134 research outputs found

    Combined trellis coding and feedforward processing for MSS applications

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    The idea of using a multiple (more than two) symbol observation interval to improve error probability performance is applied to differential detection of trellis coded MPSK over a mobile satellite (fading) channel. Results are obtained via computer simulation. It is shown that only a slight increase (e.g., one symbol) in the length of the observation interval will provide a significant improvement in bit error probability performance both in AWGN and fading environments

    Doppler-corrected differential detection system

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    Doppler in a communication system operating with a multiple differential phase-shift-keyed format (MDPSK) creates an adverse phase shift in an incoming signal. An open loop frequency estimation is derived from a Doppler-contaminated incoming signal. Based upon the recognition that, whereas the change in phase of the received signal over a full symbol contains both the differentially encoded data and the Doppler induced phase shift, the same change in phase over half a symbol (within a given symbol interval) contains only the Doppler induced phase shift, and the Doppler effect can be estimated and removed from the incoming signal. Doppler correction occurs prior to the receiver's final output of decoded data. A multiphase system can operate with two samplings per symbol interval at no penalty in signal-to-noise ratio provided that an ideal low pass pre-detection filter is employed, and two samples, at 1/4 and 3/4 of the symbol interval T sub s, are taken and summed together prior to incoming signal data detection

    COSSAP simulation model of DS-CDMA indoor microwave ATM LAN

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    This thesis presents an original work in the area of designing and implementing a simulation testbed for modelling a high speed spread spectrum Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Local Area Network (LAN). The spread spectrum technique used in this LAN model is Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA). The simulation model includes at least a physical layer of such a LAN, embedded into the COSSAP1 simulation environment, and has been fully tested. All the newly developed building blocks are comprised of standard blocks from the COSSAP libraries or compatible user-built primitive blocks (only where it is absolutely necessary), and are flexible enough to allow the modification of simulation or model parameters; such as the number of signal channels, modulation method used, different spreading code sequences and so on. All these changes can be made with minimal effort. Another significant contribution made in this thesis is the extended research into evaluating the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of different spread spectrum COMA coding schemes for an indoor microwave A1M LAN [8]. Different spread spectrum CDMA coding schemes are compared for their transmission error rate in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel with varying transmitted signal power and at different channel Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) levels. Since a wireless microwave channel is very prone to transmission errors, a major contribution of the simulation testbed developed in this thesis is its use in the finding of an optimal physical layer transmission scheme with the best Bit Error Rate (BER) performance in an indoor environment

    Carrier Synchronization in High Bit-Rate Optical Transmission Systems

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    In this dissertation, design of optical transmission systems with differential detection and coherent detection is briefly described. More over, algorithms for carrier synchronization and phase estimation with their implementation in high bit-rate optical transmission systems are proposed

    Noncoherent iterative (turbo) decoding

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    Satellite Data Transmission (SDT) requirement

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    An 85 Mb/s modem/codec to operate in a 34 MHz C-band domestic satellite transponder at a system carrier to noise power ratio of 19.5 dB is discussed. Characteristics of a satellite channel and the approach adopted for the satellite data transmission modem/codec selection are discussed. Measured data and simulation results of the existing 50 Mbps link are compared and used to verify the simulation techniques. Various modulation schemes that were screened for the SDT are discussed and the simulated performance of two prime candidates, the 8 PSK and the SMSK/2 are given. The selection process that leads to the candidate codec techniques are documented and the technology of the modem/codec candidates is assessed. Costs of the modems and codecs are estimated

    Advanced modulation technology development for earth station demodulator applications. Coded modulation system development

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    A jointly optimized coded modulation system is described which was designed, built, and tested by COMSAT Laboratories for NASA LeRC which provides a bandwidth efficiency of 2 bits/s/Hz at an information rate of 160 Mbit/s. A high speed rate 8/9 encoder with a Viterbi decoder and an Octal PSK modem are used to achieve this. The BER performance is approximately 1 dB from the theoretically calculated value for this system at a BER of 5 E-7 under nominal conditions. The system operates in burst mode for downlink applications and tests have demonstrated very little degradation in performance with frequency and level offset. Unique word miss rate measurements were conducted which demonstrate reliable acquisition at low values of Eb/No. Codec self tests have verified the performance of this subsystem in a stand alone mode. The codec is capable of operation at a 200 Mbit/s information rate as demonstrated using a codec test set which introduces noise digitally. The measured performance is within 0.2 dB of the computer simulated predictions. A gate array implementation of the most time critical element of the high speed Viterbi decoder was completed. This gate array add-compare-select chip significantly reduces the power consumption and improves the manufacturability of the decoder. This chip has general application in the implementation of high speed Viterbi decoders