9 research outputs found

    Visualization of intricate flow structures for vortex breakdown analysis

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    Journal ArticleVortex breakdowns and flow recirculation are essential phenomena in aeronautics where they appear as a limiting factor in the design of modern aircrafts. Because of the inherent intricacy of these features, standard flow visualization techniques typically yield cluttered depictions. The paper addresses the challenges raised by the visual exploration and validation of two CFD simulations involving vortex breakdown. To permit accurate and insightful visualization we propose a new approach that unfolds the geometry of the breakdown region by letting a plane travel through the structure along a curve. We track the continuous evolution of the associated projected vector field using the theoretical framework of parametric topology. To improve the understanding of the spatial relationship between the resulting curves and lines we use direct volume rendering and multi-dimensional transfer functions for the display of flow-derived scalar quantities. This enriches the visualization and provides an intuitive context for the extracted topological information. Our results offer clear, synthetic depictions that permit new insight into the structural properties of vortex breakdowns

    Volume rendering with multidimensional peak finding

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    Journal ArticlePeak finding provides more accurate classification for direct volume rendering by sampling directly at local maxima in a transfer function, allowing for better reproduction of high-frequency features. However, the 1D peak finding technique does not extend to higherdimensional classification. In this work, we develop a new method for peak finding with multidimensional transfer functions, which looks for peaks along the image of the ray. We use piecewise approximations to dynamically sample in transfer function space between world-space samples. As with unidimensional peak finding, this approach is useful for specifying transfer functions with greater precision, and for accurately rendering noisy volume data at lower sampling rates. Multidimensional peak finding produces comparable image quality with order-of-magnitude better performance, and can reproduce features omitted entirely by standard classification. With no precomputation or storage requirements, it is an attractive alternative to preintegration for multidimensional transfer functions

    Computation of Localized Flow for Steady and Unsteady Vector Fields and its Applications

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    We present, extend, and apply a method to extract the contribution of a subregion of a data set to the global flow. To isolate this contribution, we decompose the flow in the subregion into a potential flow that is induced by the original flow on the boundary and a localized flow. The localized flow is obtained by subtracting the potential flow from the original flow. Since the potential flow is free of both divergence and rotation, the localized flow retains the original features and captures the region-specific flow that contains the local contribution of the considered subdomain to the global flow. In the remainder of the paper, we describe an implementation on unstructured grids in both two and three dimensions for steady and unsteady flow fields. We discuss the application of some widely used feature extraction methods on the localized flow and describe applications like reverse-flow detection using the potential flow. Finally, we show that our algorithm is robust and scalable by applying it to various flow data sets and giving performance figures

    Localized flow, particle tracing, and topological separation analysis for flow visualization

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    Since the very beginning of the development of computers they have been used to accelerate the knowledge gain in science and research. Today they are a core part of most research facilities. Especially in natural and technical sciences they are used to simulate processes that would be hard to observe in real world experiments. Together with measurements from such experiments, simulations produce huge amounts of data that have to be analyzed by researchers to gain new insights and develop their field of science

    Extraction of topological structures in 2D and 3D vector fields

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    feature extraction, feature tracking, vector field visualizationMagdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2008von Tino WeinkaufZsfassung in dt. Sprach