2 research outputs found

    Collapsible Tabular Visualization of Aspects in Object Oriented Programming

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    Due to its implicit invocation nature ofAspect Oriented Programming (AOP), locating a jointpoint for executing aspect is extremely difficult. Hence,it becomes difficult to understand the application’sflow and behavior. Current AOP visualization tools havelimitations such as high dependency on other tools,confusing and excessive use of color to represent aspectsand using an outdated version of AspectJ. In thispaper, we propose a new approach collapsibletabular visualization tool to visualize and represent AOPfeatures to aid the programmers in betterunderstanding AOP applications. We have come outof traditional color-based aspect visualization and developeda web based tool: AspectViz that visualizes the aspects ina simple collapsible table. A questionnaire containingfour different questions related to aspects visualizationwas developed to compare AspectViz with currentvisualization tools. 20 graduate students andprofessional software developers were invited to participatein the test experiment as well as the survey. We havecompared its performance with existing AOPvisualization tools i.e. the AJDT and the AspectMaps andshowed how it outperformed in many cases, which is nocolor confusion, simple tabular visualization of aspects, nodependency on third-party software, easy to understand andthe time it took to find a particular aspect was less etc.Collapsible tabular visualization enhanced the usability andperformance of aspect locating in aspect-orientedprogramming

    Role Based Access Control as SecureUML Model in Web Applications Development with Spring Security

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    TĂ€napĂ€eval on efektiivse Ă€ri ĂŒheks vĂ”tmeks kiire ja edukas veebirakenduste arendus. Samas, uudsed maailmas levinud nĂ”uded eeldavad keerukat lĂ€henemist juurdepÀÀsukontrolli ja kasutajate rĂŒhmade koostöövĂ”ime mÀÀratlemisel. TavapĂ€raselt hĂ”lmab tarkvara arenduse protsess erinevaid vastutavaid osalisi rakenduse hindamisel, plaanide koostamisel, arendusel, rakendamisel ja kasutajatoe tagamisel, mille tulemusena suureneb informatsiooni kadu ja keerukus sihtgruppide vahelises suhtluses. Arendusmeeskonnad peaksid sellise olukorra vĂ€ltimiseks ja vÀÀrtĂ”lgendustest ning turvalisuse nĂ”uete rikkumisest tulenevate vĂ”imalike riskide leevendamiseks tarkvara arenduses kasutama vahendeid, mis vĂ”imaldavad kiiret ja tĂ€pset veebirakenduse interpreteerimist lĂ€bi mudeli. Modelleerimine aitab tunduvalt vĂ€hendada vĂ”imalikke probleeme ja tagab funktsionaalsuse vajadused arvestades soovitud rollipĂ”hise juurdepÀÀsukontrolli mudeliga. Antud töös pakutakse vĂ€lja kontseptuaalne Eclipse IDE lisandmooduli realisatsioon, et toetada ja lihtsustada mudelil baseeruvat lĂ€henemist veebirakenduste arendamisel kasutades Spring platvormi. Loodud lisandmoodul toetab Spring Security esitusviiside tuvastamist koos vĂ”imega visualiseerida nende ĂŒle rollipĂ”hise juurdepÀÀsukontrolli mudelit. Visuaalse mudeli genereerimine toimub kahe peamise astmena: Spring Security konfiguratsiooni tuvastamine ja esituse genereerimine kasutades SecureUML modelleerimise keelt. Loodud lisandmooduli kontseptsioon valideeriti juhtumiuuringutega, mis nĂ€itasid lisandmooduli sobivust tarkvara arendajate jaoks tĂ€nu integreeritud lahendusele, et tagada kiiremat arendust ja abi valitud veebirakenduse rollipĂ”hise juurdepÀÀsukontrolli mudelist arusaamisel.Nowadays fast and successful development of a web application is one of the keys to effective business. However, modern world requirements define the complex approach in definition of ac-cess control and user groups’ interoperability. The software development process typically in-volves different responsible members for the application assessment, planning, development, de-ployment and support, as a consequence, increasing the complexity and information losses be-tween target groups. In order to mitigate possible risks in software development misinterpretation and security violation, teams should use tools that allow fast and accurate interpretation of the web application through a model. Modelling will help with minimization of possible problems and ensure the functionality needs with respect to desired RBAC model. In order to support and simpli-fy the model-driven approach for a web application development with Spring platform, realization of a concept plugin for Eclipse IDE is proposed. This plugin supports the recognition of Spring Security notations with capability to visualize the RBAC model on top of them. The generation of visual model is achieved in two main steps: recognition of Spring Security configuration and gen-eration of representation with SecureUML modeling language. The concept of contributed plugin was validated within case studies that demonstrated the acceptance of this plugin by software de-velopers due to its integrated solution for faster development and help in understanding of RBAC model for the selected web application