3 research outputs found

    Web Application Generator with Use of VIPS Algorithm

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    V práci je obsažen popis visuálního segmentačního algoritmu, který je využíván pro rozdělení webové stránky na bloky. Rozdělení na visuální bloky je provedeno za účelem přiřazení funkčních bloků. V systému je umožněno vytvářet datový model, který je součástí definice funkčních bloků. Práce obsahuje návrh generátoru webových aplikací, kde návrh webové aplikace je proveden na úrovní uživatelského rozhraní. Vygenerovaná aplikace je rozšiřitelná a použitelná pro další vývoj.This thesis contains description of Visual Segmentation Algorithm, which is used for dividing web page to blocks. The purpose of this segmentation is to assign functional blocks to the visual blocks. It is possible to create a data model in the system, which is part of the definition of the functional blocks. The project also contains a generator of web applications, where the design is made by user interface layer. The generated application is extendable and reusable for next development.

    Visual Clue Based Extraction of Web Data from Flat and Nested Data Records

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    This paper studies the problem of identification and extraction of structured data items from the nested and flat records of given web pages. Each of such pages may contain several groups of structured records. Most of the existing methods still have certain limitations. In this paper, we propose a more novel and effective technique for the extraction of data items. Given a page, the proposed technique first identifies the data region based on the visual clue information. It then extracts each record from the data region and identifies it whether it is a flat or nested records based on visual information – the area covered and the number of data items present in each record. The next step is data items extraction from these records and transferring them into the database. Once the data items are present in the database knowledge discovery can be carried out. This technique extracts data items fro the both nested and flat records. Our experimental results show that the proposed technique is effective and better than existing techniques