10 research outputs found

    Visual Compositional Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection

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    Human-Object interaction (HOI) detection aims to localize and infer relationships between human and objects in an image. It is challenging because an enormous number of possible combinations of objects and verbs types forms a long-tail distribution. We devise a deep Visual Compositional Learning (VCL) framework, which is a simple yet efficient framework to effectively address this problem. VCL first decomposes an HOI representation into object and verb specific features, and then composes new interaction samples in the feature space via stitching the decomposed features. The integration of decomposition and composition enables VCL to share object and verb features among different HOI samples and images, and to generate new interaction samples and new types of HOI, and thus largely alleviates the long-tail distribution problem and benefits low-shot or zero-shot HOI detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed VCL can effectively improve the generalization of HOI detection on HICO-DET and V-COCO and outperforms the recent state-of-the-art methods on HICO-DET. Code is available at https://github.com/zhihou7/VCL.Comment: Accepted in ECCV202

    DecAug: Augmenting HOI Detection via Decomposition

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    Human-object interaction (HOI) detection requires a large amount of annotated data. Current algorithms suffer from insufficient training samples and category imbalance within datasets. To increase data efficiency, in this paper, we propose an efficient and effective data augmentation method called DecAug for HOI detection. Based on our proposed object state similarity metric, object patterns across different HOIs are shared to augment local object appearance features without changing their state. Further, we shift spatial correlation between humans and objects to other feasible configurations with the aid of a pose-guided Gaussian Mixture Model while preserving their interactions. Experiments show that our method brings up to 3.3 mAP and 1.6 mAP improvements on V-COCO and HICODET dataset for two advanced models. Specifically, interactions with fewer samples enjoy more notable improvement. Our method can be easily integrated into various HOI detection models with negligible extra computational consumption. Our code will be made publicly available

    Class-level Structural Relation Modelling and Smoothing for Visual Representation Learning

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    Representation learning for images has been advanced by recent progress in more complex neural models such as the Vision Transformers and new learning theories such as the structural causal models. However, these models mainly rely on the classification loss to implicitly regularize the class-level data distributions, and they may face difficulties when handling classes with diverse visual patterns. We argue that the incorporation of the structural information between data samples may improve this situation. To achieve this goal, this paper presents a framework termed \textbf{C}lass-level Structural Relation Modeling and Smoothing for Visual Representation Learning (CSRMS), which includes the Class-level Relation Modelling, Class-aware Graph Sampling, and Relational Graph-Guided Representation Learning modules to model a relational graph of the entire dataset and perform class-aware smoothing and regularization operations to alleviate the issue of intra-class visual diversity and inter-class similarity. Specifically, the Class-level Relation Modelling module uses a clustering algorithm to learn the data distributions in the feature space and identify three types of class-level sample relations for the training set; Class-aware Graph Sampling module extends typical training batch construction process with three strategies to sample dataset-level sub-graphs; and Relational Graph-Guided Representation Learning module employs a graph convolution network with knowledge-guided smoothing operations to ease the projection from different visual patterns to the same class. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of structured knowledge modelling for enhanced representation learning and show that CSRMS can be incorporated with any state-of-the-art visual representation learning models for performance gains. The source codes and demos have been released at https://github.com/czt117/CSRMS

    Towards Hard-Positive Query Mining for DETR-based Human-Object Interaction Detection

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    Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection is a core task for high-level image understanding. Recently, Detection Transformer (DETR)-based HOI detectors have become popular due to their superior performance and efficient structure. However, these approaches typically adopt fixed HOI queries for all testing images, which is vulnerable to the location change of objects in one specific image. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose to enhance DETR's robustness by mining hard-positive queries, which are forced to make correct predictions using partial visual cues. First, we explicitly compose hard-positive queries according to the ground-truth (GT) position of labeled human-object pairs for each training image. Specifically, we shift the GT bounding boxes of each labeled human-object pair so that the shifted boxes cover only a certain portion of the GT ones. We encode the coordinates of the shifted boxes for each labeled human-object pair into an HOI query. Second, we implicitly construct another set of hard-positive queries by masking the top scores in cross-attention maps of the decoder layers. The masked attention maps then only cover partial important cues for HOI predictions. Finally, an alternate strategy is proposed that efficiently combines both types of hard queries. In each iteration, both DETR's learnable queries and one selected type of hard-positive queries are adopted for loss computation. Experimental results show that our proposed approach can be widely applied to existing DETR-based HOI detectors. Moreover, we consistently achieve state-of-the-art performance on three benchmarks: HICO-DET, V-COCO, and HOI-A. Code is available at https://github.com/MuchHair/HQM.Comment: Accepted by ECCV202

    Visual Semantic Parsing: From Images to Abstract Meaning Representation

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    The success of scene graphs for visual scene understanding has brought attention to the benefits of abstracting a visual input (e.g., image) into a structured representation, where entities (people and objects) are nodes connected by edges specifying their relations. Building these representations, however, requires expensive manual annotation in the form of images paired with their scene graphs or frames. These formalisms remain limited in the nature of entities and relations they can capture. In this paper, we propose to leverage a widely-used meaning representation in the field of natural language processing, the Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), to address these shortcomings. Compared to scene graphs, which largely emphasize spatial relationships, our visual AMR graphs are more linguistically informed, with a focus on higher-level semantic concepts extrapolated from visual input. Moreover, they allow us to generate meta-AMR graphs to unify information contained in multiple image descriptions under one representation. Through extensive experimentation and analysis, we demonstrate that we can re-purpose an existing text-to-AMR parser to parse images into AMRs. Our findings point to important future research directions for improved scene understanding.Comment: published in CoNLL 202

    Discovering Human-Object Interaction Concepts via Self-Compositional Learning

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    A comprehensive understanding of human-object interaction (HOI) requires detecting not only a small portion of predefined HOI concepts (or categories) but also other reasonable HOI concepts, while current approaches usually fail to explore a huge portion of unknown HOI concepts (i.e., unknown but reasonable combinations of verbs and objects). In this paper, 1) we introduce a novel and challenging task for a comprehensive HOI understanding, which is termed as HOI Concept Discovery; and 2) we devise a self-compositional learning framework (or SCL) for HOI concept discovery. Specifically, we maintain an online updated concept confidence matrix during training: 1) we assign pseudo-labels for all composite HOI instances according to the concept confidence matrix for self-training; and 2) we update the concept confidence matrix using the predictions of all composite HOI instances. Therefore, the proposed method enables the learning on both known and unknown HOI concepts. We perform extensive experiments on several popular HOI datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for HOI concept discovery, object affordance recognition and HOI detection. For example, the proposed self-compositional learning framework significantly improves the performance of 1) HOI concept discovery by over 10% on HICO-DET and over 3% on V-COCO, respectively; 2) object affordance recognition by over 9% mAP on MS-COCO and HICO-DET; and 3) rare-first and non-rare-first unknown HOI detection relatively over 30% and 20%, respectively. Code and models will be made publicly available at https://github.com/zhihou7/HOI-CL.Comment: Technical Repor

    Mining Cross-Person Cues for Body-Part Interactiveness Learning in HOI Detection

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    Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection plays a crucial role in activity understanding. Though significant progress has been made, interactiveness learning remains a challenging problem in HOI detection: existing methods usually generate redundant negative H-O pair proposals and fail to effectively extract interactive pairs. Though interactiveness has been studied in both whole body- and part- level and facilitates the H-O pairing, previous works only focus on the target person once (i.e., in a local perspective) and overlook the information of the other persons. In this paper, we argue that comparing body-parts of multi-person simultaneously can afford us more useful and supplementary interactiveness cues. That said, to learn body-part interactiveness from a global perspective: when classifying a target person's body-part interactiveness, visual cues are explored not only from herself/himself but also from other persons in the image. We construct body-part saliency maps based on self-attention to mine cross-person informative cues and learn the holistic relationships between all the body-parts. We evaluate the proposed method on widely-used benchmarks HICO-DET and V-COCO. With our new perspective, the holistic global-local body-part interactiveness learning achieves significant improvements over state-of-the-art. Our code is available at https://github.com/enlighten0707/Body-Part-Map-for-Interactiveness.Comment: To appear in ECCV 202

    Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

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    Existing research addresses scene graph generation (SGG) -- a critical technology for scene understanding in images -- from a detection perspective, i.e., objects are detected using bounding boxes followed by prediction of their pairwise relationships. We argue that such a paradigm causes several problems that impede the progress of the field. For instance, bounding box-based labels in current datasets usually contain redundant classes like hairs, and leave out background information that is crucial to the understanding of context. In this work, we introduce panoptic scene graph generation (PSG), a new problem task that requires the model to generate a more comprehensive scene graph representation based on panoptic segmentations rather than rigid bounding boxes. A high-quality PSG dataset, which contains 49k well-annotated overlapping images from COCO and Visual Genome, is created for the community to keep track of its progress. For benchmarking, we build four two-stage baselines, which are modified from classic methods in SGG, and two one-stage baselines called PSGTR and PSGFormer, which are based on the efficient Transformer-based detector, i.e., DETR. While PSGTR uses a set of queries to directly learn triplets, PSGFormer separately models the objects and relations in the form of queries from two Transformer decoders, followed by a prompting-like relation-object matching mechanism. In the end, we share insights on open challenges and future directions.Comment: Accepted to ECCV'22 (Paper ID #222, Final Score 2222). Project Page: https://psgdataset.org/. OpenPSG Codebase: https://github.com/Jingkang50/OpenPS

    Learning Transferable Representations for Hierarchical Relationship Exploration

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    The visual scenes are composed of basic elements, such as objects, parts, and other semantic regions. It is well-acknowledged that humans perceive the world in a compositional and hierarchical way in which visual scenes are treated as a layout of distinct semantic objects/attributes/parts. Those separated objects/attributes/parts are linked together via different relationships, including visual relationships and semantic relationships. Particularly, the shared parts/attributes/objects of the visual concepts (object, visual relationships), are shared and thus transferable among different visual concepts. Humans can easily imagine a new composite concept from the shared parts of different concepts, while one of the important shortcomings of current deep neural networks is the compositional perception ability and thus it requires a large scale of data to optimize the deep neural networks. From the perspective of compositional perception, this thesis thinks one of the limitations of typical neural networks is that the factor representations of deep neural networks are not sharable and transferable among different concepts. Therefore, the thesis introduces various techniques, including compositional learning framework, compositional invariant learning, and BatchFormer module, to enable the factor representations of deep neural networks sharable and transferable among different concepts for hierarchical relationship exploration, involving human-object interaction, 3D human-object interaction and sample relationships