27,596 research outputs found

    Robust visual servoing in 3d reaching tasks

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    This paper describes a novel approach to the problem of reaching an object in space under visual guidance. The approach is characterized by a great robustness to calibration errors, such that virtually no calibration is required. Servoing is based on binocular vision: a continuous measure of the end-effector motion field, derived from real-time computation of the binocular optical flow over the stereo images, is compared with the actual position of the target and the relative error in the end-effector trajectory is continuously corrected. The paper outlines the general framework of the approach, shows how visual measures are obtained and discusses the synthesis of the controller along with its stability analysis. Real-time experiments are presented to show the applicability of the approach in real 3-D applications

    Using a 3DOF Parallel Robot and a Spherical Bat to hit a Ping-Pong Ball

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    Playing the game of Ping-Pong is a challenge to human abilities since it requires developing skills, such as fast reaction capabilities, precision of movement and high speed mental responses. These processes include the utilization of seven DOF of the human arm, and translational movements through the legs, torso, and other extremities of the body, which are used for developing different game strategies or simply imposing movements that affect the ball such as spinning movements. Computationally, Ping-Pong requires a huge quantity of joints and visual information to be processed and analysed, something which really represents a challenge for a robot. In addition, in order for a robot to develop the task mechanically, it requires a large and dexterous workspace, and good dynamic capacities. Although there are commercial robots that are able to play Ping-Pong, the game is still an open task, where there are problems to be solved and simplified. All robotic Ping-Pong players cited in the bibliography used at least four DOF to hit the ball. In this paper, a spherical bat mounted on a 3-DOF parallel robot is proposed. The spherical bat is used to drive the trajectory of a Ping-Pong ball.Fil: Trasloheros, Alberto. Universidad Aeronáutica de Querétaro; MéxicoFil: Sebastián, José María. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Torrijos, Jesús. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Carelli Albarracin, Ricardo Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Automática. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Automática; ArgentinaFil: Roberti, Flavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Automática. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Automática; Argentin

    The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Spectrographs

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    We describe the design and performance of the near-infrared (1.51--1.70 micron), fiber-fed, multi-object (300 fibers), high resolution (R = lambda/delta lambda ~ 22,500) spectrograph built for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE). APOGEE is a survey of ~ 10^5 red giant stars that systematically sampled all Milky Way populations (bulge, disk, and halo) to study the Galaxy's chemical and kinematical history. It was part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) from 2011 -- 2014 using the 2.5 m Sloan Foundation Telescope at Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico. The APOGEE-2 survey is now using the spectrograph as part of SDSS-IV, as well as a second spectrograph, a close copy of the first, operating at the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Although several fiber-fed, multi-object, high resolution spectrographs have been built for visual wavelength spectroscopy, the APOGEE spectrograph is one of the first such instruments built for observations in the near-infrared. The instrument's successful development was enabled by several key innovations, including a "gang connector" to allow simultaneous connections of 300 fibers; hermetically sealed feedthroughs to allow fibers to pass through the cryostat wall continuously; the first cryogenically deployed mosaic volume phase holographic grating; and a large refractive camera that includes mono-crystalline silicon and fused silica elements with diameters as large as ~ 400 mm. This paper contains a comprehensive description of all aspects of the instrument including the fiber system, optics and opto-mechanics, detector arrays, mechanics and cryogenics, instrument control, calibration system, optical performance and stability, lessons learned, and design changes for the second instrument.Comment: 81 pages, 67 figures, PASP, accepte

    Nuclear Bar, Star Formation and Gas Fueling in the Active Galaxy NGC 4303

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    A combination of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 and NICMOS images are used to investigate the gas/dust and stellar structure inside the central 300 pc of the nearby active galaxy NGC 4303. The NICMOS H-band (F160W) image reveals a bright core and a nuclear elongated bar-like structure of 250 pc in diameter. The bar is centered on the bright core, and its major axis is oriented in proyection along the spin axis of the nuclear gaseous rotating disk recently detected (Colina & Arribas 1999). The V-H (F606W - F160W) image reveals a complex gas/dust distribution with a two-arm spiral structure of about 225 pc in radius. The southwestern arm is traced by young star-forming knots while the northeastern arm is detected by the presence of dust lanes. These spirals do not have a smooth structure but rather they are made of smaller flocculent spirals or filament-like structures. The magnitudes and colors of the star-forming knots are typical of clusters of young stars with masses of 0.5 to 1 x 105Msolar,andagesof5to25millionyears.Theoverallstructureofthenuclearspiralsaswellasthesize,numberandmassesofthestarformingknotsareexplainedinthecontextofamassivegaseousnucleardisksubjecttoselfgravitationalinstabilitiesandtothegravitationalfieldcreatedbythenuclearbar.Accordingtothemodel,thegaseousdiskhasamassofabout5x107Msolarinsidearadiusof400pc,thebarhasaradiusof150pcandapatternspeedofabout0.5Myr1,andtheaveragemassaccretionrateintothecore(R<8pc)isabout0.01Msolar10^5 M_{solar}, and ages of 5 to 25 million years. The overall structure of the nuclear spirals as well as the size, number and masses of the star-forming knots are explained in the context of a massive gaseous nuclear disk subject to self-gravitational instabilities and to the gravitational field created by the nuclear bar. According to the model, the gaseous disk has a mass of about 5 x 10^7 M_{solar} inside a radius of 400 pc, the bar has a radius of 150 pc and a pattern speed of about 0.5 Myr^{-1}, and the average mass accretion rate into the core (R < 8 pc) is about 0.01 M_{solar} yr^{-1} for about 80 Myr.Comment: ApJ, in press (February 1, 2000

    Two-dimensional homography-based correction of positional errors in widefield MRT images

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    A steradian of the southern sky has been imaged at 151.5 MHz using the Mauritius Radio Telescope (MRT). These images show systematics in positional errors of sources when compared to source positions in the Molonglo Reference Catalogue (MRC). We have applied two-dimensional homography to correct for systematic positional errors in the image domain and thereby avoid re-processing the visibility data. Positions of bright (above 15-{\sigma}) point sources, common to MRT catalogue and MRC, are used to set up an over-determined system to solve for the homography matrix. After correction the errors are found to be within 10% of the beamwidth for these bright sources and the systematics are eliminated from the images. This technique will be of relevance to the new generation radio telescopes where, owing to huge data rates, only images after a certain integration would be recorded as opposed to raw visibilities. It is also interesting to note how our investigations cued to possible errors in the array geometry. The analysis of positional errors of sources showed that MRT images are stretched in declination by ~1 part in 1000. This translates to a compression of the baseline scale in the visibility domain. The array geometry was re-estimated using the astrometry principle. The estimates show an error of ~1 mm/m, which results in an error of about half a wavelength at 150 MHz for a 1 km north-south baseline. The estimates also indicate that the east-west arm is inclined by an angle of ~40 arcsec to the true east-west direction.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA