643 research outputs found

    Visualizing the Human Subcortex Using Ultra-high Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Imaging the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease

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    This thesis is comprised of a set of work that aims to visualize and quantify the anatomy, structural variability, and connectivity of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) with optimized neuroimaging methods. The study populations include both healthy cohorts and individuals living with Parkinson's disease (PD). PD was chosen specifically due to the involvement of the STN in the pathophysiology of the disease. Optimized neuroimaging methods were primarily obtained using ultra-high field (UHF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An additional component of this thesis was to determine to what extent UHF-MRI can be used in a clinical setting, specifically for pre-operative planning of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the STN for patients with advanced PD. The thesis collectively demonstrates that i, MRI research, and clinical applications must account for the different anatomical and structural changes that occur in the STN with both age and PD. ii, Anatomical connections involved in preparatory motor control, response inhibition, and decision-making may be compromised in PD. iii. The accuracy of visualizing and quantifying the STN strongly depends on the type of MR contrast and voxel size. iv, MRI at a field strength of 3 Tesla (T) can under certain circumstances be optimized to produce results similar to that of 7 T at the expense of increased acquisition time

    Cerebellum and neurodegenerative diseases: Beyond conventional magnetic resonance imaging

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    The cerebellum plays a key role in movement control and in cognition and cerebellar involvement is described in several neurodegenerative diseases. While conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used for brain and cerebellar morphologic evaluation, advanced MRI techniques allow the investigation of cerebellar microstructural and functional characteristics. Volumetry, voxel-based morphometry, diffusion MRI based fiber tractography, resting state and task related functional MRI, perfusion, and proton MR spectroscopy are among the most common techniques applied to the study of cerebellum. In the present review, after providing a brief description of each technique's advantages and limitations, we focus on their application to the study of cerebellar injury in major neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and hereditary ataxia. A brief introduction to the pathological substrate of cerebellar involvement is provided for each disease, followed by the review of MRI studies exploring structural and functional cerebellar abnormalities and by a discussion of the clinical relevance of MRI measures of cerebellar damage in terms of both clinical status and cognitive performance

    Utilidade dos exames de ressonância magnética no diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson : revisão sistemática e meta análise

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    Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014Com a atual tendência para o envelhecimento da população e sendo a doença de Parkinson (DP) uma patologia que atinge cerca de 2% da população acima dos 65 anos, podemos prever um aumento da sua prevalência. Por outro lado devido às questões éticas e à morbilidade que implicariam as biopsias cerebrais como método de diagnóstico definitivo, a necessidade de encontrar métodos de diagnóstico precoce e não invasivos são de extrema importância. Mesmo nos melhores centros de diagnóstico há uma percentagem importante de desacordo entre o diagnóstico efetuado em vida, de base clínica e o diagnóstico pós-morte, que é histopatológico. A Ressonância Magnética, nas suas diferentes modalidades, proporciona-nos um meio de investigar “in vivo” as regiões corticais e subcorticais que se sabem estarem afetadas na DP. Diversos estudos recentes procuram demonstrar a utilidade destes testes como bio marcadores de diagnóstico e progressão da doença de Parkinson. Procurei efetuar uma revisão sistemática e meta análise em relação aos exames de Imagens de Ressonância Magnética (IRM) de modo a verificar a sua utilidade no diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson e se poderão ter potencial para serem considerados bio marcadores de diagnóstico e seguimento dos doentes. Objetivo Revisão sistemática dos estudos que compararem, a precisão das diferentes modalidades de ressonância magnética no diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson, com diagnóstico clínico e controlos saudáveis, explorando suas potencialidades como bio marcadores. Material e métodos Procedeu-se a uma pesquisa na literatura publicada sobre a temática, recorrendo à base de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, B-on, Google Scholar e ainda na bibliografia dos estudos considerados relevantes. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chave "Parkinson", "Magnetic resonance imaging", "MRI", "DTI", "Diffusion tensor imaging", "Spectroscopy", "MRI of Iron", "fMRI", "bold", “Neuromelanin”, combinados com operadores booleanos apropriados para cada pesquisa. Foram selecionados estudos redigidos em Inglês, Francês, Espanhol e Português. Critérios de inclusão: Estudos neurorradiológicos, com mais de cinco pacientes, até a presente data, que envolvam Imagens de ressonância magnética (MRI) de diferentes modalidades tais como: Exames Estruturais (T1, T2, Neuromelanina, Ferro e outras técnicas); Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI); Espectroscopia em Ressonância Magnética (MRSI); Ressonância Magnética Funcional (fMRI) no diagnóstico da Doença de Parkinson e que comparem a precisão do teste com diagnóstico clínico e controlos saudáveis, explorando suas potencialidades como bio marcadores. Foram excluídos, estudos que não usaram critérios formais de diagnóstico clínico, estudos incluindo pacientes submetidos a estimulação cerebral profunda, parkinsonismo idiopático ou vascular, casos relatados, editoriais, comentários, cartas, estudos em animais, estudos de diagnóstico diferencial com outras síndromes parkinsonianos e demências da DP. Resultados Dos 834 estudos identificados e atendendo aos critérios de seleção foram separados 109 estudos que após a leitura dos “Abstracts” verificou-se que apenas 52 preenchiam os requisitos dos critérios de inclusão. Destes estudos, foram obtidas as versões integrais publicadas, que foram integralmente lidas e sempre que existentes registados por mim, os seguintes dados: a referência, o ano, o título, o número de pacientes e controlos, a idade média, o estádio Hoehn & Yahr, a medicação, a modalidade de IRM, a região estudada, a intensidade do campo magnético do sistema, as conclusões e ainda se possível, a especificidade, a sensibilidade, a área sob a curva ROC e valores-p (Sigma) do teste t-Student (t-test) da comparação entre os valores obtidos dos exames dos pacientes com DP e a dos controlos saudáveis. Os resultados obtidos foram divididos em quatro grupos, em função da modalidade de estudo de IRM (imagens de ressonância magnética), para avaliação: 1º exames estruturais utilizando os métodos clássicos e IRM do ferro e da Neuromelanina; 2º exames utilizando DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging); 3º exames de espectroscopia de RMN; 4º fMRI (ressonância magnética funcional) incluindo a de em estado de repouso (RS-fMRI). 1º Exames estruturais utilizando os métodos clássicos e IRM, do ferro e Neuromelanina. Neste grupo de estudos podemos verificar que, utilizando T1 imagens Inversão de recuperação (a área) 24; T2W (o volume) 33; T1p (sensível á perda neuronal) 46; MRI sensível á Neuromelanina (medição do volume) 23, encontramos uma diminuição significativa na SN (substância nigra) dos pacientes com DP, quando comparados com controlos saudáveis pareados por idade, e um aumento significativo dos valores do R2 * (= 1/T2 *) e T2p, (sensível à deposição de ferro) em pacientes com DP 41, 27, quando comparados com controlos saudáveis. É de salientar que estas alterações se mantem ainda que tenhamos valores de sistemas com diferentes intensidades dos campos magnéticos 3T; 4T; 7T. 2º Exames utilizando DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging). Com este tipo de exames podemos detetar em pacientes com DP, alterações na AF (anisotropia fracionada) e DM (difusibilidade média) em todo o cérebro 74, mas que são mais pronunciadas na substância branca frontal e parietal refletindo deste modo um dano microestrutural generalizado. Estas alterações ocorrem nos estádios iniciais da PD75, em fibras de projeção do tálamo 11. Os valores da MK (mean kurtosis) e da AF foram significativamente menores no cíngulo anterior 22, na área motora, na pré-motora e motora suplementar do córtex 64,nas áreas de substância branca próximas das áreas motoras suplementares, cápsulas externa e interna, tálamo direito, putamen esquerdo 65 e como se demonstra na meta-análise há uma redução significativa da AF na SN. 3º Exames de espectroscopia de RMN Na espectroscopia dos metabolitos Substância Nigra na doença de Parkinson foram observadas diferenças significativas entre doentes PD e controlos saudáveis nas razões, NAA / Cr, NAA / Cho, NAA / (Co + Cr) 66, 76. Com estes exames podemos obter um in perfil neuro-químico “in vivo”, incluindo neurotransmissores (Glu e GABA) e os níveis de antioxidantes (GSH), que estão em excelente concordância com a literatura neuro química 70. Na pré-SMA, a razão NAA / Cr diminuiu seletivamente, em paralelo com disfunção neuronal nos DP (P = 0,045) 73. No putamen e mesencéfalo foi encontrada uma redução bilateral de fosfatos de alta energia, como adenosina trifosfato e fosfocreatina como recetores finais da energia da fosforilação oxidativa mitocondrial 71. 4º Exames de fMRI ressonância magnética funcional incluindo os de em estado de repouso (RS-fMRI). Usando diferentes paradigmas e comparando pacientes com DP, com controlos saudáveis, encontramos nos diferentes estudos uma redução da percentagem de mudança de sinal em todos os núcleos dos gânglios da base contra lateral e ipsilateral, tálamo lateral e medial, M1 (córtex motor primário) e área motora suplementar. Foram detetadas correlações negativas significativas entre a UPDRS e a ativação BOLD bilateralmente nos núcleos, caudado e putamen, segmento externo contra lateral do globo pálido, bilateralmente nos núcleos sub-talâmicos, substantia nigra e tálamo contra lateral. A bradicinesia é o sintoma que mais consistentemente previu a ativação BOLD nos gânglios da base e tálamo. Além disso, a ativação BOLD no globo pálido interno contra lateral, estava relacionada com tremor. A atividade cortical reduzida no córtex motor primário e na área motora suplementar nos pacientes com DP recém-diagnosticada, não se relacionam com sintomas motores 58. Durante a execução de movimentos automáticos, os pacientes com doença de Parkinson em comparação com os controlos saudáveis, necessitam de mais atividade cerebral no cerebelo, na área pré-motora, no córtex parietal, no precuneus e córtex pré-frontal para compensar a disfunção dos gânglios basais 51. Usando RS-fMRI para estudar a conectividade funcional (CF), verificou-se que os pacientes PD apresentam uma disrupção da rede motora. O aumento CF em estado de repouso entre os núcleos sub-talâmicos (NST) e áreas motoras corticais e os sintomas de rigidez e tremor na PD podem estar relacionados a um acoplamento anormal dessas áreas. Com estudos selecionados foram efetuadas meta análises ponderando o efeito de tamanho da amostra nos 1º e 2º grupo, tendo-se verificado que neles há diferenças significativas (em t-test utilizando p-value) no que respeita á redução de volume e da anisotropia fracionada (AF) da Substância Nigra (SN) entre os doentes de Parkinson e os controlos saudáveis. Foi detetada uma redução média de volume da SN, estimada pela tamanho do efeito das IRM Estruturais de (-0,877, 95% intervalo de confiança de -1,049 a -0.705, p <0.0001) apresentando os estudos um baixo nível de heterogeneidade (Q [12] =14,598 p =0,264 I2 =17,795). Na AF da SN em DTI a redução média dos valores da AF estimada atendendo ao efeito tamanho dos estudos foi de (-0,811, 95% intervalo de confiança de -1,036 a -0,586, p <0,0001) com um baixo nível de heterogeneidade entre os estudos (Q [6] =7,327, p =0,396 I2 = 4,465). Conclusões Estes resultados são encorajadores pois pode-se concluir que os exames de imagem de ressonância magnética possuem uma boa capacidade discriminativa dos doentes de Parkinson em relação aos controlos saudáveis e poderão desempenhar um papel importante na deteção, na monitorização da progressão e no impacto terapêutico na DP. Entretanto, serão necessários estudos longitudinais e prospetivos com um número mais elevado de doentes utilizando as várias modalidades, isoladamente ou em associação, para melhorar a acuidade diagnóstica e confirmar a sua utilização como bio marcadores.Objectives: We performed a systematic review of the studies comparing the accuracy of the different modalities of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease with clinical diagnosis and healthy controls, exploring its potentials as biomarkers. Methods: We searched for studies and research reviews in, the MEDLINE, EMBASE, B-on (the online knowledge Library) databases, and in bibliography cited in relevant studies, comparing the MRI differences between Parkinson’s disease patients and healthy controls to access the accuracy of the different methods, the results were extracted and estimates were pooled by random-effects meta-analysis. Results: 834 studies were identified using MRI in PD but only 48 studies were eligible for inclusion, with a total of 1362 Parkinson’s disease patients and 1023 healthy controls, whose results were divided into four groups: 1st- Structural, Iron and Neuromelanin MRI; 2nd- DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) with FA and MD; 3rd- Spectroscopy (MRS); 4th- fMRI that includes RS-fMRI (resting state fMRI). It was found changes in basal ganglia, thalamus, white and gray matter in the different MRI modalities. In the 1st and 2nd group we performed a meta-analysis for the Volume and Fractional Anisotropy (FA) of the Substantia Nigra (SN) respectively. A good effect size of the reduction was found for both in the PD patients versus controls in structural MRI (-0,877, 95% confidence interval -1,049 to -0.705, p < 0.0001) and in DTI (-0,811, 95% confidence interval -1,036 to -0,586, p < 0,0001). With a low level of heterogeneity. Conclusions: Magnetic Resonance Imaging has a good accuracy in separate PD patients from Healthy Controls, and could have a role in detecting pre manifest disease, monitoring progression and drug therapeutic impact. Larger prospective and longitudinal studies using DTI, Spectroscopy, fMRI, RS-fMRI and other modalities of MRI on larger cohorts of patients with Parkinson´s disease are needed to investigate some of the actual encouraging preliminary findings. Standardization of protocols is a need and will be a reality in the future and that will help us to get better and comparable results. Combination of modalities could improve the diagnostic accuracy

    Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Stereotactic Neurosurgery

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    Stereotactic neurosurgery is a subspecialty within neurosurgery concerned with accurate targeting of brain structures. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a specific type of stereotaxy in which electrodes are implanted in deep brain structures. It has proven therapeutic efficacy in Parkinson’s disease and Essential Tremor, but with an expanding number of indications under evaluation including Alzheimer’s disease, depression, epilepsy, and obesity, many more Canadians with chronic health conditions may benefit. Accurate surgical targeting is crucial with millimeter deviations resulting in unwanted side effects including muscle contractions, or worse, vessel injury. Lack of adequate visualization of surgical targets with conventional lower field strengths (1.5/3 Tesla) has meant that standard-of-care surgical treatment has relied on indirect targeting using standardized landmarks to find a correspondence with a histological ``template\u27\u27 of the brain. For this reason, these procedures routinely require awake testing and microelectrode recording, which increases operating room time, patient discomfort, and risk of complications. Advances in ultra-high field (\u3e= 7 Tesla or 7T) imaging have important potential implications for targeting structures enabling better visualization as a result of its increased (sub-millimeter) spatial resolution, tissue contrast, and signal-to-noise ratio. The work in this thesis explores ways in which ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging can be integrated into the practice of stereotactic neurosurgery. In Chapter 2, an ultra-high field MRI template is integrated into the surgical workflow to assist with planning for deep brain stimulation surgery cases. Chapter 3 describes a novel anatomical fiducial placement protocol that is developed, validated, and used prospectively to quantify the limits of template-assisted surgical planning. In Chapter 4, geometric distortions at 7T that may impede the ability to perform accurate surgical targeting are characterized in participant data, and generally noted to be away from areas of interest for stereotactic targeting. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses a number of important stereotactic targets that are directly visualized and described for the first time in vivo, paving the way for patient-specific surgical planning using ultra-high field MRI

    Cerebellum and neurodegenerative diseases: Beyond conventional magnetic resonance imaging

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    The cerebellum plays a key role in movement control and in cognition and cerebellar involvement is described in several neurodegenerative diseases. While conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used for brain and cerebellar morphologic evaluation, advanced MRI techniques allow the investigation of cerebellar microstructural and functional characteristics. Volumetry, voxel-based morphometry, diffusion MRI based fiber tractography, resting state and task related functional MRI, perfusion, and proton MR spectroscopy are among the most common techniques applied to the study of cerebellum. In the present review, after providing a brief description of each technique's advantages and limitations, we focus on their application to the study of cerebellar injury in major neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and hereditary ataxia. A brief introduction to the pathological substrate of cerebellar involvement is provided for each disease, followed by the review of MRI studies exploring structural and functional cerebellar abnormalities and by a discussion of the clinical relevance of MRI measures of cerebellar damage in terms of both clinical status and cognitive performance

    Magnetic resonance imaging techniques for diagnostics in Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonism

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by rigidity, hypokinesia, tremor and postural instability. PD is a clinical diagnosis based on neurological examination, patient history and treatment response. Similar symptoms can be caused by other movement disorders such as progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and multiple system atrophy (MSA), making it difficult to clinically separate them in early stages. However, these diseases differ in underlying pathology, treatment and prognosis. PSP and MSA have more rapid deterioration and develop additional symptoms such as impaired eye movements or autonomic dysfunction. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly performed as part of the clinical work-up in patients presenting with parkinsonism. There are no overt changes on structural MRI in PD. In atypical parkinsonian syndromes there are typically no visible changes until later disease stages. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate novel MRI techniques for diagnostics and for investigation of disease processes in Parkinson’s disease, PSP and MSA. Paper I: A retrospective cohort from Karolinska University Hospital (102 participants; 62 PD, 15 PSP, 11 MSA, 14 controls) was assessed using susceptibility mapping processed from susceptibility weighted imaging. We show that there is elevated susceptibility in the red nucleus and the globus pallidus in PSP compared to PD, MSA and controls. Higher susceptibility levels were also seen in MSA compared to PD in the putamen, and in PD compared to controls in the substantia nigra. Using the red nucleus susceptibility as a diagnostic biomarker, PSP could be separated from PD with an accuracy of 97% (based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, AUC), from MSA with AUC 75% and from controls with AUC 98%. We concluded that susceptibility changes, particularly in the red nucleus in PSP, could be potential biomarkers for differential diagnostics in parkinsonism. Paper II: A prospective cohort from Lund, the BioFINDER study (199 participants; 134 PD, 11 PSP, 10 MSA, 44 controls), was investigated using the susceptibility mapping pipeline developed for Paper I. The finding from Paper I with elevated susceptibility in the red nucleus was validated for PSP compared to PD, MSA and controls. The elevated putaminal susceptibility was also confirmed in MSA compared to PD. The potential role of red nucleus susceptibility as a biomarker for separating PSP from PD and MSA was also similar to the results in Paper I, with AUC 98% for separating PSP from PD and AUC 96% for separating PSP from MSA. We concluded that we could confirm our previous findings from Paper I, with the red nucleus susceptibility being a potential biomarker for separating PSP from PD and MSA. Paper III: A retrospective cohort from Karolinska University Hospital (196 participants; 140 PD, 29 PSP, 27 MSA) was evaluated to employ automated volumetric brainstem segmentation using FreeSurfer. The volumetric approach was compared to manual planimetric measurements: midbrain-pons ratio, magnetic resonance parkinsonism index 1.0 and 2.0. Intra- and inter-scanner as well as intra- and inter-rater reliability were calculated. We found good repeatability in both automated volumetric and manual planimetric measurements. Normalized midbrain volume performed better than the planimetric measurements for separating PSP from PD. We concluded that, if further developed and incorporated in a radiology workflow, automated brainstem volumetry could increase availability of brainstem metrics and possibly save time for radiologists conducting manual measurements. Paper IV: Two cohorts, a retrospective from Karolinska University Hospital (184 participants; 129 PD, 28 PSP, 27 MSA) and a prospective from Lund (185 participants; 125 PD, 11 PSP, 8 MSA, 41 controls), were studied to investigate a new method of creating T1-/T2-weighted ratio images and its diagnostic capabilities in differentiating parkinsonian disorders. In the explorative retrospective cohort, differences in white matter normalized T1-/T2- weighted ratios were seen in the caudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus, subthalamic nucleus and red nucleus in PSP compared to PD; in the caudate nucleus and putamen in MSA compared to PD and in the subthalamic nucleus and the red nucleus in PSP compared to MSA. These differences were validated externally in the prospective cohort, where the changes could be confirmed in the subthalamic nucleus and the red nucleus in PSP compared to PD and MSA. We concluded that there are different patterns of white matter normalized T1-/T2-weighted ratio between the disorders and that this reflects differences in underlying pathophysiology. The T1-/T2-weighted ratio should be further investigated for better understanding of pathological processes in parkinsonian disorders and could possibly be utilized for diagnostic purposes if further developed

    Clinical applications of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis

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    Introduction: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is of paramount importance for the early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) and MRI findings are part of the MS diagnostic criteria. There is a growing interest in the use of ultra-high-field strength 127&nbsp;Tesla- (7T) MRI to investigate, in vivo, the pathological substrate of the disease. Areas covered: An overview of 7T MRI applications in MS focusing on increased sensitivity for lesion detection, specificity of the central vein sign and better understanding of MS pathophysiology. Implications for disease diagnosis, monitoring and treatment planning are discussed. Expert commentary: 7T MRI provides increased signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise-ratio that allow higher spatial resolution and better detection of anatomical and pathological features. The high spatial resolution reachable at 7T has been a game changer for neuroimaging applications not only in MS but also in epilepsy, brain tumors, dementia, and neuro-psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, the first 7T device has recently been cleared for clinical use by the food and drug administration