary to have an architectural framework of a mobile ATM network operating over HF radio. ATM/HF (ATM over HF) is the proposed architecture. ATM/HF is a proposed architecture that provides for networking mobile ATM nodes such as ships, planes, and trucks, over HF radio. It is based upon a recommended 64 kHz bandwidth which allows for a 128 kbps data rate. The ATM/HF architecture utilizes three different Media Access Control (MAC) protocols for network startup and access from the various network states, and incorporates several recently proposed dynamic capabilities for control of bandwidth and the integration of voice, data, and video. The proposal provides frame and wireless ATM (WATM) packet structures and a reference model for flow of the cells from the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) through the radio. An important feature is the use of channels, called channelization, to increase both network capacity and distance. The simulation was built to represent an active network state with active nodes connecting and disconnecting calls in a dynamic way with explicit connection messages. The purpose of starting from this network state was to measure the call blocking and throughput of a single channel. Two user types were developed, one to represent telephone voice and the other to represent computer data traffic. By varying the number of users per node and by type, the level of call blocking and throughput could be changed. Graphing the levels it could be determined the maximum capacity a single channel could support and thus determine if ATM over HF radio is feasible. In addition, the same information was used to determine the viability of the ATM/HF architecture. Although the simulation did not incorporate all the dynamic features of the recommended protocols, it does dynamically assign slots, rearrange slots to utilize non-contiguous available slots, and adjust the data rate of computer connections to accommodate voice call requests. This was done to reduce the level of voice call blocking which became the determining factor in deciding feasibility. It was determined that mobile ATM networking over HF radio is possible since the voice call blocking of a single channel was at the 10% level, overall call blocking was at the 6% level, and throughput was at the 53% level. It was determined that a single channel could support six voice and a minimum of ten data users. Although throughput, which is defined as the number of available slot used, was lower than expected, the possibility exists for utilizing the unused slots by incorporating additional dynamic capabilities that would increase the number of users supportable by a single channel. Throughput can be also be increased by incorporating Available Bit Rate (ABR) and Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) traffic. The call blocking and throughput levels prove that ATM/HF is a viable method for supporting ATM operations. Although the call blocking level achieved the voice call blocking level and exceeding the overall call blocking level, the throughput level shows that there is a lot of wasted bandwidth. Further study of the design is required to improve the throughput level. Further development of the simulation is required in order to test the MAC protocols and to test the effects of the Bit Error Rate and fading effects of HF radio. The final conclusion, however, is that ATM over HF radio is feasible, that ATM/HF is a viable architecture, and that further research should be conducted into both
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