7 research outputs found

    Interactive visualization tools for topological exploration

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Computer Science, 1992This thesis concerns using computer graphics methods to visualize mathematical objects. Abstract mathematical concepts are extremely difficult to visualize, particularly when higher dimensions are involved; I therefore concentrate on subject areas such as the topology and geometry of four dimensions which provide a very challenging domain for visualization techniques. In the first stage of this research, I applied existing three-dimensional computer graphics techniques to visualize projected four-dimensional mathematical objects in an interactive manner. I carried out experiments with direct object manipulation and constraint-based interaction and implemented tools for visualizing mathematical transformations. As an application, I applied these techniques to visualizing the conjecture known as Fermat's Last Theorem. Four-dimensional objects would best be perceived through four-dimensional eyes. Even though we do not have four-dimensional eyes, we can use computer graphics techniques to simulate the effect of a virtual four-dimensional camera viewing a scene where four-dimensional objects are being illuminated by four-dimensional light sources. I extended standard three-dimensional lighting and shading methods to work in the fourth dimension. This involved replacing the standard "z-buffer" algorithm by a "w-buffer" algorithm for handling occlusion, and replacing the standard "scan-line" conversion method by a new "scan-plane" conversion method. Furthermore, I implemented a new "thickening" technique that made it possible to illuminate surfaces correctly in four dimensions. Our new techniques generate smoothly shaded, highlighted view-volume images of mathematical objects as they would appear from a four-dimensional viewpoint. These images reveal fascinating structures of mathematical objects that could not be seen with standard 3D computer graphics techniques. As applications, we generated still images and animation sequences for mathematical objects such as the Steiner surface, the four-dimensional torus, and a knotted 2-sphere. The images of surfaces embedded in 4D that have been generated using our methods are unique in the history of mathematical visualization. Finally, I adapted these techniques to visualize volumetric data (3D scalar fields) generated by other scientific applications. Compared to other volume visualization techniques, this method provides a new approach that researchers can use to look at and manipulate certain classes of volume data

    Curve and surface framing for scientific visualization and domain dependent navigation

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Computer Science, 1996Curves and surfaces are two of the most fundamental types of objects in computer graphics. Most existing systems use only the 3D positions of the curves and surfaces, and the 3D normal directions of the surfaces, in the visualization process. In this dissertation, we attach moving coordinate frames to curves and surfaces, and explore several applications of these frames in computer graphics and scientific visualization. Curves in space are difficult to perceive and analyze, especially when they are densely clustered, as is typical in computational fluid dynamics and volume deformation applications. Coordinate frames are useful for exposing the similarities and differences between curves. They are also useful for constructing ribbons, tubes and smooth camera orientations along curves. In many 3D systems, users interactively move the camera around the objects with a mouse or other device. But all the camera control is done independently of the properties of the objects being viewed, as if the user is flying freely in space. This type of domain-independent navigation is frequently inappropriate in visualization applications and is sometimes quite difficult for the user to control. Another productive approach is to look at domain-specific constraints and thus to create a new class of navigation strategies. Based on attached frames on surfaces, we can constrain the camera gaze direction to be always parallel (or at a fixed angle) to the surface normal. Then users will get a feeling of driving on the object instead of flying through the space. The user's mental model of the environment being visualized can be greatly enhanced by the use of these constraints in the interactive interface. Many of our research ideas have been implemented in Mesh View, an interactive system for viewing and manipulating geometric objects. It contains a general purpose C++ library for nD geometry and supports a winged-edge based data structure. Dozens of examples of scientifically interesting surfaces have been constructed and included with the system