5 research outputs found

    Nanopart铆culas como herramientas anal铆ticas y estudios toxicol贸gicos asociados

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    Las nanopart铆culas (NPs) exhiben unas magn铆ficas propiedades fisicoqu铆micas que las hacen ser excelentes candidatas para su uso en numerosos campos de aplicaci贸n incluyendo el 谩mbito de la Qu铆mica Anal铆tica. Con este fin, las NPs pueden emplearse como materiales sorbentes en los m茅todos de tratamiento de muestra que constituyen la primera etapa de la mayor铆a de los procedimientos anal铆ticos [1]. La enorme habilidad de adsorci贸n superficial que muestran hacia numerosos compuestos tanto org谩nicos como inorg谩nicos, justifica la utilizaci贸n de las NPs para la extracci贸n y preconcentraci贸n de los contaminantes de inter茅s ambiental. Asimismo, y dada su versatilidad de aplicaci贸n, las NPs tambi茅n pueden ser explotadas en otras etapas del procedimiento anal铆tico como en la etapa de detecci贸n, para incrementar la sensibilidad de la t茅cnica instrumental y as铆 permitir la detecci贸n de contaminantes a bajas concentraciones. Otra faceta m谩s negativa de las NPs pero no por ello menos importante, es la consideraci贸n de sus posibles efectos toxicol贸gicos sobre los seres vivos y el medio ambiente. La evaluaci贸n de la Nanotoxicidad (toxicidad causada por las NPs) adquiere una importancia mayor dada la imposibilidad de comparar el comportamiento de estos nanomateriales con otros contaminantes ambientales ya estudiados cuando entran en contacto con los sistemas biol贸gicos. Las caracter铆sticas inherentes de las NPs junto con su interacci贸n con otras especies presentes en su entorno, pueden condicionar y variar su toxicidad. La enorme complejidad asociada al establecimiento de efectos toxicol贸gicos bien definidos para las NPs que se est谩n sintetizando continuamente, junto con la variabilidad de los mismos seg煤n las condiciones del entorno, hace necesaria y casi obligatoria la investigaci贸n en este 谩mbito de estudio

    Visual and Colorimetric Sensing of Metsulfuron-Methyl by Exploiting Hydrogen Bond-Induced Anti-Aggregation of Gold Nanoparticles in the Presence of Melamine

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    Various highly sensitive and selective analytical methods have been used to monitor metsulfuron-methyl residue in the environment. However, these methods involve costly instruments and complex, time-consuming operations performed in laboratories. Here, a rapid, convenient, and sensitive colorimetric sensor based on anti-aggregation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is demonstrated for the rapid detection of metsulfuron-methyl in agricultural irrigation water. The AuNPs could be induced to aggregate in the presence of melamine and exhibited a distinct color change from wine-red to blue. The aggregation was suppressed by a strong hydrogen-bonding interaction between metsulfuron-methyl and melamine. The differences of the absorbance at 523 nm (ΔA523) and the color change was linearly related to metsulfuron-methyl concentration over the range 0.1–100 mg/L, as observed visually and by UV-vis (Ultraviolet-visible) spectrometry. The detection limit of the sensor was as low as 0.05 mg/L (signal/noise = 3), and was used to determine metsulfuron-methyl in spiked water and in agricultural irrigation water samples. Recoveries were in the range of 71.2–100.4%, suggesting that the colorimetric sensor was suitable for the determination of metsulfuron-methyl in agricultural water samples

    Visual and Colorimetric Sensing of Metsulfuron-Methyl by Exploiting Hydrogen Bond-Induced Anti-Aggregation of Gold Nanoparticles in the Presence of Melamine

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    Various highly sensitive and selective analytical methods have been used to monitor metsulfuron-methyl residue in the environment. However, these methods involve costly instruments and complex, time-consuming operations performed in laboratories. Here, a rapid, convenient, and sensitive colorimetric sensor based on anti-aggregation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is demonstrated for the rapid detection of metsulfuron-methyl in agricultural irrigation water. The AuNPs could be induced to aggregate in the presence of melamine and exhibited a distinct color change from wine-red to blue. The aggregation was suppressed by a strong hydrogen-bonding interaction between metsulfuron-methyl and melamine. The differences of the absorbance at 523 nm (ΔA523) and the color change was linearly related to metsulfuron-methyl concentration over the range 0.1–100 mg/L, as observed visually and by UV-vis (Ultraviolet-visible) spectrometry. The detection limit of the sensor was as low as 0.05 mg/L (signal/noise = 3), and was used to determine metsulfuron-methyl in spiked water and in agricultural irrigation water samples. Recoveries were in the range of 71.2–100.4%, suggesting that the colorimetric sensor was suitable for the determination of metsulfuron-methyl in agricultural water samples